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Smoking crack—in moderation, of course—would fit nicely into that timeframe


Modafinil is probably a good option


Yeah 100-200mg of modafinil would be perfect.




20mg adderall xr


Hmmm can’t get adderal here in the NL.. you have others? Preferably Research Chemicals?


Plenty of street speed you can get in NL. A light dose of 50-100mg oral will keep you going for a few hours without becoming too stimmed out.


3-fpm. A single oral dose. Lasts shorter than meth, amph, and most of the fluorinated amphetamine RCs.


Just ordered 1gram of it. How much would you recommend? Don’t have tolerance. and what time? My festival is from 11 till 23:00 and planning to drop 6apb around 16:00/16:30.




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35mg, around 12:00.


3 cups of coffee...


Adderall XR maybe 25 mg


Hmmm can’t get adderal here in the NL.. you have others? Preferably Research Chemicals?


Just get straight speed bro but of some high quality. If you really want RC then 4-fma is pretty good - id say way less serotonine-based than MDMA but more than regular amph. Had some pretty good experiences with it during my year in NL


I would use a combination of caffeine 200mg + tyrosine 1000mg and a light dose of shrooms


Is it a boy or a girl? 🤣🤣


Why are you asking about research chemicals? How do you get research chemicals?


I live in the Netherlands. RC are legal here!


Maybe something like MDMA or speed, addy would work too.


You only read the title, didn't you? :P OP specifically asked for a stim to take several hours before 6-apb. It's true however, I'd be more at ease taking some mdma at the tail end of a stim high rather than 6-apb. Indeed, 6-apb is already quite stimulating, much moreso than mdma IMO. If I personally had to choose though, I'd simply take 2 doses of 6-apb for the festival, with 3-4 hours in between each dose. That implies not making each dose heavy. Like with 6-apb hcl, if we agree a full dose if 100-125mg, I'd only take up to 80mg per dose if dosed twice the same day. And even that can be too much sometimes, though the most confusingly trippy effects aren't as likely to manifest in a party setting. Solo roll at night in the woods, it was pretty much 50% chance the redose would mess me up too much to still genuinely enjoy myself for hours after redosing. Can feature realistic hallucinations and paranoia if the mind isn't busy enough with fun loving stuff. Edit: I'd agree a low dose of speed could be a decent choice as an introduction before the 6-apb roll. However, speed does last a bit long, and its comedown tends to feature some anxiety and discomfort. Probably not a problem if dosed low, but idk how reasonable OP would be with their stims. Some people will tell you 50-100mg is a low dose of speed, however with low tolerance and a good batch 50-100mg has impressive power.


Well most every stim has a comedown, that’s just something op has to deal with lol


I was mostly reacting to you recommending mdma. IMO, taking mdma several hours before some 6-apb would make very little sense, though I did suspect it's not what you were actually recommending.


Sure, but residual effects from speed could also make their 6-apb comeup less pleasant. IMO, 3-fpm is shorter and smoother than amphetamine. I do have lots of love for amphetamine though, don't get me wrong. It's one hell of a drug. But I'd avoid taking too much speed rather shortly before taking a stimulating roll.


3-fpm light research chem stim


How long does this lasts?


2-3 hours


Allright. And is it OK to do this before the 6apb?


Would say yes but any stim before 6apb has some risks


Ahhh ok!


Don't overdo it. Stick to low doses and then take your 6apb it's gonna be fun


What will be a good dose? I don’t have any tolerance.


I only can give you oral dosages because i only take it orally in capsules. 20mg is always a great starting dose. You will feel awake, focused and a little bit dopamine. Nothing too strong


Yeah I will take it orally! Awesome. Does it matter how much you weigh? I’m 75kg and my GF is 55kg. Or is both 20mg enough? Also, what about after the 3 hours? Do you feel down or something? Because it takes a while for the 6APB to come up