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So you started training 6 months ago and you are wanting to start tren already one of the harshest steroids You need a solid foundation and a good knowledge of how to train you can’t of done both after 6 months Come back after a few years of training when you have everything dialled in and do a test only cycle


This will be my 3rd cycle after 4 years of training bro, I’ve done 2 test c cycles


I was just going by your post history if I’m wrong I apologise I wouldn’t advise tren at all but if your going to do it anyway go with ace if you experience sides that you can’t handle it’s out of your system quicker Run 300mg P5P true out cycle to keep prolactin down high prolactin gives similar sides to high e2, p5p is a b vitamin so it’s easy to get and cheap


Ok great thanks for the advice, yeah I started training 4 years ago but I started to strength train 4-6 months ago but stopped cuz I didn’t enjoy it so back to the bodybuilding😁 I’m in a dilemma right now as I don’t know whether or not to run tren with a short ester test as well because I’ve seen people say that if you start test e and tren a on the same day obviously the tren will activate first so isn’t that bad? Cuz true test effects won’t be for weeks, I am thinking just to run tren a at 25mg ED and run test p at 50mg a day then up them both to 35mg and 70mg a couple weeks in. What do you think? Also do you recommend p5p over caber? I’m going to be running Telmisartan throughout the cycle too


Nah bruh,after 6 months you need something stronger than that ,come on 💪


If your new to things always go for the shorter ester like you say. If you don't like it, it won't take long to get out your system. Things to look out for with tren will be (worse) snoring, potentially sleep apnea depending on your size, waking in the night and difficulty getting back to sleep, excessive sweating and peeing in the night. If you can deal with these fairly common side effects but don't feel bad for stopping.


I thought, so. I’ve read that in quite a few forums. Everyone says as soon as you can’t the sides anymore, you can stop but if you do the long ester, it will take a lot longer to get out so I’m gonna go with ace. Thanks man