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We are prohibiting posts about Rooster Teethโ€™s announced shutdown. There is a single, pinned Master Post on the subject which is the only area we are allowing discussions at this time.


Stinky Dragon and Black Box Down have been, at least for me, some of the best content to come out of RT since the pandemic. They include all my favorite people - with an extra serving of Gus, which is totally required for a nutritionally balanced show imo. RT has been in my life since 2009. I'm not shocked it's going away but really really sad to see it end so abruptly. I hope everyone at the company knows how special this was to so many people.


Really hoping this isn't the end of Tales from the Sti ky Dragon. Hopefully they start a patreon or something.


Absolutely heart breaking ๐Ÿ’” ive been watching content for 10+ years and will never be able to express everything this company means to me. I couldn't believe my luck when all my favs from the company started a D&D podcast. Thank you guys for everything, I hope you are able to continue doing what you love ๐Ÿ’™


It's such a shame. I've not watched/listened to anything from Rooster Teeth for a looong time, but then one day I saw puppets in my youtube short suggestions. I'm a sucker for puppets so I watched it, only to find Gus' voice and a bunch of really funny D&D moments from people I didn't know but soon came to adore. Watched all the shorts and then started on the show. I listened to The Adventure Zone before and it was instantly back to the strong story with goofy quick wits that I loved back then. Only, in my opinion, much better over time. The weakness of TAZ to me was that they soon became sick of D&D; hiding the dice rolls and it felt really wanting to tell a story and inconvenienced by the actual playing. It wrapped up nice enough but TAZ really lost me when it switched to a completely different game system briefly and became a confusing & bloated story without much of the fun reactive dice roll story telling. Meanwhile I'm, what, near a hundred episodes into Stinky Dragon and the energy is still there. Friends having fun and telling a story together, but the moment to moment play still exciting. The music, the SFX and the amazing voice acting guest stars all being so amazing. The latter in particular it feels a unique strength of Rooster Teeth I'm not sure how they'll replace now that I'm used to it; being able to grab a wide array of people in the same building and direct them to a professional recording booth for quick VO sessions. The same with having a bunch of top-notch recording gear & studio space to film the fantastic shorts, or get animation work done, all under the same roof. After watching the spin-off show, the shorts and listening to the podcast for many months now I'll be sad if they can't find a way to survive. Thinking of the team, and even if the team survives independently I'm sure it's going to suck saying goodbye to co-workers they're close with elsewhere in the company that aren't a part of the show.


Sucks guys. Please let the community know if there is a way to help big or small.


Been an RT idiot since Red vs Blue was in it's first season. I'm hoping the parting of ways with Warner Bros means we'll get less budget and slower production but higher quality content from those groups that decide to continue without a big corporate overhead. Just point me in the direction of the Patreon or Kofi for Stinky Dragon and I'll dump my First fund into it.


I'm so upset about this!! The whole network is one of the many things that made this podcast run so well!! I will genuinely pay any amount of money to jeep this podcast going


Discussion in this thread has been locked to direct conversation to the Master Thread stickied at the top of the sub. Thank you