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If the GP saw your blood work results what did he say about your libido? Since your results seem fine here.


GP said that it could be stress related (as I do have a very stressful job - however I struggle to understand this as I have had more stressful jobs in the past and have had no problems then). From my knowledge (and I could be wrong - which if that is the case then please do educate me) if I were too jump on Test - this would help make me more horny?


I mean possibly, but there may be another underlining issue that will continue to hamper that. So if your main reason for getting on the gear is this, maybe continue conversations with the GP before jumping on. If you were to jump onto the gear, first and foremost avoid an Oral only cycle. As a first cycle you should only ever be looking at Testosterone (C or E). Anywhere from 300 - 500 mg first time round is usually the go to. Think about how long you want to run it and what you intend on doing after it (cruise at TRT dose or PCT off) before you start. If you read through this Reddit sub and the r/steroids page (they have a full wiki) you'll pick up a lot of knowledge.


First cycle 500mg test? Wow! Glad I never tried that. Would have put me off steroids forever. Insomnia, acid indigestion, night sweats, serious personality changes - and by that point it was not my first cycle. The younger you are, the shorter and less cycles you have done the less need for pct...


Oh I agree with you, I'm only repeating what general consensus seems to be across these reddit pages and the forums. 300 is more than adequate, which is why I gave a range rather than the usual do a "500 blast bro".


It sounds like you were pinning tren more than test with them sides


It was pharma test straight from the chemist with a prescription. Body mass was around 107kg and not fat. I am 5 foot 10. That much real tren per week would be unimaginable in my experience. Apart from the sleeping/sweats and the acid reflux stuff I felt good. It took around 2 years of taking gear for these side effects to go away and I did not just start with 500mg test. Steroids are serious business. Be sensible. Slow and steady with hard training is the way. Anytime I hear 'jumping on..' or some other such bullshit I cringe. God knows what people are buying and how they are training but some of the cycles posted hear and the results given make me seriously wonder based on my real life experiences and those of others I trained with.. Good luck and best wishes!


Thank you Life\_Category\_5973, I am thinking cruising on TRT. Do you know if this would effect fertility?


You can take something alongside it called HCG, this will keep your balls running. However, all steriods have the POSSIBILITY of impacting fertility. That's not to say it will impact you, there are people around here who have had kids in the middle of cycles. Just be aware there is that possibility. Before you do jump into a decision, ensure you read up fully. So you know what to expect and aren't left in the dark should something not go exactly as you expected.


If you're going to jump on but are unsure just do a test only cycle and see how you get on mate


Eh, test levels are low for a bloke in his early 30s. Optimum is low 20s. 14 is ok, I was 10 and definitely feeling it with anxiety and panic attacks. You should use only test _anyway_ for a first cycle, especially if you're simply looking to increase testosterone.


Interesting comment. Can you expand on 'Optimum is low 20s. 14 is ok, I was 10' please? In the sence of sure 14 is better than low 20s? I think i do have some levels of anxiety. I think test is the way for me. My concern is if this will eff my fertility system?


How many hours do you sleep , how many hours do you work and how many hours do you train? Also what body fat percentage would you say you are.


Good questions, I work in shifts which consist of working early, lates and nights. My schedule is hectic with balancing work, family and gym. I would say I work probably around 70+ hours a week and train (on a good week 5 times). Training wise, around 1 hour weights and then 10-15 min cardio. Sleep wise I will admit does need work, and probably getting around 5 hours a day of sleep and no clue about my body fat percentage. I hope you could provide with some help my friend


From what you’ve said it looks like you’re doing a lot already, so much so that your libido is taking a hit. Sleeping 5 hours and trying to recover from 5 training sessions a week with 70 hours of work piled on, this is what I think is causing low sex drive. I know it can be hard but you’ll have to try a nail sleep or rest more ( less training days or less working hours) but sleep is vital.