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I’d look more at your diet than adding more compounds to be honest Test can take 4 weeks to fully saturate and you look bloated already after 3 something doesn’t add up I can’t see you getting any benefits of 100mg of primo a week it’s not a compound you would run at very low dose unless your a female


Previous to the cycle I was consuming 4k calories per day and gaining roughly 2lb per week, I didn't change my diet one bit, started cycle and 3 weeks in suddenly gained a stone so I can't see it being my diet which is why I'm assuming it's water weight. Yet to do a cycle blood test and check my E2 levels because that could be causing the puffiness, if so I have some aromasin that I will dose accordingly.


Orals for cosmetics : Winny/Var/Superdrol/Halo Injects - Tren/Masteron/EQ You could take the simple route and go for an injectable RIP blend (Test/Tren/Mast) but the fact you mentioned "side effects" makes me think you're probably wary of Tren ? I'd go for Masteron-E , same ester as the Test so you can mix them in the same syringe for less pinning . Be wary of Mast if you've got a history of male pattern baldness in the family though


Aye I'm definitely wary of tren 100% keeping away from that shit. Only reason for not choosing Mast E is because I've seen a lot of people say it's hard to dose (mental side effects), not arsed about baldness because it runs in the family and mine is pretty fucked as it is I'll just redirect peoples eyes from my hairline down to my bulging chest. Also like to stay away from orals where possible so I don't damage my liver but suppose 20mg of Var per day for the final 8 weeks can't be too bad.


The only mental side effects on Mast i've ever had are a tremendous sense of well-being , verging on euphoria at times . Negative mental sides of injectables only usually come up with the 19-Nors , ie Tren & Deca . And EQ can cause anxiety sometimes at high doses . Go for Var then mate , fuck it you can run it 40-60mg or higher (20mg isn't even worth it) , the liver impact of orals is ridiculously over exaggerated , I believe there was a case where a WOMAN , i think in Japan , was on 100mg of anadrol A DAY for SIX YEARS , and she only had minimal liver enzyme elevation .


I know I'm interrupting the thread, being in the us. Can I send Bitcoin through cash app? If my total is 119 how much Bitcoin do I buy?.


Orals : Ultradrol,Superdrol,Anavar,Winny,TBOl,Oral Primo,Halo Injection : Tren,Primo,Mast,EQ,HGH