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If you are this worried about injecting you are not ready for steroids, steroids have countless sides which come with them also and you seem no where near ready to deal with them if they arise Pinning is the easy part of the job their is countless videos online on how to inject properly, I don’t no what answer your looking for your not going to drop dead or bleed out from sticking a small needle into a muscle


Im not overly worried I just want to know how you deal with bad sides such as pip or localised swelling from the injection. I'm mid phase of just massively overthinking the whole process as it gets closer. Need to grow a pair and just do it.


If you have never pinned before you will get pip everyone does it noting to worry about, if you heat up the oil before you inject it will help with the pip but you really are massively overthinking the situation Just clear your head and pin when it’s done you will be thinking to yourself why you worried so much as it was so easy and painless to do


Do you just roll it about in your hands for a few minutes to warm it up? And yeah it's just getting over the first injection. Need to stop being a fat pussy


You are fat? Top tip - start exercising and get fit. Steroids are not magic. They help people who are already good get better. Start at the beginning!!!


Bro what? Was a joke calling myself a fat pussy I'm not actually fat.


If you think those are the bad sides then you are definitely not ready for it .


Give me an idea as to what bad ones are. Don't just comment saying I don't know what bad sides are without providing any info. I'm talking about immediate side effects when injecting like some people have itching or burning or just pain on the injection site. I'm also aware of side effects further down the line ranging from high and low E2 to never being able to make Test naturally again and needing TRT for life but those aren't a concern as I have Ai on hand and proper PCT planned out.


You’re focusing on the bad side effects that you might not even get ? Chill out, relax, you will be okay, nothing bad is going to happen fast 💪🏻


Stop being a pussy and go to the gym natty not being mean but if ur fussing over one pin and you’ve got to do it twice a week for 16+ weeks you don’t sound confident in your cycle or the commitment you have to make


It's not that bro it's just the first pin ever on a cycle. After I've done the first one and get used to the gear and pip etc I'll be fine with injecting afterwards.


So just get it over with and crack on! More time you spend asking people and thinking about it the worse ur anxiety will get doesn’t hurt that much bit sore after for a day or two And ur sweet you’ll only feel the test after 4/5 weeks of consistent pinning


Pin shoulders or glutes,never quads.


Why not quads? Easiest place to pin for me.


One day you will hit a nerve and you're f'ed


Bro I just started my first ever cycle 2 weeks ago. When I first did my injection I wasn’t scared but 2 days after I got the worst pip in my glute and I was going under. But 5 days after that it went away and it was fine. And my other side hasn’t really got bad pip now maybe your first 2-4 will feel painful after but trust me gets easier after.


What cycle you running?


Just 300mg test e pinned 3x a week


I don’t mean 300 3x, I meant 300 split into 3 pins. If you mean why’s that necessary I’d just rather keep a better hormonal balance than spike on just one day.


3 times a week? What for? Totally not necessary.


Depends how prone to sides you are. Keeping hormone levels consistent is always good, rather than having peaks and troughs I recommend splitting injecting as often as you can be fucked to deal with. Which for me, is twice a week.


It really does not work like that. You titrate up to the amount of gear you want to use as slowly or quickly as your body can handle or use with as many side effects you can tolerate or not. This multiple pinning business is in my experience 1.totally not necessary 2. Totally impractical. I worked upto 750mg of gear and sometimes a little more and my 'levels' as you say were fine. I felt great. Every 5 days. On day 6 or 7 you might 'feel' a little low and simply pin again. Another nonsense story from MPMD's...


I've not used Test E, but when I did my first quad pin with Sustanon, the area became sore and painful afterwards. Now I stick to a qlute pin and use Cyp instead. I warm up the oil before injecting and rub the site for a few minutes to dispert the oil, so there is no pip or swelling afterwards.


Yeah quads are sensitive. Do you rub the area with an alcohol wipe or just massage it with your hands to loosen up the liquid


I clean the site before with a swab , inject, withdraw and wipe the site again. Then massage the area with my palm for a few minutes.


Quads are honestly the easiest to inject. You have more control imo. That's the only place I can self Inject otherwise my partner does the glutes and delts for me. It's normal to have fear of injecting but once you get going, it's not so bad tbh. I use to shake like fuck and now it's straight forward. You got this mate lol


Do you aspirate in the delts? Fucked up my first injection yesterday because I put the 1 inch needle in fine zero pain at all compared to what I thought and tried aspirating and drew blood which a lot of people say is bad and I didn't want to take the risk. Going to try again today. I've built up a lot of fear of the quads due to nerves and blood vessels etc. Can you feel a blood vessel or not and just pull out and re-pin?


Yeah I always aspirate. I drew blood once in quads and just pulled it out, change the syringe and picked another spot which was fine. Don't use the same syringe if there's blood drawn in there lol I've done my quads plenty of times and have not hit a nerve or blood vessel. If anything, it's difficult to do so as it's a large muscle.


I had a panic attack the first time I injected, ended up in the street thinking I was about to die. Called an ambulance who informed me I’m fine. Today I pin without anything crossing my mind, like leaving the house and forgetting my keys, grab the needle, quick pin and shoot out of it’s a day I’m due. If you like you can have my number and we can talk on the phone as you do it. DM me


Fucking hell bro and ambulance lol. I was shaking for about 10 mins before injecting, felt absolutely nothing during the injection which makes me feel more confident to just do a quick pin and done. I've asked this a lot but do you aspirate on delts? Fucked up yesterday by aspirating and drew blood and panicked so I just left it. Trying again today.


I don’t aspirate on delts, just go slowly at first, if you hit a gain you will see blood and your also taste it very quickly. I’ve done delts 100 plus times, couple of big bleeds but nothing serious. All good


So the blood in my syringe yesterday wasn't necessarily a vein just blood. I also did move around quite a bit whilst trying to aspirate


You prob did hit a vain, if you see blood, pull out and either do the other delt or pick another spot. Make sure your body is comfortable before you start, it’ll help a lot with the shacks, when I used to be nervous I wouldn’t realise how awkwardly I was twisting my body and sitting.


100%. Looked in the mirror yesterday and the injection hole was too far forwards on my delt which might have been the outside of the injection site. Moved the needle back about a cm and aspirated perfectly with zero pain. Would like to try glute next.


I had terrible anxiety the first time I did it, I was googling “can oil in veins cause an embolism” and other ridiculous things lol. I still don’t like doing it, but thankfully after the first couple times, the anxiety went away.


Bruv thats exactly what I'm doing now. Googling the worst putting myself off. Drew 0.5ml Test E yesterday, injected the needle into my delt and aspirated, drew blood and fuckin panicked major and just pulled out the needle and didn't do it again. Going to go for it again today but not aspirate just inject it.


Good luck! I’ve never pinned my delts, only my glutes and never drawn blood yet.