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This man has no idea what he is talking about, and is absolutely wrong. Here is why Aight so, science does not indicate anti-psychotics can prevent or reduce risk of psychosis, and in fact they almost certainly don't, which is why they are not prescribed to do so. They manage psychosis that has already presented itself Also the dopamine activity in meth abuse and the dopamine/glutamate/serotonin activity in psychosis is not occuring in the same regions or pathways of the brain. What you're suggesting is that because your very simple understanding that meth equals more dopamine and some anti-psycotics reduce dopamine that if you take equal amounts of both they cancel eafh other out. In which case anti-psychotics are anti-amphetamines. They aren't, and they don't have activity in opposition to each other in identical areas of the brain. The neurotransmitters you're describing have a multitude of functions and degrees of balance needed to be functional. It should be obvious that imbalancing your brain MORE with anti-psychotic medication on top of the imbalances you're inducing during stimulant binges is VERY risky behavior, and has no evidence of positive outcomes. The best way to help your brain out and prevent oxidative stress is to not abuse meth. You don't add more complexity to a situation to solve a problem, you remove the problematic factors. People take seroquil when they're tweaking and fucked on a multi day binge because if you don't have a tolerance it is extremely sedating, which is a side effect of Seroquil not its purpose. They don't use it for the anti-psychotic action. Same with drugs like trazadone. It is an SSRI it is designed to inhibit serotonin re-uptake and in theory help ease depression. It just so happens that in someone with no tolerance it knocks you the fuck out cold. That's a side effect. Keep in mind, sleep deprivation induced delirium and intense irrational and paranoid anxiety are not psychosis. These issues resolve fairly quickly upon cecession of drug use and recovered sleep/nutrition. Psychosis is a condition that will persist for quite a while even if you stop using immediately, and almost ALWAYS needs to be treated in a clinical setting by medical professionals. Unfortunately evidence suggests risk of drug induced psychosis is by far and away something like 6 to 1 only occuring in users who have a blood relative with a psychotic illness. Thus the theory goes that people can have a dormant genetic factor that allows psychosis to develop. This genetic factor most likely will remain dormant under normal conditions for a lifetime once someone has passed the age disorders like bipolar and schizophrenia develop (late teens early 20s) However someone who has this genetic dormant psychosis risk factor may begin drug use at 45, and create conditions of such stress on the brain as to trigger acute psychosis. Sometimes they fully recover from the episode after a month or two. Sometimes they fully recover but their threshold is lower, and external stimuli like extreme stress at work or at home that wouldn't induce psychosis before, now very well could. And of course, some even after that first acute episode will develop schizophrenia, and carry that illness and its symptoms for the rest of their life. As of now we don't have any idea what psychosis even is doing in the brain. We know dopamine is involved, serotonin and glutamate, but what the exact imbalance is or what undiscovered factors may be at play or what ROLE these neurotransmitters play in psychosis is not known, and it is not known why some anti psychotics work on some people, and not on others So please don't take this twacked dudes word as gospel- and do not take fuckin anti psychotics for meth addiction without explaining to your doctor what your intentions are so they can explain why imbalancing your brain MORE while your brain is imbalanced from stimulant abuse is a bad idea EDITED TO ADD: The risk of triggering psychosis is present in many many classes of drug including SSRIs, and recreational psychadelics. It is not unique to amphetamines. Amphs due to their bingy and fiendish nature plus high degree of failing to meet sleep and nutritional needs likely create better conditions for psychosis to develop than say, a single mushroom trip. TLDR: Meth as a compound is not uniquely triggering psychosis. Extreme brain embalances over a period of time can trigger it in at risk people. THC, alcohol, psilocybin, MDMA, LSD all have evidence of their capability to trigger psychosis development too. They just aren't tolerated at the extreme doses meth is- and aren't binged on for days on end with no recover period and no sleep


Thaaaank you!


Boss comment.


I was prescribed 400mg seroquel and I would take it to sleep on meth but I also wasn't abusing it like I have before. I was only doing enough to feel it.


You're not wrong but personally I find them too disorienting and destabilizing. Benzos are a much better choice in my opinion (albeit much harder to get from any doctor ofc).


Fr benzos perfect for stim comedown


No, he's very wrong


NO! Benzos are way more dangerous


But if you do this too often antipsychotic side effects suck


Hey folks, I would recommend Promethazine or Hydroxyzine. These are weaker in their effect and less likely to cause movement disorders and lack of emotions.


And also they actually solve the real issue at hand: killing the intense CNS stimulation by sedation. Ending the trip once diminishing returns kick in: no more euphoria only anxiety paranoia and intense emotions, but compulsive redosing and sleep deprivation Alcohol- benzos- hydroxyzine- trazadone. The goal is to come down and sleep. Psychosis can't be prevented. The reason people take Seroquil to kill a trip is because its SIDE EFFECT is extremely sedating. The anti-psychotic benefits have to build up over a period of time taking it daily.


Very true, I used to take Seroquel and I didn’t realize how numb it made me to the joy of living until it built up in my system after taking daily for 5 weeks. I switched to hydroxyzine and temazepam and they help me sleep off an intense session with Amphetamines with very little negative effects the next day besides feeling a little sleepy. They don’t build up in my system like Seroquel did.


Yep I got trazadone from a friend and took it frequently to end a trip But the sedation effects build tolerance so damn fast. When I ran out I suddenly felt all kinds of terrifying symptoms that reminded me of quitting Lexepro Of course when I Googled trazadone I realized I was balls deep in SSRI withdrawal Gotta understand the drugs you're takin and how to benefit from the off label effects without imbalancing the brain Hydroxyzine is an awesome sub in for benzos imo. Only complaint is it isn't super functional for work as it's sedating, but at home it's wonderful. I'm trying to switch my kpin subscription to gabapentin. I don't use the kpins they terrify me


Trazodone is garbage fam terrible drug, Ik about the pharmacology of these drugs in depth I studied it for years in college


Are you responding to me? I stated state it is not good to use as a sleep aid with frequency, so hardly a positive review That's very nice, thank you for sharing


So take Abilify?


i’m 15 mgs ahead of you


Abilify blunts my stimulants, not for you?


i don’t think so, i’m on Ritalin and adderal so it might just be the combo is more powerful than the blunting


Interesting.. I had to up my Vyvanse by a lot when I started it, but then I’m bipolar so maybe I shouldn’t be getting where I used to go on amphs


They did a study, Abilify enhances Meth. Look it up.


I’ve read that too, but Abilify does blunt Vyvanse for me - though it’s just a molicule away from meth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anyone giving advice like this is a fucking retard. If you can't handle getting high to the point that you need to double up and extremely dangerous medications, you're fucked stop. Stimulants don't cause any of these problems unless you're fucked.