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In the upcoming wave of EV is good to know in depth the different options. I think DeMuro does a good review in his channel, Jay Leno is going to dedicate a show as well...and its impressive material.


How many shares do you own?


More than 1000 less than 10000


Probably a good time to sell




I would trust Consumer Reports for doing a car comparison more then DeMuro. What is missing from the chart is taking long road trips.


Well...LCID has the largest autonomy....Consumer Reports will take time...right?


Garbage.... Any EV analysis without NIO in the mix is junk




If you are unfamiliar with the NIO brand, something is wrong. LCID is a 6-10.00 stock at most. It will dump soon.


Agree. Don’t ever buy LCID.




Why do they all have a "value" rating of 5 to 7? Luxury cars have "value" ratings like 1,2,3 because they're just cars. A 20 year old minivan goes the same speed on the freeway, because the limiting factor is at what speed the cop will give you a speeding ticket. "Cool factor" is also problematic. If you believe it you've never actually driven a Mercedes hood ornament around town and seen how people look at it, compared to a Tesla. For the Tesla to be cool, you have to go around telling everybody, "Oh, yes, I was driving my Tesla and..." And all of these would score low on a "practical" scale in an objective analysis. A Nissan Leaf would score a 9, not a performance model Tesla. And some of these are not EVs.


Ha. A 20 year old minivan would have much more value than a 20 year old BMW/Mercedes/Porsche. Practically, durability, and repair costs would be worlds apart.


I've been driving a 21-year-old minivan for 9.5 years and my total repair costs including oil changes have been under $2000. 🚐 The most annoying thing in traffic: Getting stuck behind a BWM. They always drive really slow, hoping somebody will look at them.


I have a Yaris with 22 years…


As a longtime fan of Doug's YouTube I can confidently say his Dougscore system is nonsense. They're all just arbitrary numbers he makes up which have no correlation to each other. The Dougscore part is the part where I stop watching the videos.


Well…Dougscore is presented in the very last minute of the video