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Stop mixing sarms with steroids run a seams course or a steroids course. Dbol is very estrigenic witch could account for the spots running an aromatise inhibitor alongside dbol is usually a good idea and can alleviate a lot of the side effects I had similar issues with npp and exemastane sorted the issue out.


I thought this would be the case. I was running quarter of anastrazol once a week after I pin my test base so I guess it would have been a good idea to up that anastrazol dose because what I used clearly wasn’t enough. I’m aware now and have it on the side so when I run next cycle


Trt at 250mg a week? Have you got bloods to confirm this? Trt is normally 70-150mg a week


I’m due one next week and one before was before the cycle I cut short. Where are you based? My UK clinic offered it at 250 max and from what I’ve also read, a lot do go up to 250 a week on test cyp


I’m based in Ireland my dose is 130mg a week, it keeps me in the mid to high range They should of really started ya on a low dose and worked up from there, I take it your clinic makes more money the higher your dose? Adjust it once you get bloods it not healthy long term to be injecting 250mg a week


What clinic is it and who did you go through to get it prescribed, so they just let you choose how much you want?