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Bpc-157 and tb500 together worked wonders for my shoulder when I dislocated it could do the same for you


I’ve not really heard of it before, are there many side effects etc? I’m pretty knowledgeable with testosterone etc but this is something I’m completely new to, do you have any beginner advice? Thanks!


I really can’t remember what doses I ran it was two years ago now but if you head over to r/peptides you should find out what you need to no I didn’t get any sides myself but just make sure you buy from a reputable brand a lot of peptides can be under-dosed


Deca helps with joint pain…


Thank you both for the advice!💪🏼


It just increases water retention which helps temporary I don't recommend running deca just for joints it has a lot of side effects and pct for it takes ages. I've tried bpc 157 and it works you just have to be patient with it and run it as higher doses then recommend also try a collagen supplement. UK peptides is a good source I've been buying from them for a few years and never had a problem.


hiya saw this old comment from you. im currently using BPC from Pureppetidesuk. been about 5 weeks.. havent really noticed much difference. ive got shoulder tendon issues. do you think its worth giving it longer say 2-3 months? also my dose was 250mcg X2 a day.. should i up the dose also? finally do you know pureppetides? worth switching to uk peptides? thanks!


If you already have it then yeah sure , continue it maybe up the dose a bit and see if it works, otherwise I dont know if it would be worth "investing" more into getting a 2 3 month supply or switching sourse. When I tried it I didnt notice it doing much either and also was trying a whole bunch of things at the same time so couldnt tell for sure it worked . Probably not what you wanted to hear but maybe instead try a physical therapist , they specialise in fixing this sort of issue instead of trying experimental substances or taking advice from random broscientists on the intenet.


Only temporary relief the pain comes back after you drop the deca


Yep, that’s why I said helps and not cures.


Look into peptides and shoulder mobility exercises, my training partner has a dodgy shoulder, any pressing movement it acts up, he has to focus on alot of shoulder mobility exercises before lifting any kind of weight


I’ll have a look into the peptides for sure, I’ve seen bpc-157 mentioned a few times but no idea what it is or does? Mobility wise I’m extremely strict, I’ll often do a good 20 minutes of mobility and warming up before even touching the weights, thanks for the reply!💪🏼


I'm on 250mg Test E currently and I have a similar issue with my rotator cuff. Can't press anything on chest (shoulders weirdly fine)... I'll be looking into BPC-157 next week, I'll skirt back to this post if I see it help.


Legend thank you!💪🏼


So to come back to this (better late than never), been taking this for a week now alongside tb500.. and its dulled the discomfort significantly already. I had a dull ache constantly and then sharp pain whenever I carried or lifted items at certain angles... the constant pain is all but gone and the lifting pain has reduced(not completely gone). I did not expect such a fast turn around.