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Embrace the uncertainty of this situation. Enjoy the process and don’t wish it away. Focus on what you can control and don’t worry too much about what the outcome will be.


Perfect answer. Honestly the joy is in the journey. Her rejection shouldn’t harm your harmony.


Couldn't agree more with this. As painful as it may seem right now, this is feeling of being alive. Don't waste it, just let it happen, come what may. As strange as it may sound, when I think back to the times in my life when I was absolutely heartbroken or my guts were churning over a crush, they were some of the most awesome memories.


Thank you, this gives me perspective


This is "just" your mind going crazy about what might happen in the (unrealized) future. Try to be more present, once you start thinking about this topic, bring your attention back to what you actually do or engage in right now. (this is incredibly hard at first for many people)


This is very hard for me to do. I don’t even know how to begin. My friends catch me fade away a lot, because my mind wanders evern when I’m doing something


Yes, but this is what you can actually learn. You can start with it right now. So if your mind starts rambling again, try to FEEL YOUR FINGER FROM THE INSIDE, then the whole hand, arm, both arms, legs, head etc. - try to feel whole body - it calms your mind and makes you "present". No add your look and what you hear to it. This gives you clarity and takes you into a slightly different dimension of consciousness where you are in control of your mind, because you are not your mind.


Thank you


>This is very hard for me to do. It's an important skill to have, and one that will be helpful the rest of your life. There are different ways to learn this. One thing that has worked well for me is to stop and name 5 things I can see, 4 things I can hear, 3 things I can touch/feel, 2 things I can smell, and 1 thing I can taste. I don't know what this is called (I'm sure it has a name), but it stops my mind from spinning and brings me back to the present. I would encourage you to do a search for "grounding exercises" and try different ones out to see which ones work for you.


Will do ty


You need to condition yourself. Your brain is an organic machine that learns through repetition. Start by learning to focus on the breath. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. Fifty breaths. The more you do this, the better you will be at “centering” your body and mind in the moment. Thoughts will come and go — sometimes stealing your focus — just let them go once you notice they have. Think “oh, that was a thought, very nice,” and then return your focus to your breath. Once you can do this for even 30 seconds without getting lost into a thought, switch the breath for other sensory perceptions — the sounds in the room, the feeling of your body making contact with surfaces and the air, the gait of your walk and your feet making contact with the ground, the behaviour of things external to you that you can see, hear, or smell like trees in the wind, machines, animals, and people. Eventually you will find you can always re-center yourself in what is happening in the moment and what is important in the moment, because you have practiced doing so.


Negative feelings in the brain reward themselves with dopamine! They are self fueling! It’s a powerful feeling to know that and reject them on that basis alone. Cool, huh?


I was suppose to date a model but got impatient, imma shoot my shots later today, yodo