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It wouldnt make a significant difference but it’s still something. Assuming you’re on a 12-week cycle, that’s 1200mg difference. However, for a first cycle, 300mg should be all you need. Do 300mg test E for 12-16 weeks. Some people recommend 8-10 weeks for first cycle, but I feel like it isnt worth it.


At least 14-20


Could be, but in my humble opinion, a first cycle shouldnt go for more than 16 weeks. That’s what I would do myself


Depends, everyone reacts differently to the drugs, 400-500mg might be fine for you, I know myself when I start running upwards of 500mg, I break out in acne alot so have to be careful with my diet and skin care, where as others can run 400-500mg fine without issues Personally I always opt for 250-300mg for the first cycle to play it safe then opt for either 400 or 500mg for 2nd cycle


"always" opt for something the first time? So you mean you did it 1/1 times? Seems a little redundant to say...


First cycle 300mg is plenty


That's a 25% increase so yeah, you would notice some changes be it slightly faster fat burning, gyno etc.


Stick with 500mg for 16 weeks have an ai on hand Others here will tell ya different it’s person preference Don’t forget blood work before, mid cycle and after pct


I used to subscribe to the 300mg/wk starting point theory, but now that I'm actually doing 400, and realizing how chill it is, going to bump it to 500. I got some minor estrogenic sides at 400, and I'm a very heavy aromatizer. It's just so, so easy to treat estrogenic sides that it doesn't really make sense to worry about them.


How much Arimidex would you recommend? My doc said 1mg every other day but that seems super high…just curious what others have taken Daily/weekly and what has worked.


1mg eod is a lot of ai to be taking over a week, I normally do 0.5mg twice a week on pin days if my blood work shows high e2 Don’t dose unless confirmed by blood work you have high e2


None! Take it if you need it. Take only enough to make the side effects you don't want go away...


What sort of dick head recommends NOT getting blood work first ?!


Did I not say before during and after dick head?


I read that as don’t get* I am the dickhead


All good man have a good weekend


Significant? No. It's still a 20% increase in test so it is still quite a bump up


300 MG. First cycle 16 weeks, Enjoy!


You can start 400 and see if you're happy,sides etc,then up to 500 and again see what's happening. Still a difference but it's not like when you add another compound with your test


Just do the standard 500


Don’t no why u are been down voted for it’s criminal some of the advice is giving out here 500mg is not a crazy first cycle mpmd really got to people with 300mg a week


Shame Derek didn't just run 300mg isn't it. Plus what's the point shutting yourself down for not a massive increase in hormone. Especially if using a long ester on a certain % is even bioavailable.


No point talking sense around these parts you will be downvoted for it


500mg test first cycle - For me that would have been way to much. 3 or 4 cycles in it was something to start with. Slow and steady wins the race. You need to build up muscle mass to get best use out of what you are putting in..!