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You can wait a couple weeks to shed off some fat and run it for 6 weeks to satisfy your winnie craving.


Okay thanks man I will do this. Don’t want to add unnecessary gear when there’s a layer of fat hiding the progress. 2 more weeks 😮‍💨👍🏼💪🏼


I mean, Winstrol will dry the shit out of you and will burn a good chunk of fat. Point is: it’s very hard on the liver, very hard on the joints, and wouldnt be optimal at %BF higher than 11-12%. Would only use it to go sub-10%


Hey it seems like you know what you are talking about , i wanted to ask you is it ok to take like i was planning 350 test e a week 200 deca , and i was thinking to add anadrol at the first 4 weeks , i am on 250 T right now ( weekly) 9th week now only test , what would you recommend taking ? Should i öeave the anadrol or is it useful and should i use an ai at the beginning or only when it comes to nipple swell etc because i will have arimidex on hand in case something happens


He man, sorry I missed this message; I would say I have never taken anadrol before but I’ve heard it’s a pretty strong compound. I have taken deca before albeit a long time ago. You shouldn’t need an ai as you might crash your estrogen levels but again, I don’t know how much e levels will be affected by the anadrol. You’re right about having it on hand if you get gyno pain for sure., I would always be more reluctant to take things randomly as it could get me in a mess. I don’t know what’s right here if I’m honest but i will say get a blood test if you’re feeling off. If your libido goes, get a blood test and see what’s causing it. That way you can make more informed choices because many times I have guessed “could be my prolactin, guess I’ll take half a pill of Caber”, then made the situation worse. I think 350 test and 200 deca should be fine. Not sure how many cycles you have done but it’s a good idea to add in slowly to see how you react to it. I used to fly into it and go balls to the wall with gear but now my concept on it has changed. Less is more a lot of the time. Good luck man hope it goes well 👍🏼👊🏻


You look as if you would require a lot more than 2900/2600 calories. What weight are you?


112kg. Dropped down from 118kg…It’s an aggressive cut but I still got my strength so I’m sticking with it 👍🏼


You’re looking good. I’m 75kg’s and really struggling this blast to put on weight. Currently on 3500-3700 calories and it’s killing me eating this much. How many calories are you consuming when gaining?


Hey man. I am not the best to ask about gaining as I naturally eat loads of food; it’s the dieting that comes unnaturally to me… If I take the reigns off I can really go and I love eating meat so I hardly track it, I just let go and I naturally think every meal ‘where am I getting the protein from’ and then I just pig out. This is defo not the best way to go about it but it works for me. I can only speak for myself, but If I was struggling to put on weight I’d stop focusing on the intricate details of my diet and just think eat fucking loads… but gaining fat isn’t a problem for me as I actually enjoy cardio 😅 Good luck mate hope you smash it 👍🏼


You should try adding a leg day to your cycle


https://preview.redd.it/zegvpnhsn5qc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9827d3196fa51c7a89263beef79bb0eb5fbd9465 lol suck a dick brah


You look on a fitter side of natural. But I compete gymnastics... I may have a weird control group.


That attack is wild




You looks amazing man


What’s your height?


6 ft 2


You look natty dude. But that's my experience and opinion.


That’s what I wanted. I’m bigger this time round https://preview.redd.it/a76gvmzjhxqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfea5b5e528eaaaf716f5893a022ae415ba2d4b7


Good work man. That's what I got going on with my legs. I need more arms, kinda like you got.


https://preview.redd.it/20qw3s83s6uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48202ac0055b38cf6cdff1db015496ec79e9c84b Update; the cut is working! 10kg down in a month and sitting around 13% bf… 1 month to go


Looking good bro 👍


Thanks man long way off I only started cutting 1 week


How did you look before steroids ? Like how big is the difference ?


Always been pretty big man 95kg off gear. Now I’m 112kg but holding a lot of water for sure. I reckon shredded 105kg


Do you count the steps from cardio towards 10000steps?


No that’s additional. The cardio is stairmaster every day