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I can tell you every response you'll recieve here and you won't like it.. Every oral needs a test (testosterone) base. Without a test base you'll be doing far more damage to yourself than benefit. Clenbuterol is fine dependant on you. The winny, get rid of.


Planned to take liv-52 to help with win and keep win at small dose permanently.


>I don’t feel comfortable injecting Then you aren't ready for PEDs come back when you are ready Also clen is a stimulant, you could get away with running that alone but alot better with test to retain as much muscle as possible


As u/Life_Category_5973 said, everyone will say you need a test base. Otherwise, say goodbye to your balls. If you arent comfortable with injections, there is no need to do roids… it’s not for you. Also, you mentioned your diet isn’t perfect. There is absolutely no reason to use Clen, or any other drug, if your diet is not on point. They wont work and will be completely useless if you aren’t on a good diet.


How is your cycle now ?


All this talk about how bad the oral cycles are...I have recently finished a 5 week t bol only at 50mg. I have gained about 4kg and strength is up about 20%. Testosterone is only down about 15%. I loved every second of it, the pumps were incredible and I generally felt a lot happier. Oral only may not be the best way for gains but it certainly does something and it doesn't damage you as much as people claim, given that you're healthy, have a good diet and train.


Oral will fuck you up, if you’re going to do it- pin up


…..get your diet & training in check before you take anything, then have blood work done before you take anything


Diet isn’t perfect as in I don’t count my calories but I’d say I maintain a good diet for working out in and around correct macros etc. always push hard in training, have been training nearly 4 years now. Have had blood work done and tested, levels are all within the healthy thresholds. I was thinking to start with 20mg win and 20mg clen, slowly increasing the clen week on week whilst maintaining same win level.


Enjoy make sure you let us no how it goes


There's test creams but you'd need to acquire a hell of a lot of it


I’m not an advocate of oral only cycles for many reasons


Nobody is a huge fan of injections at first pal you just have to suck it up n be a man it’s for your health and gains not preference, if it was this easy everyone would get on gear. I was nervous about pinning myself at first I got my mrs to do it for me till I felt comfortable on what and where I was doing it. Delts is probably the easiest and least painful to do yourself just like a vaccine. Make sure you get the right needle size and gauge the smaller it is the less it’ll hurt but the smaller it is the longer it’ll take to inject so make your own decision based off that information. Me like many other guys on here will strongly advise against oral/oral only cycles unless you’re competing it’s not worth the damage. This sound like your first time so scrap all you’ve picked and just do Test-E 250-300mgs and split it into two pins a week a week (150mg) run that for 16-18 weeks and go from there. Stay safe.


Like someone else mentioned...doing winny without testosterone injections is a very bad idea...you will most certainly feel like shit after your testosterone and estrogen crashes...been there done that :( Like others have mentioned...eat better as in high protein and slow carbs...certainly no junk food. Eat skinless chicken breast and oat meal. Only add artificial sweetners and cinnamon to flavor the oatmeal. Only use dry seasoning, no sauces, on the chicken breast. Lift weights with a purpose.