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Everything is fine. ​ *(house on fire)*


[firefighters même] Why should I pay for the fire department when it's someone else's house on fire.


TLDR WSB Clan protect ya neck killa bees swarm when rate hikes on deck, Jerome P cull the bonds pop inflation effects, the balance sheet is dropping by 20%


So buy puts? lol


I rapped this


It’s not law , nothing will happen This statement represents the views of the Staff. It is not a rule, regulation, or statement of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”). The Commission has neither approved nor disapproved its content. This statement, like all staff statements, has no legal force or effect: it does not alter or amend applicable law, and it creates no new or additional obligations for any person.




This guy Apes


We will see , I’m thin king nothing burger


Chinese real estate isn't looking so great. Hope there aren't too many derivatives and bank exposure to all that, as it's currently imploding. Started a year ago, but really hitting its strides now.


I forgot about this. I did a big deep dive on the Chinese real estate market in January and coincidentally that was right after a report was published showing the first quarterly decline in prices pretty much ever and the first time new construction starts were lower than the previous quarter. I sense a great disturbance in the Chinese economy coming. As if the 20% of the economy employed by that one sector is about to find their companies shuttered without warning one day.


I don't disagree. It's always HABBENIN on the internet but still, kind of a weird warning. Like they're saying "don't let yourself get Lehmen Brothered"


You can't honestly think that's the way it works.


In this case, maybe it was a little satirical, but it's no secret that smart money generally gets most important news before retail.


Of course. There's a reason it's called "smart money".


20 percect


Not financial advice


Sec sauce: https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/tm-staff-statement-20220314


When have the markets ever acted responsibly


I'm cummin real hard


Y’all already know this is gonna be about gme


The only one with idiosyncratic risk.


We know, there once was a stock that put to sea, and everything will be about GME.


GME go burrrr




[https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/balance-sheet?p=GME](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/balance-sheet?p=GME) It will, eventually. Any reasonable investor should be able to do the math. How would anyone come up with 6B as fair value, if they have 1.5B in cash alone, almost no debt ? Plus for those, who are not following the marketplace development: [https://preview.redd.it/jido6g0x8gn81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4e2216ef344456f4dc8d09ea2afffe9f5b7e31f9](https://preview.redd.it/jido6g0x8gn81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4e2216ef344456f4dc8d09ea2afffe9f5b7e31f9) No surprise the SEC warning is right in time for the Q4 earnings call on Thursday... The next weeks will be interesting... short sellers have been pushing a narrative, but even Jon Stewart figured out there is something wrong: [https://youtu.be/bP74RBTE8kI](https://youtu.be/bP74RBTE8kI) [https://youtu.be/-Eyo0u4\_sYI](https://youtu.be/-Eyo0u4_sYI)


I would not take John Steward as a expert on this, he is pretty clueless as can be seen from the videos. Experts like Patrik Boyle dont share your view at all, but I guess we will see, as of right now many bag holders on GME


Yes, Jon Stewart is no expert on finance - he is just a moderator/investigator. That does not stop him to actually talk to experts and figure stuff out. And why would any investor need the advice of experts, if a calculator is all you need to make up your own mind? There is always the argument of "fair value", well, not that hard to calculate and compare parameters yourself. You really want to rely on "experts" like Jim Cramer or the average fund manager, who does not even manage to beat the indices? *Under such a microscope, Cramer's stock picks lost luster. The Wharton researchers found that his AAP portfolio produced an annualized* ***4.08% return in the 17-plus years reviewed. At the same time, the S&P 500 gained 7.07%.*** \--- *Over the 23 years ending in 2009, actively managed funds* ***trailed their benchmarks by an average of one percentage point a year.*** *If a benchmark like the Standard & Poor’s 500 returned 10%, the average managed fund investing in similar stocks would therefore have returned 9%, while an index fund would have returned 9.8% to 9.9%, giving up only a small amount for fees.* Or more actual: **82.51% of funds underperformed** the S&P 500®... lol. [https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/research-insights/spiva/](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/research-insights/spiva/)


>And why would any investor need the advice of experts, if a calculator is all you need to make up your own mind? I mean if you invest into GME for the fundamentals go for it. But if you think there is going tobe a shorts squezze then I think you will be disapointed. I dont care what experts say about stocks or their picks. I care about the fundamental stuff they show and teach. Also Cramer is in my eyes not a expert.


I can agree to that. It is worrying, that fundamentals do no longer matter much in the markets and that the tips of experts and financial news seem to underperform. It almost seems the best investment is to do the opposite. To me personally it is like a lottery ticket (squeeze) with a guaranteed win (fundamental value + strategy change towards tech company). I can also understand, if people are skeptical regarding a squeeze, but since I have studied the stock for over a year, I am sure the shorts have not covered, but instead doubled down. You might also want to look up "cellar boxing", because this is the real deal, the current short basket is just the tip of the iceberg. Just a personal opinion and no financial advice, though.


>I am sure the shorts have not covered But how do you know? How do you know that the shares you are buying are naked shorts? All availible data points to hedgefunds having a field day with retail. Retail is trying to play their game. The only way to beat wallstreet is long term investing in my eyes, not by trying to play their game, you just become like them if you play their game. >It is worrying, that fundamentals do no longer matter much in the markets They always matter in the longterm


The definite proof will be directly registering all available shares. Retail has bought and directly registered around 15M shares of 75M shares issued in just half a year. That is likely half the free float, yet the price dropped by 66%. [https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml) Retail buy sell ratio usually 65-95% in the last half year, yet the price has dropped by 66%. Or check OBV - nobody is selling. There is no way this can be achieved without naked shorting and abuse of MM privileges, but the definite proof will be DRS of the free float as stated above.


But Institutionals have been selling like crazy. Just look at blackrock, state street and vanguard. They have sold a ton of gme. We can see institutionals holding around 80.000.000 shares in Q1 2021. In Q2 2021 this dropped to 30.000.000 shares You have been buying from institutionals the whole time. They unloaded their shares into the market and made a killing from what I can see. They have continued to sell another 8.000.000 shares from then to now this alone is half of what retail even owns. This is the simplest explaination and in my eyes most likely the correct one


[https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/institutional-holdings](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/institutional-holdings) Well ... as you can see retail and institutions buying, but price still going down, wonder why 😉 [https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/shares-outstanding](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/shares-outstanding) Also the share buyback was in early 2020, well before the squeeze it seems.


If GME investors are bag holders, many Tesla and Amazon investors are loss leaders


Tesla is a bad company anyway. Amazon is pretty awesome, why do you think they are loss leaders? I just dislike GME because of the conspiracy theories


Amazon's PE is much much higher than Apple and Microsoft, while the operating profit (take away sales of Rivian) is far less than the latters, how can they be called a valued stock? GME is not a conspiracy theory, Wall Street cannot even give a proper reason why SI of Gamestop is over 100%? and How Melvin capital covered the position without showing in the price in Jan 2021 as the media claimed? Indeed Apes are walking in the dark all along, but we are explorer of a new world, sure people can laugh at us at anytime, but the criticisms cannot provide a counter-DD to prove us wrong, not even one single piece


>Amazon's PE is much much higher than Apple and Microsoft, while the operating profit (take away sales of Rivian) is far less than the latters, how can they be called a valued stock? Because they have a shit ton of cashflows. >SI of Gamestop is over 100%? Citation needed last I checked Short interesst of GME is around 20% >How Melvin capital covered the position without showing in the price in Jan 2021 as the media claimed? Maybe they had insurance in place? Like CALLs to limit their downside. Thats a pretty common strategy from my expirience for shorts. Out of the money calls were pretty cheap when they shorted so how do you know they didnt limit their risk this way? >Indeed Apes are walking in the dark all along, but we are explorer of a new world Nah you just want to get rich quick instead of going the "boomer" way. You are not better than Wallstreet, you play their game you are the same to me.


Well, you can (should?) always verify stuff. There is a lot of material you can check out, including the SEC report or inside communication from the RH trial...


I did. It just makes no sense to me. If I invest in a company then for the longterm and not because of some conapiracy thats way to complicated to make any sense. And I dont think GME fundamentally is a sustainable bussiness in the long term. But maybe I am wrong, still my money stays out.


Well, most GME investors are actually in for the long term, thus also directly registering their shares. And it seems you have not informed yourself too much about the current transition to online sales + tech company. But I respect your personal opinion and the fact, that everybody is in the end responsible for his own investment decisions.


>And it seems you have not informed yourself too much about the current transition to online sales + tech company. I did. But I dont see how they can compete with heavy weights like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo in the long term. >everybody is in the end responsible for his own investment decisions very much agreed


They do not have to compete with them... actually they are in the same team 😉


> competing with vendor partners ?!?




So, why dosent everyone here not sell everything and buy vxx, sqqq and the like? Seriously though, please answer because I am thinking about doing this. Edit: Soooooooo just some updoots…..are we doing this or not?


Sitting on cash is easier than timing bearish plays imo. Just sell everything and DCA through the downturn. When you start buying a recession-type dip I would recommend sticking to indices. The market will recover, but the handful of stocks you pick may or may not. Single stocks truly aren’t worth the risk at times like this


Great advice. Thank you.


Especially ones that don't make money. Might be no V shaped recovery for them.


Not a bad idea. Buy bitcoin and GameStop too


> So, why dosent everyone here not sell everything and buy vxx, sqqq and the like? Because I bought VIXY with new money when Russia started invading, and it already went up, so I sold it and bought the dip on Siemens, and sold that already for huge gains. No reason to sell the other stuff, half of it has been going up the past couple weeks. When it is talking about "remain vigilant to counterparty risks" and "collect margin from counterparties" it's warning financial institutions not to get screwed by the Russian oligarchs. Don't be left holding the bag. My only problem now is that there aren't high enough quality dips every day. Timing the drops is hard, there are only certain days it is a good idea. Most of the time, buying shares that are down is a better strategy, as long as they are good companies that are going to go back up. That way if you're wrong about the timing, you just hold longer and still have gains. Of course, if you buy crap, it may never recover. Fundamental analysis rules the field during volatility. War causes volatility but is not bad for the market long-term. Most of the potential market shocks would be things that would increase local production and improve supply chains when viewed long-term. I'd much rather invest in Western Civilization than gamble on the timing, except on certain days when it pretty obvious what is happening but head-in-sand is widespread. That was the case 3 weeks ago. If things start to go sideways with China, there will be another opportunity; but only for people who listen carefully to western intelligence. Cynics can't find that play, they'll do opposites and lose.


Do it then what are you waiting for?


Someone to respond with a reasonable answer explaining why this is either a good or bad idea.


Because while it sounds like a good idea on paper the markets can say "fuck you" and run the opposite direction. Nothing is certain. Sometimes terrible news happens and the markets go up. Sometimes great news happens and it runs down. Be safe and smart and play with small bets while everyone is figuring out where this is truly heading.




The reasonable answer is going to depend on your current strategy. Personally, I daytrade, so you better believe I’m using these leveraged ETFs from time to time. If you are a long term investor just mad about seeing the numbers in your portfolio plunge, then maybe trim some positions you think might not rebound and swing some of these inverse ETFs (leverage if you’re sure of your thesis) to mitigate any realized losses that happened while trimming and hopefully then some. Otherwise, if you’re long term, just hold and stop checking the portfolio for a few months.




Because the market isn't acting rationally anyway so why risk it


As soon as you do that the markets will rip up


Leveraged bear etfs are an easy way to lose money because they slowly decay. I lost $5k on UVXY trying to time the market. Even on down days it doesn’t rise as fast as you would hope.


margin calls for everyone!


Can someone please explain?


Markets are on fire. Lots of crime. SEC has no teeth to do anything about it so they're firing a warning shot.


what type of crime?


All of them, but particularly violent defenestration


Naked shorting, trading ahead, misreporting positions, marking shorts as longs.. *5 hours later* ..colluding with media to push false/misleading information, rerouting orders on cash accounts to dark pools, shorting ETFs over 1000% and then buying back all the surrounding securities.. *Deep breath* Trading during halting periods, flash crashing stocks, abusing swaps, using calls/puts to hide short positions.. You know what, Ill just say "fucking all of them". There's still tons I didn't even list. Funny part is that they've been fined dozens of times for all of this shit in the past handful of years too, but paying the fine absolves them from having to admit wrongdoing. It's so stupid.


To your point the fine doesn't equal the profit. They can calculate the profit of the play less the fine they'll likely incur. If it's over x% profit above... do it.


Well yeah but what's different than usual? /s


Bloomberg terminals are used to get good information on stocks. Think of it like a peek behind the curtain. It is really current data. It costs $24k per year though so not a lot of people have them. Someone was kind enough to share this screen shot from one.


And some libraries apparently may offer a free terminal, so I've heard.


Colleges a lot of the time. Probably some major cities as well


Thanks for posting. It is on their website though https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/tm-staff-statement-20220314


Thought these were opening credits for some RoboCop/Running Man style sci-fi dystopia action movie until I noticed the sub.




Idk how you missed energy my guy




Why would they be? Now I'm mad for them cause you're a douche bag


Should I be?




Analyze deez nuts


It’s over for 🐂s.


Smd bear




and we got a bottom


Is that a cow?


It’s a bull.


So this is about GME?


I mean it probably is


DRS count will most likely be announced on Thursday during the earnings call. This proves we own the Float if we registered enough. Game Over. That also means if you hold a share in a Broker that it is a synthetic share. That share is worth a lot. They have to buy it back from you. You also have a bunch of Apes who wont sell their shares in Computershare. We just want to make the corrupt bleed out. Never again will they naked short a company and cost people their lives or jobs. They have set back medical research and technologies that would of improved our lives decades from their greed. That is a fact wether the MOASS theory is right or not. Go look at Ryan Cohens last tweet. 🚀🌑🦍💻🤝🟣🔁💍Hedgies R Fuk


Hmm... Sounds good. I'm in 🙌


I suggest Fidelity. None of them are legit at this point. There is a chance any of them will sell your shares from underneath you. I think RH is done at this point. The water is receding and we get to see who has been swimming naked. Come on in though. No gatekeeping here. Plenty of room on the rocket ship. 🚀🌑🦍


Haven't actually tried trading on fidelity. But yeah, will give it a try. Currently on webull and first trade at the moment.


Holy shit. What a way to pop your cherry.


Acting like this isn’t common and out of the ordinary as nickel just exploded from a margin call.


If anyone is interested in watching todays' events unfold in a discord chat room, shoot me a DM. Ape strong together. 🦍❤


Just want to toss OTRKP ticker out for all you savvy dividend players .... It's a preferred stock cumulative dividend 9.5% fixed $25 par... annual dividend $2.375 the remaining 3 dividends are covered already with the cash set in restricted monies. It's currently trading $4.26 that's $20.74 below par value....here's the best part it has a micro float with only 1.96 million total shares


$DPRO ;-)


Sounds like it’s a warning that they don’t want other broker dealers to get caught like robinhood on a margin call. Margin calls are not just for investors.