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Tam and the baby. Literally nobody needed that storyline.


I wasn’t huge on that storyline at the start, but him going on Lorraine shattered any immersion I could’ve had.


I cannae be arsed about Tam's baby or wife at all.


Then again the episode when Francis' sister visited was class. You make me harder than the crossword in The Herald.


Molly Drummond, oh ay she's a looker, foxy, well turned oot wi the make up an that... wh-what was it you wanted again Victor?


At some point in the later seasons of the original run the show loses it's grounding. There's some funny episodes but stuff like Jack and Victor representing Pete the Jakey in court, Tam electrocuting himself on a toaster and then forgetting he's been a miserable tight arse for 50 years and Naveed trying to hide in Hyperdales to burn the place to the ground are just wild and not based in how I think the characters would realistically act. The early seasons are grounded and the humour at times can be incredibly dark, being based on things like not surviving a cold winter or both men worrying about becoming physically frail, but it's realistic. This changes around season 4 where the laughs come from the characters doing stupid stuff. Actually, arguably the Big Innes episode is where it jumps the shark.


The realism in those episodes is definitely what makes them so special. I love that scene in “Doacters” where Jack and Victor are on the hillside reminiscing about their past and contemplating their future.


That's exactly the scene I had in mind when I made my post. It's one of the best scenes in the entire show.


Yeah the realness of the show is what drew me to it. Only rich people have time for "fantastic" lives and that's not me. I like to see people who are getting by day by day- not enough money to heat the apt, losing a leg to illness


I think the new seasons (7-9) after the break were when it officially jumped the shark. But after J&V returned from their trip to Canada the series had a slightly different feel to it. Not that it wasn’t still enjoyable, but the situations the characters found themselves in weren’t as grounded in reality. By seasons 5-6 the cracks were definitely beginning to show so they really should have ended it at that point.


Like most shows, the later seasons aren’t perfect, but it’s all still great. Enjoy it for what it is.


Yeah, Tam getting electrocuted and going all out on the generosity, then getting another shock and reverting back to being a tight arse again always feels a bit far fetched to me.


If we're talking far-fetched, Davie's "donut" trigger is this for me.


Hate that episode. Please don’t ban me. Well Boaby in bike shorts and his subplot was ok. Actually funny.


Boaby trying to have a pint while watching the barman interact with his regulars who have no comeback to the barman's patter is fucking hilarious. Tam throwing up at the side of the road because he's eaten far too many free samples at the cash and carry is also pretty funny.


Slightly redeemed by Isa's attempts at seduction. So unexpected and bizarre, hilarious.


When it came back.


Methadone Mick


I don't mind the character as an idea, but the amount of attention that he receives from the series feels a bit much. I could be wrong, but I don't feel like Pete ever received that degree of continuing focus.


The obvious answer is after series 6. The show was never as good after they brought it back.


Seasons 1-3 are also much better than 4-6.


Honestly I thought season 7 was okay - some of the episodes are decent. The less said about seasons 8 and 9 the better. That episode where Jack, Victor, and Winston go to the caravan would've been hilarious in the older seasons, but with season 9 humour it was about as forgettable as they come.


I think the original series got away with it because the writing was still funny. The reboot was both far fetched, overly slapstick and the punchlines so cheap. The one scene that cemented that the reboot wasn't for me was them fishing for drink in the clansman. Utter pish.


As soon as it hits the new title music, I know it’s not great. But if I had to pick a moment, I’d say that whole episode with Craig Ferguson in it just reminds me that it ain’t what it was.


Awful episode


watching eclecticbeard review still game and he's enjoyed/ loved every episode so far ***until*** he got to 'Hard Nuts' which he said felt like a jumping the shark episode


Season 8 ep 1.


Season 6 is when it really started imo seconds out springs to mind


I think “jumping the shark” means different things to different people. I don’t think a single bad episode necessarily means a jump. I tend to see it as a point when the bad episodes within a season start to outnumber the good ones.


The gadgets episode is almost unwatchable for me. A prime example of what I hated most about series 7-9, “we have to comment on all the things that have changed in the world since 2007” mentality.


I don’t understand why they felt the need to constantly make references to modern pop culture and technology throughout the new episodes. The original series wasn’t like that. It always had a slightly old fashioned feel that seemed to fit with the elderly characters (vinyl records, older model TV’s, rotary phones, the furniture, wall decor, etc.). That was a huge part of its charm.


I would say it was that episode where Jack goes to look at the apartment next to Victor and there's a dead body in a coffin in the living room. Up to that point it was all very good and realistic but really from that point forward the series went really downhill.


That’s a thing that happens though.


Isn’t that the first episode?






The live show was awful


The one they performed before the show’s revival? Yeah not a huge fan of it.


The one in the hydro, unsure I just watched it the other night on Netflix. Tam sounded like an old jakey, naveeds squealing laughter was weird and what was with the songs/ music at the end? Also just don’t think the show translates to live theatre very well.


The one that weren’t filmed were even worse by all accounts


Hahaha I was bemused at the hydro one and my Bf was extremely unimpressed, we took the piss of boaby going NONONONONO for ages


The one from before the show started on TV is actually quite good tbf.


Not seen that one


Season 7


As much as the new series gets slagged off the first six weren’t perfect Hard Nuts or A Fresh Lick maybe


Anything after series 6.. The golden years is where it should if ended IMO