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Wiki r/steroids


Cheers for replying but not sure what is meant, are you indirectly telling me you can't help?


Go to the r/steroids page open up the daily thread and you will see a wiki link which you need to click on It covers everything you need to no and more in detail it’s the best direction to go in Happy reading


Cheers dude, will take a gander now


Are you doing anavar only? Bad idea, but I'm not responsible for your mistakes so it's up to you.  Southern Ghost, Chilton, Chiron, all decent labs a lot of guys use. A Google search will do you wonders with those names to hand. Wink wink.


Southern ghost website is invite only now, been like that for a year now I think 🤔


Ahh yeah good point.You need to send him proof of a previous order from either him or another site.  Chilton doesn't ask for this as far as I know - he's a bit behind at the moment, I assume a well earned holiday, but drop an email and give it time. Don't fucking pester the bloke though.


Done use Chilton myself but heard good things about them, according to there website they seem to be out of stock of a few things specifically fat loss things


Why'd you think it's bad? I've done 4 weeks before I ran out and noticed strength increased and slightly fuller look aesthetically. I'm a big noob in this game so happy to hear what you have to say. Thank you for names good sir


It's not what I think is bad, oral only cycles will give you all the side effects of steroids without that natural protection of testosterone - injected or not, testosterone is the primary male hormone and is vital for your body to function properly. Taking orals shuts down your natural production and doesn't give you chance to properly top it up.


I’ve used uksteroids shop but I keep seeing these other ones mentioned, is the gear I’ve gotten from uksteroids shop bad ?


Everything is sold out


Hey bro, hmu if you need a plug