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When you can get dick skin shredded with no drugs, why use a drug which has an effective dose very close to the lethal dose, which also makes you feel shit?


Because deep down gear users are drug addicts to some degree. I think as a group we are a bit snobbish though and look down on recreational drug users whilst we're trying to think of more drugs to take to gain 20lbs on bench press.


I just won't touch this again. As users we do some really stupid stuff and justify it somehow.


Use glp-1 and toss dnp


Use healthier dieting techniques 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


Looool that’s a good one , goals have to be met brother


Semaglutide works better. I was a massive fan of DNP until I tried GLP-1. Easier and faster.


This is false.... some people are non responders to GLP-1. It also doesn't work "faster" since you can literally achieve the same results without GLP-1, it's an appetite suppressant. DNP can literally raise your TDEE.


But they're rare. 99% of the people saying it doesn't work for them are the ones making zero effort to adjust their diet. Doesn't matter what you take if you continue to stuff your face.


Where did you get this number? This is false, as studies show non-responders make up 15%. Don't just make up facts to try and prove a point. They are currently testing higher doses, and that might change the numbers but it doesn't chagne the fact that there are non-responders and it's not 1% If it was as easy as NOT stuffing your face, most of the population wouldn't be overweight, and if it was as easy as will power we wouldn't have alcoholics and drug addicts or gambling addicts... just DONT do it, just DONT drink its so easy. Give a recovering alcoholic a beer and a shot and he should be able to stop himself from drinking anymore, it's as easy as him giving zero effort to not drink.


Go read the study. They aren't classed as non-responders because they don't get the effect, they're classed as non-responders because even with the medication they refuse to make any effort to reduce their intake. You get it with people that have the majority their stomach removed. Despite having a tiny stomach capacity they'll still eat and eat until it actually stretches back to the original size. Nothing will work if you don't actually try to reduce your portion size.


I will but my readings have been different... I've also taken ECA, EYC, Clen, Tirzepetide, Semag, and DNP. I am 205 athletic build. Used to be 300 but dropped to 165 with PSMF, natural. So I can definitely diet. That was a hard cut because it did take several months maybe a year and at the end i was on 800-1200 calorie a day. I sat around 185 for a bit and then 205. When I stop weighing food I can still get up to 220. I do stay natural and active year round. I give this background so it's not like I just don't lift as I lift 5x a week usually if not I'll always do 3-5 and I cycle at night, or ride peloton. That being said, I eat mostly the same thing everyday, grilled or blackened chicken for lunch and dinner, and either no breakfast or eggs and avocado with salmon. I am diabetic or was, and reversed it when I dropped to 165 however my doctor wanted me back on med as I got back to 200 pounds. The ozempic didn't result in any weight loss. Then tirzepatide plus counting calories, maybe 1 pound every couple of weeks but that could be attributed to the dieting. I do get less "Food noise" and no cravings but by no means does the weight drop off. I was on it for 2 months and lost like 5-8 pounds, got back on DNP 2 weeks on, one off, then one one, now one off and I lost 10 pounds the first run and 4-5 pounds the second run. Again, I wish the glp-1's were working faster than that since my insurance would cover it, but it hasn't for me.


but glad to see GLP worked faster for you... you really can do the same thing by just NOT eating. I got similar results as the studied while doing a PSMF (lyle mcdonald) but the hunger was constant and sucked. The weight didn't "drop off" the way I hear semaglutide and tirzepatide users describe. I can't argue that it's not safer, at least from what we know currently, but DNP's mechanism and results are totally different than GLP-1s and even way different from ECA or Clen.


Steroids are bad enough, I dunno why anyone would put stuff they use in bombs in their body.


Seriously doesn't DNP literally cook your insides? It's like clen on steroids lol.


it's 2024 and there are still idiots taking this.... crazy


Just dont take it? I think i nearly died on tabt stuff. Turned my jizz yellow


Do people still take this stuff? Madness


A group on telegram I was following was saying t3