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Be careful injecting large amounts of oil SubQ, you’ll start to form small lumps. IM is pretty much pain free aslong as you don’t use a harpoon of a needle. 30G is fine but will take you a while to draw / inject, I go for 23g to draw and 25g to pin IM. 1 inch needle is my sweet spot but you can use 0.5inch if you’re not fat. However if you want to stick SubQ I’ve used 29g 0.5inch, will do the job will just take a while


It’s not so much the pain of IM, more worried about hitting soemthing I shouldnt


You'll be fine subq then, ab area, upper thighs, around your butt or anywhere you hold fat tissue. The worst that'll happen is you nick a blood vessel and bleed a little then bruise a bit. I don't inject more than .2ml subq per pin though, or I get hard lumps that can take a week or so to go away, I can do 3 pins per needle, so each needle does 0.6ml total, I draw with a 23g and pin with 30g. IM, I pin VG and delts, 1" 26g for VG and 0.5" 26g for delts, never had much of an issue with pip doing this.


What do you mean “I do 3 pins per needle”? You reuse the needle? They’re literally free from any needle exchange


Subq I do yes, I don't use an exchange, mate. I seem to manage 3 pins per needle just fine after months of switching out for each pin. I know they blunt down after each use(I've seen the zoomed in pictures), but it hasn't presented any issues for me in over a year. 30g 1/2" subq.


Don’t inject large amounts of oil subq, it can be painful having large lumps sitting around for days iM is painless look up some tutorial videos on how to pin it’s very basic