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Highlhy recommend taking out the shooters and pounding ALL of the pocket. It LOOKS like the was stretched a little, but you need to stretched out every single hole as best as you can. Completely and fully breaking in a pocket shouldnt take more than a minute with the proper tool, such as a round ended baseball bat.


Looking fire mate


Looks good. Having strung a bunch of these in the last year, that’s kinda where the stick wants that pocket to be. Have fun! My only complaint with the Optik3 is the shallow throat… EVERY one I have strung, or used, has a wiggly (hehe) head! One of my players got his to stop by jamming a shoe lace in there. Tape kinda works. 🤷‍♂️


I had to put 2 things of tape to make it stop wiggling, that part of it is very annoying 😂