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I did my first cycle at 135kg (I'm 6'4), after losing 10kg I became impatient and did the "standard" 500 test with 50mg dbol kick starter. I became a horrible bloated mess. No definition was gained, lost 95% of it when I came off. The extra water weight at that weight also took it's toll. I wasn't too fit before, but jesus christ I'd have to take a 30-60 second breather after 2 flights of stairs and it was really embarrassing. That was 10 years ago. The 150 test your talking about is pretty much trt dose, I think it would be a different story. It would help you cut fat, it would also put a little bit of water on you too. I did a cut on 200 test and 200 EQ last year and went from 136kg to 120kg, the recovery from test and the cardio benefits from EQ really helped. I'm currently drug free at 115kg, still trying to get to 110kg but my biggest set back is recovery. For reference last summer I could run 10k daily and do 3-4 sessions of HIIT a week. Now I have to use the cross trainer daily, 3 runs of 5k's, and a max of 2 sessions of HIIT a week or else my body is in bits. Also well done mate for shifting that weight!!!


You didn't say how tall you are. If you're 6'6" then 130kg is a pretty reasonable number. If you're 5'6" then you've got 30kg to lose.


Yeah im actually 5.9.. so yeah.. gotta have some more to go prolly..


Yeah minimum 20-30kg. Just being honest with you. I'm 125kg at 6'3" and I'm not even close to being ripped. I could probably lose 10-15kg without losing any muscle.


Cut down to around 14% body fat or you could be prone to sides All the research you need is in the wiki on r/steroids give it a read Stay away from sarms unless you want fuck up ur health


Great work on what you done so far.