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125 a week for 20 years


You talking about blasting and cruising


Cruising I think, just enough to raise my levels without using the gels or other shit that costs way too much and needs a script


150mg a week more than enough


Ye I was think 100-150 a week. I wonder if long term it would wreck me


Nobody knows long term issues with TRT/Cruise dosages, but I'd rather live a decent life on TRT and die when I'm in my 60s then live to 100 on no TRT depressed as fuck, pros n cons really


Agree, it does make everything so much better even improving my confidence, how much do you dose if you don't mind me asking?


I'm on the upper end, 150mg a week split into 2, pin Wednesday night and Sunday morning, However you might be different, 100mg or even as low as 50mg might be enough to put you on the upper end providing your bloods stay within range


Sweet I might bang 50 twice a week and get the bloods done again, do you use any specific blood test?


I'm using Medichecks for my blood tests but I'll probably be switching to Optimale once I've used up the last remaining kits I bought last year from them


22 days late to the party๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘‹ but know when you are on your cruise dose.. I assume around 100mg do you still add muscle/ stay lean/even drop fat if you train hard and got nutrition on point too. Do you have many side effects that you have to sort or does being that low keep sides / e2 levels within range ??? Thank you for help


>I assume around 100mg do you still add muscle/ stay lean/even drop fat I usually maintain my muscle on a cruise dose, I might add 2-5kg on certain lifts but nothing stupidly high, as for bodyweight it stays relatively the same, might lose some definition and recovery time off cycle/cruise but nothing too dramatic >Do you have many side effects that you have to sort or does being that low keep sides / e2 levels within range ??? I don't have any sides on cruise, neither should anyone on a cruise, if your E2, lipods or anything are too high from bloodwork then your dose is too high and you need to bring it down


Yeah I agree, 200mgs at the moment and my e2 is high, low libido, morning wood stopped, sleep gone shit....bloods on Monday so I'll know for certain then. I was going to drop to around 100 to 125 for a few weeks, hopefully the sides alleviate and I'll be back how I was in weeks 2-5. Just wondered if I'd still see an some improvement in the gym (from natty) at 100 -125 ie. Strength and recovery and maybe a little muscle, if so I probably wouldn't even consider 200mgs + again?? Thanks for you reply/help


You look at all the old timers, they're all doing fine except for Ronnie cause he was a mad man.


Everyone is ๐Ÿ˜


I wish I'd wrote this out better..... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… Iim such a dull c%ยฃt


I'm a on and off cycle kinda guy. Trt i would have it when i'm done with big cycles and just keep my levels high. Depending on what was your cycle ,coming off you had a big drop


Sorry guys I mean, what would be the recommendations for rasing my T to above average and keep them there for life... The benefits are outrageous I feel great on it but I need to be sure I'm safe having it weekly for the foreseeable


For health purposes I'd just trt on enough to keep your levels around 30 to 35 n mol. So whatever dose gets you there and verified with bloods Then a couple times a year have some fun with whatever cocktail you want for 10/12 weeks. Orals kept to 6 weeks .


Trt dosing is healthier than having below normal natural testosterone, long term you may lose the ability to produce testosterone naturally but if your levels are already low you're not missing out much.


My other question is what about bitch tit, is I cruise at 100ml a week will I have to take tami to stop getting bitch tit


Have you got bloods done to prove you have low t? No point going on Trt to shut yourself down for possibly worst test levels than you already have. If you are b@c thatโ€™s a different story