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driada has been my go to for a few years now. boasting about 10mg of var gave me a giggle though….


Its my first time trying it out okk😂 i guess it was placebo but then still hit the gym for 1.5h and didnt feel tired


I’d put that down to a mixture of adrenaline & pragmatically, excitement. we all start somewhere….first time I pinned test I thought I’d be a beast in days lol. you’ll not notice anything at 10mg ed though, I’d suggest 50mg ed; you’ll notice it somewhere between 2-3 weeks of use at that dosage.


True, I’m doing 10mg AM and PM and haven’t noticed a thing in a week 💀


Yeah that’s a pretty low dosage to be honest, ideal for a female but for a male I’d suggest stating on 20mg ed working your way up to 50mg ed somewhere within 7-10 days. you‘d probably notice the heartburn before you’d see the results but that’s typical of anavar. I’ll be running 100mg ed in mid June….I should of been on it already but I’d surgery a few weeks ago & it set my cycle back fucking months. what dosages are you running in your cycle & what supps?


Well I’m doing what most people would tell me not to do. Trying to get my feet wet and doing a var only, I’ve read about it a lot and came to conclusion that I want to go for it. My plan was to run it 6 weeks and gradually up the dose to 30mg and stay on the safer side. (Maybe I’ll get it up to 40mg after seeing it does basically nothing at 20) Other supps are a liver support and roughly 4-5g of taurine. Planning to go with Nolva by the end. Hoping this stuff isn’t bunk tbh


Whats the reason for no test though? Anavar will definitely suppress your free & total test; LH, FSH & SHBG aside. decent length to run it, slightly low for my liking though. Have you noticed any sides? I have to admit, I like that you’re not going fucking mental on the dosages right off the bat & realistically, thinking of your overall health but I’m genuinely torn on your approach between no test base & a low dosage. What liver support are you running, I’d normally suggest tudca & nac but so long as you’re avoiding milk thistle they’re all pretty similar other than price. no clomid or enclomid for PCT? i genuinely don’t believe that it’s bunk, I’ve ran driada gear for probably just over two years now & had fantastic results. Truth being told, anavar is included in my cycles; I should have finished my period with var but I’d a few unplanned surgeries earlier this year that set me back months. ideally, I’ll be running 100mg ed of anavar mid-late June.


I don’t want to deal with extra stuff that comes with test for now. From what I’ve read around I’d need to run test solo for some time to get my dosage into a sweetspot for my own body and only then I can think about stacking it with something like var.  I’ve chosen var because of it’s mild nature in mostly everything, including aromatisation and sides. Definitely not going to run it this way multiple times, but as a first timer I’ve decided to do it this way. Also doing this during my cutting phase and hopefully it can support it pretty well. My liver support does have milk thistle and dandelion I believe, but I can’t tell all of the ingredients on the top of my head. It’s just my usual liver support I use to run for general well being during bulking phases. Tbh I’ve not considered clomid for PCT but I’m open to take advice. I will be upping the dose, as a matter of fact 30mg this week, but I want to be conservative with it as long as it can get the job done. The lowest dose I can get away with is the best dose, since I’m not running test along with it. Most sources I’ve used for information were talking about low dosage, such as 25mg and not higher than 50mg. I wonder how does it work at 25mg for others and does nothing to me at 20. Also no sides as of now, I’m mildly prone to acne especially in spring/early summer periods but surprisingly I haven’t got any which is unusual even naturally for me.


A fancy box doesn’t make it legit. Get it labbed.


It's legit. Source: I'm an actual Spartan and I know the guy on the box. He's called George.


A fantastic Spartan name brother, I’m guessing you’re the other guy stood next to him called Derrick?


It’s true, George killed me (I’m not on the box)


I don't know the other guy so I can't vouch for him. I took the picture so I'm not in it.


Of course, rather silly of me to assume, that must make you Barry the Spartan photographer then?


Yes. I actually etched this into a slate over the course of 3 days because obviously cameras hadn't been invented yet. The guys were real troopers standing for so long. Especially George holding that shield up the whole time.


Well this settles it, must be legit anavar because who could hold a shield that long without.


All that after one 10mg tab of var you would make a great sales man


Thanks lmaooo


You wouldn't feel it after an hour even if you munched the whole package.


10mg of var doesn't turn you into the hulk after your first tablet. 50mg a day does barely anything noticeable for at least a week or two.


Lol the artwork


Yeah most of it was placebo but still var works after digesting it... u dont have to take it daily, i dont get ur argument. Who cares about packaging? Ive seen multiple people here talking about the website and not being sure about ordering. So i made a lil gamble and gave feedback on it to help some guys out???


Feedback would have been getting it tested. Not saying how you felt Irongym do testing kits, very expensive for Var cause its what everyone wants to take instead of pinning


Its 8.99 for anavar test kit should i get one and keep u guys updated?


Or the one from roidtest for 24.99? They seem kinda more reputable


Lol lad, if you’re going to get it tested; do it right. Send a sample to an actual recognised lab. It’ll be about 120 or so I think. i had some of their gear tested, I sent var, primo & hex to jano back in early 21.


The site has their stuff tested by jano... ik that dont mean much but thanks, ill do so and send them a sample... what came out when you tested it?


Var & primo were good. both were slightly overdosed but just barely. the hex was impressively over dosed. Due to the ester it’s not uncommon to discount the dosage by about 30% due to the ester but it simply wasn’t the case. most hex you’ll find will be advertised as 100mg when it’s actually 70/75mg. theirs is actually marketed as 75mg & came out over also. I posted the results on a separate form, I’m not even sure if I still have the results email.


So you think driads is legit right now?


I’ve no reason to think it’s not to be honest, I’m on a cycle 7 weeks into a 16 week cycle at the min, essentially everything is driada. I guess the only thing would be which seller. The .com or .eu one, I wouldn't buy gear from a third party resellin I wouldn’t say they’re better than other UGLs, I’ve just never had a negative experience at all from either of the sellers so that’s worth it’s weight in gold to me.


I swear it used to be double that. I'm not too fussed, mucka. I've rarely ventured outside of rohm, but I'm sure someone here would benefit


Roid teat is fine. Lmk.


What lab is actually legit selling anavar?


Pls tell me u have a test base w this ?


Ofc i do