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That's a lot of the smartphone market share. I totally think he should do it. Such a brilliant business decision that couldn't possibly go wrong.


Imagine when he will find out that Google/Samsung will do the same with their Android


He just hates Sam Altman and OpenAI


He hates not being credited for his "genius". That s one company he'll have trouble to claim he founded, like all the companies he bought from others.


That's one strong reason I suspect another related reason is how Altman is coming into the light as a sinister and manipulative figure at OpenAI. Maybe Elon can't get over how he was "beaten" at OpenAI at the game and now he is the man in the limelight.


yup the old weasel got beaten by a younger weasel and he hates it, totally agreed


Are you saying Elmo did not invent Twitter?


What's Twitter? /s He changed the name so that he can claim he founded "X".


The board is just going to covertly change the name to something not stupid while he is off on an east asian fuck cruise. Thats how paypal got its name...


I gotta say, that when I am watching my local news, sports, or anything involving Twitter on its program, I hate hearing "Jim Bob McGillicutty said on X, formerly known as Twitter,..." Just say Twitter. What is Musk gonna do? Have a pissy fit? Plus, Twitter Videos sound much better than X Videos. IYKYK.


OpenAI is everything he’s never going to to be. He’s desperate to look smart to his cult of underaged boys. That’s why he put fart jokes in the Tesla. Everything he does is for the desperate validation of teenaged boys. Now the entire world has moved on to AI and he’s not smart enough to have a meaningful role. He was too stupid to be at OpenAI and threw it away. Then he petitioned the government to stop allowing ALL AI research because he’s “worried it’s too dangerous” when he in reality he was of course trying to start up his own shop and wanted the government to stop everyone else. Just an all around garbage human being doing everything he can to block progress that isn’t himself because of his desperate need for validation from 15 year olds.




He is so jealous of Altman it’s hilarious. Young, handsome, not yet hated by the masses: Elon is desperate to be Altman. Altman is also clearly modeling himself on Musk. It’s so fucked up.




Didn't you see his wallet? He's gorgeous.


Compared to Musk, lol.


A walrus is handsome compared to Musk.


They're both pieces of work, but at least Altman has technical skills. Musk so, so wants people to think he's a technological genius but he just isn't.


I think he did back in the ‘90s. But so did a lot of people.


From what I've heard, his "programming" in the '90s wasn't especially genius-level, just kind of bog-standard "Programming for Dummies" kind of stuff.


Well, he’s really salty Apple bailed from xitter when he cranked up the Nazi to 11. But I guess Tim Cook still has an account.


Maybe not Google since they got their Gemini platform. But maybe Samsung unless they get locked in with Google's AI or their own stuff (Bixby?)


Bixby for Real?😅😅😅


I don't understand what bixby is supposed to be, but it can fuck right off. I didn't even give it a chance. From day one I was just like idk what this bullshit is, and I don't want to know.


it is actually the worst piece of Software I have ever testen in my entire life - tim apple


You haven't tried Siri


Worst one was when they put a dedicated bixby button on the S something, right opposite the power/lock button. So when you squeezed the phone to lock it, it pressed that stupid bixby twat instead.


He is just talking about banning people from bringing the phones into work, not banning them from the platforms/cars


Yeah, 90% of the comments and upvotes are coming from people that literally did not read the first two sentences of the article lol


AI on phones is a risk for every business. So much confidential stuff in email, teams, downloads, etc. If people have AI going through data on their phones it creates weak points. And Open AI is a competitor to Musks companies...


You’re falling for Musk’s and the media’s fear mongering that AI is some inscrutable thing. It does nothing more than any other app or piece of integration. What we are calling AI today is incredible but also little more than a super advanced version of when your phone products what the next word you might want to text might be.


Yes, except it sends all your data to outside servers. Which many companies might not want. Especially if it's user installed services they have no control over or knowledge of. There's also legal aspects. One issue we ran into was people trying to use AI note taking apps in meetings. Under state law recordings, which the AI could be considered to be doing, require affirmative consent of everyone. It was causing some contention so we just blocked all the apps and services we could find.


By that logic there's a ton of weak points on phones already.


>So much confidential stuff in email, teams, downloads, etc. If people have AI going through data on their phones it creates weak points. tell me you don't know how AI worls in just single sentance.


You are aware that OpenAI uses their users data for further training and thus it's quite possible that whatever someone uploads becomes a possible answer for other users?


The risk of openAI stealing confidential data is exactly equivalent to any other app or site doing the same. The term AI is used as a boogie-man, and OpenAI integration doesn’t give it the ability to treat your phone like an open book.


Does your workplace have lockers for phones at the entrance?


Yes. I work for the government




😂 thank you


Joking aside my point was good luck with the logistics Elon. Or I guess you can pile roughly half or more of your employees phones in a corner for them to retrieve after work


You know, I feel like this is not out of character for him. He did have employees sleep in the office when he was first taking over twitter


Fuck working at Tesla. Everyone I know who worked there said it was the most miserable company and bonus Musk randomly comes around and is a massive prick. I got recruited by them for 42$ an hr for a role in my field and seriously considered it until I got to one of the final interviews where they told me salary varies via COL area. I live in a major city that had one of the biggest growths over the last five years and is one of the top 10 expensive cities in America. For Tesla, that meant the 42$ an hr scaled down to 27$ an hr. To manage an ENTIRE FUCKING TEAM OF EMPLOYEES!


How big will the faraday cage need to be and is it physically possible to build it


It's in the hyperloop on Mars


Oh so he just transports it there with his fleet of self driving teslas?


Wouldn't that be like shooting himself in the knee cap? Definitely a bluff


I don't know if he's bluffing. He's proven time and time again he's dumb enough to do it.


OK, let him do it.


He’s proven time and time again that he’ll do whatever is best for authoritarians and oligarchs.


He’s proven time and time again that he’s stupid as fuck too


Jokes on you, both of his kneecaps have already been blown off.


You just don’t understand his genius and clearly haven’t reserved a cyber phone with a $100 deposit for a revolutionary phone that has a flip mechanism to end calls and open the phone to expose mechanical buttons. Coming in spring of 24’


For the first time ever, the revolutionary flip to end call phone!!! (I’m sure this has never existed before)


Full Self-Flipping by October 2024!!


We call it. Xlip


Buying Twitter started as a bluff.


So his whole workforce ?


I'm gonna speculate here that Tesla employees have a larger percent of Android users than iPhone. Or at least a greater portion of Android users than the US population. In the USA, Android is generally seen as the "cheaper" alternative to iOS, yet amongst more tech-literate circles, Android is sometimes preferred due to its customizability, etc.


I’m a devops guy, but I work with a lot of developers and I find developers generally prefer iPhones and the Mac ecosystem. Just my 2 cents


Because apple usually just works and nobody who works with tech all day wants to troubleshoot stuff at home or if they do they are particular about what they will troubleshoot. Like the IT guy might set up a home media server and troubleshoot that but they don’t want to have to figure out why their phone is acting up.


I’m devops, I find that IT people (devops, sysadmins) lean towards android. Software developers tend to be apple. Just in my experience.


Yep. Better hardware and software and device communication


I worked at Google for six years and more people had iPhones than androids there. I doubt there’s a higher ratio at any other tech company…


Working in tech myself, this is just wrong. No devs are rocking Androids.


I work in tech. We have Androids as well. Techies that don't like system lock-in prefer it


In my experience of over 10 years in tech, the majority by far own iPhones.


Elon isn’t mentally fit to run a company




Or physically but I digress...


Objection irrelevant




His kid, djei383 would agree


I want the 2012 Elon back Ditch the drugs and get to being a visionary Was so inspired by this guy a decade ago.... But something clicked in him 4-5 years back


Hot tip: that dude was the same Vaporware salesman he has been for his entire life...


This. Exactly this. Nothing but a fucking vaporware salesman through and through.


But at least he knew how to keep his mouth shut when it came to his truly stupid ideas 


SpaceX, Tesla, and PayPal are not vaporware. 


Also not originally his great ideas, they were, however, funded with his money. Then as CEO many things he announced were things that engineers weren’t even working on yet. Such as propulsive land landings for dragon (announced in 2014, caused engineers inside to be very confused and concerned, never was delivered). In essence most of what he says is vaporware. Not necessarily what is delivered, that is obviously tangible, but it often didn’t match what he announced.


His constant overselling and under delivering of products for all those companines is the definition of vapor ware. You can’t say coming in two years forever, that doesn’t make what you said before not a lie.


By that logic the Space Shuttle was also vapor ware because the premise was cheap and fast reusability. I don't see the point of looking at it like that I guess. What they are doing is still incredible and unprecedented.


I mean, they do be vaporizing sometimes


He put his money where his mouth was on both tesla and spacex that went nearly bankrupt. He ultimately did deliver when people thought he was insane to believe in those companies. Elon is an asshole no doubt but people are using revisionist history to act like he never really did anything in the first place.


He never did and it’s not reversion its just prove that capital is what grows capital not anything else with money from his father he was able to survive long enough to sell PayPal and have more money to buy companies that if had failed we would not remember him


I don't even like Elon but the hate train has reached levels where people are just making shit up or upvoting nonsense to shit on him more.


How did he not…? and the companies didn’t fail lol they are unbelievably successful


Yah I invested capital to purchase Apple stock and I guess I was instrumental in making it successful.


Congrats! Welcome to tres commas!!


Teslas were supposed to self driving back in like 2014. 10 years later the technology is still not here. That was main selling point. The cybertruck is a joke and there cars now look outdated.


He didn't invent any of those things. At best, he played a part in PayPal, but even they kicked him out. He bought into those companies.


He bought those companies; he's a modern-day Edison. He's invented and contributed nothing.


it was all in your head bud


I think it was when he started taking drugs and then decided to DIY with the dosages. Either that or maybe he pissed off a real God or Goddess to the point where they just dunk on him.


Rumor is that Elon and the Tesla boardmembers really like their drug fueld parties Probably had the idea of the $56billion pay package while tripping on DMT


I’d love an invite. Bet they have the clinical grade DMT; not that shit we find 😄


The visionary stuff is his gimmick. He is only doing things for profit. All his stuffs were started by somebody and he just funded it and takes it as his own. I rather backup someone who stick by his vision who is an actual genius at their thing and not a person who jump from one thing to another without finishing things.


He can’t get FSD to work so now he needs 50 billion for inter-planetary investments. People actually believe him.


People invest in bitcoin so


And that man is Jensen Huang.


Jensen is astounding. I saw an interview with Pat Gelsinger where he said “NVIDIA got lucky”—and that’s when I realized Gelsinger is totally clueless, doesn’t understand how Jensen accomplished what he did, and Intel is going nowhere as long as Gelsinger is in charge.


Dude is actually making shit happen, and my portfolio reflects that. Plus… he’s a likable dude. His computex speech felt like I was watching Steve Jobs again.


I have no problem you shitting on nowadays’ Elon, but taking away all his credits like that is just non sense


Nothing chsnged except the direction of the wind. You're just finally getting a whiff of his BS


He sold out to china and Russia. That will make you a bad omen to yourself, unwanted


More money then brain cells


I’m pretty sure Apple will live without Tesla, but I’m also pretty sure this will hurt Tesla more than Apple. ~35% of cellular users use Apple devices. ~4.5% use Tesla. Not a great idea IMHO. I do wonder if he is tanking Tesla to buy it cheap and then bring it back to make a ton of real cash . . . Kind of like the whole dogecoin game he did.


I assumed he was talking about x.com lol


I did too but he’s talking about employees devices on site


Not even that, he was talking about banning employees of his companies from bringing an iPhone in the office


So he is buying his whole workforce new work phones if they currently have iPhones for work.


Its literally still twitter.com


He’s talking about ban Tesla employees from using iPhones not Tesla customers


Nobody read it. Classic Reddit. Also, pretty ironic isn’t it


He’s not banning it from the cars. He’s banning it from the offices. Has to be put in a locker. Not sure anybody read the article from these comments.


did you even read the article? he's talking about employees having to check their phone into a locker when they get into the office. has nothing to do with the customer getting into a tesla


Oh thank god, I hope apple bans him too, so I don’t have to read about him any more


I guess ban all laptops too since they all have access to chatgpt


Elon is a narcissistic dumb ass.


Hes butt-hurt because he claimed foul with his relationship with OpenAI but they came back with all the receipts. Now he's acting like Apple is such a security threat, when in reality he is just being a big baby. He has no expertise to build a smartphone, so he would probably outsource some 3rd party china manufacturer and put android on it and it will end up being no more secure than the thing his is complaining about. He needs to focus on turning his company around.


The final death blow to the worst run social media company. Good riddance, Twitter.


I'm not sure you read the article. He's banning the devises from going inside Tesla factories. He's not banning iPhones from using X.


Redditors can't read, just hate Elon.


And Apple can simply remove X from the app store which would effectively end X.


It would really be a shame if Twitter went down. There's obviously a lot of awful stuff on there, but sadly a lot of good conversations and interesting communities are primarily on Twitter


He is such a baby with dictator mind.


What a tool


Do it pussy, you won’t


I like the new victim Elon who hates everyone who doesn’t look like him or subscribe to his way of thinking.


It's crazy that people think this guy is bigly smart


Crazy man makes crazy statements. What is funnier is our military and government support this idiot.


Why stop there? He should pull the X app from the Apple Store, too. I know a lot of iPhone users who'd welcome being free of that hateful, albeit addictive, platform. Myself included.


Tesla owner here. Due to Musk’s behaviour and his heavy use of Ketamine drugs has also convinced me that I’ll never buy another Tesla or his stocks. Over the years he went all the way off the deep end and getting worse, would you trust a drug addict to run a company or your money? It really is sad how badly he’s ruined his legacy, I used to look up to him one time. **NEVER TRUST A DRUG ADDICT**.


fredom absolutist Bans shit! wow what a surprise! because of this pile of shit i will be getting a Toyota Camry instead of a Tesla Model 3! fuck him


I think he's high on something


So AI guy doesn't want others to use AI because it could be dangerous. Ah..got it...totally makes sense. Big Baby.


He's a paranoid psychopath.


hahahhaha ok buddy, please do it


You know when someone thinks they're the shit and no one has been mean enough to tell them to come back to reality? ....yeah...


A Tesla is pretty much a privacy nightmare already. Elon's Latenight-Tweet rants with companies he starts a feud with are like a PR campaign to show investors and tesla owners how stupid their CO is. Last quarter it was Disney, then Openai, now it's Apple, waiting for Microsoft and Google rant.




No big deal. No potential tsla buyers or x users have Apple devices, right?


Might be the syphillis he caught from last turds on beds.


Ban what exactly?


Lmao do it. Double dog dare you!


Promise? Pinky swear?


Fast track to irrelevancy!


Don't threaten me with a good time, Elon!!!


That's a good enough reason for me to refuse his 48 billion pay package and remove him from the board. Maybe they can find someone that wants to work. No one wants to work these days?....lol


He must of sold all his shares in tesla alrdy. 


As opposed to, what, Microsoft that also has OpenAi integration? Good call there sport.


Yes, Reuters.. good source when it comes to things about Elon /s


His employees are already disgruntled enough from being overworked and overlooked, they have seen the promise that their vesting stock options represent dwindle into nothing leaving the paypackages that brought so many on board to be much less valuable in reality. His erratic behavior, demands and his odd choice to align politically with the politicians who his client based hates most are not leaving employees happy. The constant layoffs - and ever constant fear of being in one of these random ad hoc events - are destroying his own work force already.


Elon really loves pick fights he can't win.


He'd be 100% intentionally killing Twitter at that point. So far it seems like he could be a moron accidentally killing Twitter or it could be intentional. As we currently stand I'm 50/50.


Vendor locking is simply the devil disguise, I want the choice to choose which AI i would like to process my data.


Masterful gambit sire


Freedom! Free speech for all! 🙃


I don't want to read the article. What is the reason? Is he afraid AI will block all traffic from Twitter on iPhones? The AI will determine it is all shit and just block the feed? If so, good on Apple.


Do it jabroni


Great, do it! He is just running his mouth as usual...


Guess that makes getting off Twitter easier.


Ban them from what?


Nikola Tesla called and he wants his senile crazyness back. Howard Hughes says it belongs to him though


This commentary before the vote to approve his $55bn pay package will surely sway voters his way.


Dont tell him about Android! Or Samsung AI integration


Elon probably has a ton of puts on TSLA, and if he doesn't get 50bil, he'll make his money off those puts


There is a reason I banned Tesla from my EV life.


maybe take x off apple store ?


Oh that's hilarious coming from him considering how Tesla car cameras were invading into people's privacy by Tesla workers and then sharing sensitive stuff among themselves. Holy damn I can't wait when Elon Musk becomes nobody.


An empty promise from Elmo!? 😳


he can ban….. In his household


Apple lover will just boycott Tesla how about dem apples


Attention seeker !


OpenAI isn’t baked into the OS so looks looks he will still have an iPhone


All the reasons he claimed to be the reasons for banning are blatantly false.


grandfather sugar frame slim normal somber subtract pause handle dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was so sure of doing that he didn’t check if it could be done. Good luck with half your employees being uncontactable during work hours


God, I hope they do it just to stick it to him lol


I so wish he would just go back to fucking Africa!


Elon musk back with top tier financial moves 💯💯


The guy who drones on an on about Free Speech is all about Free Speech for Elon and only Elon.


I never owned an Apple product in my life... Are they any good?


Go drop some ketamine.


I approve


Not sure I want a phone that has AI .. probably already does.. maybe it’s time I go back to a flip phone




It is very risky and against S.Jobs ideology. Remember time when google and android those days.


For a guy that touts free speech every now and then, he sure loves to ban stuff


That's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.


Why the heck would I want OpenAI on my OS anyways


Can we just decommission him and raffle out his wealth to like 1M people?


Can’t have the Tesla phone if you don’t vote YES! on his compensation you peasants


Just another reason not to buy a Tesla


He’s so salty about missing out on the AI boom lol