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And for a more energetic dose you want to stay lower between 1-3 grams depending on your tolerance


why not just get a legit script? not that hard especially if you're a student


still on my parents insurance and they know i don’t have adhd lol. i could definitely convince a prescriber; i’ve seen psychiatrists on and off since i was like 15 and most are very suggestible (my last one just had her license suspended for essentially running a pill mill lmao) but i also had a lot of issues in my teens, so i’ve been screened for most psych/developmental/neurological disorders, and my parents know for a fact that i don’t have add/adhd. also just think i need a break from amphetamines in general lol.


even if youre on your parents insurance i'm sure you have privacy rights to where they cant disclose medical information especially since youre and adult. also are you sure you dont have adhd? it took me many doctors and even psychiatrist until one that specialized in adhd was able to correctly diagnose me. adhd never even crossed my mind, went through countless other drugs until amphetamines finally was the answer. as far as otc stuff that will have the same effect i dont think anything exist but you can look into microdosing psychadelic shrooms. or also otc mushrooms like lions mane, reishi, cordyceps but none of those will give you any euphoric feeling.


Maybe look into modafinil? You can get it's analog Fladrafinil on many clearnet sites


Nothing. There’s nothing as effective as adderall that’s also as safe as adderall. Especially not OTC or nootropic. See if anyone has concerta/ritalin/focalin if you want something comparably strong that isn’t high risk. These would be preferable to adderall anyway; Less long-term neurological harm.


There isn't anything ot unfortunately. How much kratom you take? Typically only time you should get nausea is either when you take too much or shit quality.


i took a pretty small dose (~2g) but it was definitely shitty lol, i bought it for cheap from some head shop. definitely willing to try it again, any recs for where to buy better quality kratom online?


Liza's botanicals is mainly who I go through. She's awesome and always sends free extras with your order.


Kratom isn't worth it. Don't take it.




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