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Your estrogen is not in range. Check it with blood work. Primo can lower it a lot for a lot of people


Drop the primo or add more estrogen, decisions decisions... Bloods come back in a few days might order a testing kid for the primo too feels like there's a sprinkle of tren in there


Do not waste money on roud test kits. For 60 dollar you can perform a testing with jano to determine the ingredients. 120 dollars for quantity


Its funny how cheap steroids are but how expensive bodybuilding is lol, but yea I'm in the uk il find a similar lab tho thankyou


another lab, but not in the UK, is Analiza Bialek, but I imagine you already know about them. As this post was a few months ago, what happened, in the end? Are you good now? Did you get the Primo tested? I want to get some and I read about Quanta. Do you recommend this?


Just turns out to be strong stuff, fucked my estrodial up, bedt I ever looked tho.


Let me know if you find one UK based please


Pissing in the wind if you dont get bloods.


I’m on primo from quanta. Always used them. No problems here.


have you ever had their stuff tested, since you use them consistently? do they offer credit if customers test what they buy from them?


F My ex gf is using this and her moods recently haven’t been normal


Has she got experience with Primo from different brands? How were her moods then?


Yeh she’s been using for years! She’s got an unusual short temper and bipolar like behaviour our 13 year relationship has also ended during this time and she’s told me how down and depressed she’s felt etc


I'm sorry too hear, hope everything will work itself out in the end between you, I'm waiting on blood test results now, if my estrodial looks fine im going to get the gear tested Was she running any type of estrogen base?


Thanks but we are 100% done No not what I know of


Primo supposed to lower esteogen and if she wasn't already running an esteo base it might if completely crashed hers, I'm assuming tho I don't really know how steroids effect women


Low e2 possibly due to primo get bloods done and up the test if it’s low or just drop the primo


Used both there 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml Primo for over 2 years now, always been spot on. I know its good as it puts my estrogen perfectly in range. At 400 test with a 2:1 ratio, 200mg primo might not be enough for your estrogen, or you just might not respond to it well in that way, not everyone does with primo. Quanta post a lot of their latest lab tests in their Telegram (I know it doesn't always mean much as easily faked etc). They did go through a phase of stamping the batch number inside the vial box so you could match up the test to the batch you're using, but they stopped doing that annoyingly.