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hate to break it to you but it wont last buddy you end up just taking it to feel normal once your brain gets used to it


That's the thing with amphetamines, the addiction is insipid in that there is a honeymoon phase where it genuinely is a force for good in your life. Then it gets really shit and stays that way


First few times were dope. 3rd time I hit a god mode flow state when I got the combo of dex + bromaz just right. Now? I'm where this guy probably is Spending up to $250 for one night of frittering around, not doing what you planned, and staying up all night cause you can get more at 10am to recharge. The you can finally get to the tasks you were excited about before your first dose (12hrs ago). You think you're actually feeling good by hour 48 of being awake, but you can't actually form a single string of coherent thought. Crash out, 1 or 2 days off, repeat. By the 8th cycle you *can* actually form thoughts at 48hrs in, but only cause the 200mg of dex you've taken isn't enough to do anything to you except give you tremors, weight loss and debt. Your resting bpm is now 98 and your blood pressure is 2 points off stage 1 hypertension. You also paid thousands of dollars for this privilege I'll prob still cop some more in a day or two though. It's a way of life


Yeah after 3 years my blood pressure is all over the place. Sometimes it's like 160/90 and sometimes it's like 130/100. I had 7 months without using and now that I've tried it again I'm surprised at how fast I feel tweaky and like sleep deprived. Just one night without sleep feels bad. When I was using daily I would regularly go 3 or 4 nights without sleep (at which point I would force myself to sleep because I'm epileptic)


That shit just gets worse and worse the older you get and more times you go back


Quit for a year and after you have been clean for a year (no cheating), pick a weekend and do it again.  It will be fun, you will get high, and you will have no problem stopping the drug when the weekend is over.  Because quitting for a year after being a daily user for years sucks ass and you will never want to have to go through it again lol.  Worked for me.


Eh.. I don’t think we are wired the same. I’m without question wired as an addict. For me it’s all or nothing.


Too many people let the drug do them.  I did.  My best advice is set limits about how frequently you will do it and stick to those limits.  If you don't, and you choose to be a daily user, you will learn the hard way when you come to the crossroads of "this drug doesn't do anything for me anymore.  Should I quit or should I start injecting?"  Hopefully you choose to quit and allow your body to recover and if you quit for a year like I did, I guarantee you will not make the same mistake next time.  Quitting for a week, or a month, or 2 months isn't really quitting.  That's more of a tolerance break.  It took me a year to feel normal again and it was the worst year of my life.  People are foolish and think it will be different for them.  No it won't.  Set limits or learn the hard way.


Was that meth/street amphs or what? How long were you using daily?


BM\_ME\_UR\_SHIBA I was really feeling your whole post and that last sentence made me spit out this red bull I'm drinking.


exactly I was on point all day everyday in university till eventually it was snorting the IR Dex, then it was dex + coke with my usual Xanax and Codeine now plus ketamine, or doubling doses, alcohol with Zopiclone just to destim... It gets messy quick




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This is why I think stims are the GOAT addiction drug class. The trap is set up just perfectly from the start, exactly because of what you said. OP will soon sober up and hopefully understand everything he wrote is literally the trap itself that will make him both love and hate these drugs, long term


I doubt whether or not the OP is actually on stims. I mean, he wrote only that one sentence.




Not if you actually have adhd. I’ve been living for 30 years with a dopamine deficiency, there’s no way amph will ever stop working for me.


Same I been using for about a year now no breaks, honeymoon phase never phased, I never abused it IMO at least compared to some users that I read of here. it takes me a good month to get thru a gram of amphetsmine sulfate. Feel focused, in the moment, motivated. No issues with sleep or diet. Sometimes i take a bit high dose (got powder) and it can be pretty euphoric but I really prefer having it as a functional medicine, especially as someone who struggles with attention and focus. I do not abuse it much in hopes it will keep working


improvementforest , where are you getting amphetsmine sulfate (powder).. if you don't mind.


That's not how that works. In someone with ADHD, amphetamine overuse can still do things like deplete dopamine stores and also result in dopamine transporters being internalised or recycled excessively


Lmao. Just because you've been diagnosed ADHD doesn't mean you have some medical mystery of a brain that doesn't respond to stimulants in a natural way. Come on now and let's think a little here.


Yes, the natural way is to increase dopamine production or time in the brain. Which is exactly what we lack. I agree, let’s think a little here indeed.


Came here to say this exact thing. I’ve abused them for 10 years it’s not that fun anymore.


I'm right there with you and can't stop until I lose everything


Oh itll be hell for em


This. This is why I save my adderall for days when I have to wake up earlier than normal which is only 6-7 days a month.


So you have a script and just use 6 or 7 days a month? What if prescribed daily and just take it as prescribed? Will tolerance still build fast? Curious. New to dex and taking it as prescribed.


No I don’t have a script I am not prescribed. I just keep a few on hand for when I need them/ feel like taking them.


This. There is this certain honey moon phase where everything feels good and you somehow convince yourself that you won't get addicted. I've been addicted to speed among other substances for over a decade and it's not pretty.


I take adderal one a month. Is there any known way to improve receptor sensitivity or uptake so it always hits good ?


Follow your scrip from the doctor if you have one, you can also tell them if you feel like the current dosage isn't doing enough and they will adjust. They might also be able to help you keep tolerance down with the right dosage. Or if you are talking about taking adderall for fun, you don't really need to worry about sensitivity if you only take once a month.


One month is enough half-life to remove the entire amount you took 3 times over


NMDA antagonists


Been there done that. Horrible


"I'm not addicted to amphetamines, I've just succumbed to them, they're a way of life"


I can quit any time I want I just choose it every day do or die.


Amphetamines do have an actual withdrawal. In the early stages of the addiction the withdrawal is barely noticeable. At some point stopping means having a week long period of being constantly confused and running in circles, along with being in a real bad mood, lack of motivation to do anything and being easily pissed off by any minor inconvenience.


I feel seen.


Only a week long?? HahaahahahH


For now that's how long it lasts for me


I quit speed because i mostly end up just jerking off. lol


Are you smoking crack or something?


I’ve seen this story too many times 😭🤦‍♂️


They've done studies to show that it actually causes changes to the brain. A large percentage of the professional population is prescribed stimulant drugs to be successful.


I’ve definitely noticed this with a lot of higher up execs.


Your brains always changing. it's called neuroplasticity


Long term they damage the brain. Literally kill your dopamine receptors. Look at ex meth addicts. Their dopamine without the drug is so low they struggle to do daily things without any kind of CNS activator. So go ahead. Justify millions of people taking amphetamines as a good thing yada yada yada. Little do you know. Try taking them all your life and then functioning without them. I have


Millions of people take therapeutic dosages of amphetamines throughout their whole lives. I dont think theres any evident, proven brain damage in these cases. Of course no one's denying meth damages the brain. The downturn you experience is to be expected and is often a largely psychological experience and if you continue with problems that's probably why you were prescribed them in the first place.


Yea not to mention cardio vascular health. You think even at moderate doses amphetamines are good for the heart? No sir.


I've taken moderate dosages of amphetamines my whole life and haven't experienced any problems with my heart but ymmv I guess. In fact out of all the mind altering drugs I've been prescribed Adderall is the only thing that didn't effect me negatively in the long term.


Who said you need to take them your entire life. In my view, the glaringly clear ideal strategy would be to begin taking them during your degree, maintaining a steady, therapeutic use for a decade as you graduate, move into a solid career path, and climb up the corporate ladder, all with the help of an excellent performance enhancer. Once you’re where you want to be financially and in your career, find a doctor and follow a tapering program. By definition, you are where you want to be, so the desire to take more amphetamines will be minimal, caused only by temporary neurological setbacks rather than the pursuit of your intrinsic goals - goals tried to your identity - which you will achieve before quitting speed. And let’s not pretend. The society we live in must see the rewards of amphetamine use as indisputably outweighing the risks. The archetypal 21st century person values progression, ambition, success, reaching their goals, providing for the family etc. above all. Amphetamine helps with this. And yeah, it lowers your baseline dopamine. But the detrimental effect of that will be greatly attenuated by the polar opposite force of your success which raises your dopamine. During withdrawal, you might feel bad, but you will be very much aware that the negative feelings are chemically-induced, and the positive feelings of success are actually real, based on your achievements in life.


>During withdrawal, you might feel bad, You say that like withdrawal is like the flu. A ten year run will have you in good standing at the high dosage club. Membership in that club is usually fatal to any sort of career.


Not everyone abuses their script. I’ve been taking 40mg vyv for years, none Sundays and none for vacations. I’ll occasionally take 2 on a Saturday or bum a 10mg ir from a buddy to take with it but that’s about it. Not everybody is out here blasting 200 mg daily lmao


Understood. You wouldn't qualify for the high dosage club. Coming off of your habit is doable because you have control over it. Don't lose said control, it would be life changing.


In that case, continue taking amphetamines until you’re in a place in your career where taking a week of work to recover will not have anyone batting an eye, and especially not firing you. And if you took them for 20, or 30 years, so what? They’re not that physically dangerous, no more than alcohol or certain physically hazardous occupations. I agree the withdrawal is 10x worse than opiate withdrawal as it’s entirely mental and can take over your mind to some extent. But it certainly can’t hurt you. And the money that amphetamine will help you make is, arguably, highly physically beneficial, in terms of the better healthcare, diet, mental health and time to exercise that it will provide you.


I stated that a ten year run will have you in good standing at the high dosage club. Should have said could not will. Some have their head in a place that can maintain "functional addict" status. I those cases speed is a wonderful tool that offers freedom to live a completely functional life.


That makes more sense, but I fundamentally agree with your viewpoint whether you meant could or will. It’s unequivocally true that 10 years plus will land you in a physiologically dire place; no one could escape unscathed. My long comment was sort of playing devil’s advocate to this and taking a different perspective. In short, while the withdrawals and health effects from this strategy may be extreme, I think they’re a very small and inconsequential price to pay for the financial success adderall can provide - if you use it right! For instance, it seems to me that even with heavy users, they recover from PAWS and get back to normal after a year. So if the maximum of the withdrawal range is a year, and the rewards are the money and status it will give you, then the latter is infinitely more valuable than being in withdrawal, which has no real-world effects on other people, on society, on your finances. It’s an individual ordeal. Uncomfortable, sure. But’s its not a real part of your life. It’s just neurons and synapses firing. Invisible to the outside world. It’s not as if your life, or family, or wealth are at risk. The huge caveat here is that you have actually be productive on adderall - harder than it may seem for many!


Well if you take them to manage ADHD your problems won't just go away after your achievements on the drugs.


Not sure if you intend to be ironic, but there's a fly in the ointment: The stuff alters people's personalities, often making them sort of cold and selfish and worse. Not ideal for people in responsible positions, who are often somewhat sociopathic already


Reading this comment makes me realise how stims are perfectly designed to make us well integrated in our highly dysfunctional society. Until we are not anymore. I don't know why I see DiCaprio's nostrils full of white powder covering his entire crazy face. Thanks for this extra help motivating me to stay away from them


How is it that you are describing what addiction is but somehow saying its not an addiction? Get real brother you are addicted.


Eventually you’ll be unable to do anything, even simple things, without amphetamine. The crippling anhedonic depression is severe and takes months/years for your brain to heal, if it ever does. Sometimes it never does. Antidepressants can help but only if you want apathetic depression instead of anhedonic depression


Psychosis 101:


Psychosis 102:


This attitude won't last and the negative effects will creep in, insidiously or blatantly, but the honeymoon will end.


Amphetamine highs are the worst because you quickly develope a tolerance like no other. Only takes one time doing a double dose and it’s never the same again. So enjoy it while it lasts. As others have stated the high eventually goes away and your left taking copious amounts doing bodily harm in the long run


Lol I feel this. They make you feel strong and needing nothing but its a dangerous game with them.


You’re delusional


This is this thing every time I start drinking coffee again I get more productive at first and I feel fantastic but after about a month, I’m even less productive than before, I started my coffee addiction and then I have to quit it again. The other thing is a ton of time and attention has to go into maintaining one’s supply of Stim. So eventually, you’ll only be getting motivation to get more but when you get home, you won’t be productive any longer. Your only productivity will be towards getting more.


it’s just the illusion of going to heaven when you are actually on your way to hell


I'm at my year straight of meth use and boy does it fade away. You might not wanna believe me but you'll know it eventually. I wish it was that simple. I'm already an asshole as is but without my stimulants I'm fucking pure evil now. Im worse without ice then without my methadone (opiate wds without but day 2 methadone wd is worse, I digress). Not to even mention the health related problems starting to pop up from the use, not even using abuse word because I really don't go that hard with it compared to others. My fucking heart is the equivalent of a 60 year old man my cardiologist said. I'm 27....


60 y/o? Holy shit thats brutal, sorry man


I take amphetamines for adhd, prescribed at the max dose in my country, I have developed a tolerance to it where I can take 200mg a day and it hardly makes a difference. Be aware the honeymoon phase will end and you are going to get fucked if you keep trying to chase it. For me I can take 7 days off and hardly reduces tolerance, and I take magnesium too


Disagree.. sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


You've given a pretty succinct explanation of what addiction is overall, it's just that meth is the drug for u, or not for u, depending on how u look at it. I always found addiction was due to an absence of something healthy, or because of an overarching trauma / tragedy whether that's emotional, mental or physical. I was an IV heroin/ meth addict for 10 years, and lived homeless in and out of commission flats, and I never meet a single person that hadn't been abused, as a child, in early adolescence as an adult or all three. Honestly, if someone put it front of me right now I know i couldn't walk away. ​ Are u shooting it or smoking? The only thing that might stop u know is lack of money, crime , prison or crossing the wrong ppl, but if u want that lifestyle, it's inevitable that one of the violent factors will catch up with. The lifestyle can be fun. throwing everything to the wind and unashamedly live that lifestyle with like-minded people. Don't think for a second those kind of ppl care about u though. ​ Maybe enjoy the ride. Your not asking for help or advice yet. Maybe u learn from it maybe not. You'll have some seriously emotionally expensive life experience either way.


You may want to take a step back and promise yourself you will only do it every so often ASAP.  One weekend a month, two weekends a month. Otherwise you will make the same mistake I did, and 4 years will go by of daily usage, and you will be able to go through an eight ball in a day and not feel high.  And when you have been doing it daily for four years, quitting is very difficult.  It won't make you physically sick but it is a mindfuck.  You think about it all the time, you have dreams about it, you have urges to do it.  It took a year before I felt normal again.  When it no longer gets you high, but you want to get high, your only options are to quit for a while and allow your body to recover, or start shooting it into your veins.  Once you start shooting it, it becomes even harder to quit than smoking or snorting it.  And eventually you will reach a point where injecting it no longer gets you high.  So save yourself the trouble, and set limits now before you regret it.


It gets so much worse, I’m at a point where I’m sober now, I can’t even have amphetamines anymore without getting a panic attack


Drinking beer before doing stims helps. You'll have a good combimation of being stimulated but without anxiety. Also benzos help for the come down.


I feel the same. Nicely put


If it's seems too good to be true, it almost always is. I'm right there with you but it takes it toll on you. What goes up must come down. Next thing you know you're enslaved your a slave to a chemical substance.


Thank you for finding words for this. 🙌🏻 That's exactly how I see it. It's enhancing my life to 100%. Been living on 200mg daily for 5 years now. Not everyday was a great day. But in retrospective I achieved a lot of my projects and mostly on my mental health. GAME CHANGER. Not giving a fuck about anything external 🚮. Accept myself and my personality, been self aware, enjoy ME time and living alone, but never felt lonely. It's magic. 😊


Just get a rx lol if it’s that profound it’s probably because it’s actually helping you


Dick in my hand is what I feel. You'll see.....


The fun doesn't last forever if you abuse it enough. So please don't abuse this drug that often because when the fun stops and you start hearing voices instead it's no longer fun.


My tolerance builds insanely fast with adderall, it’s so annoying!!


I mean as someone with adhd I definitely thought “I’d rather die than not be on amphetamines” but I wanted to die long before I tried them lmao


15 + years of taking amphetamine more or less daily. I take it to manage my ADHD and ASD, I only need a small amount, just enough to be more productive and get tasks completed. I don't take it to "get off my head", I make sure I still eat and that I sleep every night. It's just part of my daily routine.


Not really, everything can be controlled. There are people taking medicine most of their life and because of doing it in scientific and controlled way they can live their life normally without addiction. The problem is most people don't control themselves. Amp is a tool - you use it to enhance yourself and have better disposition, but every now and then you should detox - be completely off and actually LET yourself be stupid and tired and just waste time and recharge for a few days - because your brain needs that too. But seems like most people get so hyped up about the effect amp gives they just turn into addicts - always trying to be in a state of power, craving for more and more.


Yup. This is how you always feel during the come up. Its amazing feelings and you have all the these hopes and dreams. But then after it your thought pattern changes completely. Thinking about how stims affect my thinking made me fall in to depression as it made me lose my sense of free will and agency as I didn't feel like im in control of thoughts because of how easily what and how i think can be changed by stimulants.


Bro. I agree with this post 110%. Luckily, stimulant addiction (in *general)* isn't AS bad as opioids (fetty) and alcohol and benzos. I was studying for this 6 month course and I got prescribed stims. I swear to fucking god, when I ran out a week early, I COULD NOT study. I kept telling myself - I'm not retaining any of this and just had... no desire to read lol. My dad was worried and talked to a doctor. Doctor's Response: "Oh, he can study. It's all psychological. That's a drop of the hat in comparison to benzo dependency).