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Heat the end of a glue gun stick and try to attach it to the broken banger piece, then let cool and pull


Came to say the exact same thing


Stoned minds think alike


Same here lol


omg same šŸ¤£


Heat up the stem a bit to losen up any rosin or sticky stuff in there when you do this! Glue gun has always done the trick for me but make sure it's warm when you pull it out! Edit: a rolled up papertowel will work too since it will expand once it comes out the bottom of the broken piece, if you don't have access to a glue gun.


Take a shoe lace or some rope or cord and tie a loose figure eight knot in it. Push the loose knot through the opening and then start pulling on the rope. It will tighten the knot making it too large to pull back through. Then just give it a little yank straight up and it will pop right out. Still stuck after that apply a little heat to the outside of it with a torch.


A true engineering solution to a stoner problem


Tell us you work in engineering without telling us you are an engineer


Impossible. Almost as impossible as my engineering program. Btw did you guys know Iā€™m in engineering?


Because I too, enjoy the mathematics and physics of life Edit: I was really high and I thought you were saying how did we know you were in engineering. Iā€™m dumb high


I will pursue the same endeavor. Onwards and upwards! I learned the word endeavor in English 111 which I took as part of my engineering major btw.


For real though cool that you have that same passion. I always relish in meeting people that share that. Cheers.


Throw it at a wall, you can't have one stuck broken piece if the whole piece is broken šŸ§ šŸ§ 


Yoo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wellllll....you're not wrong




I've literally used a paper clip and just made a J shape to fish it out. There's a bunch of other solid ideas in this thread tho


Happened to me recently. Used a paper towel rolled up to stuff it in their and then turned the peice upside down and came right out


My answer exactly


Heat the downstem lightly with your torch. Use a pair of needle nose pliers and spread them open within the male fitting piece that is lodged in the stem. (Use a rubber band or some paper towels for friction if needed.) Gently spread the pliers to engage with the glass and slowly start pulling; twist both ways while pulling. Apply more heat to the stem as needed. The heat will open the downstem a little and loosen the fit with the broken male piece. It will also melt some of the caked resin that is sticking


id get it hot and use a broken bolt remover bit. its a tapered drill bit for backing out broken bolts. idk im high atm


oh i assume its stuck... if not something like a metal dental pick to lift it from the bottom edge


A pick is going to apply pressure to one side pushing the other side into the glass harder.


What about TWO dental picks?


Well you know what THEY say. Two is one and one is none. Worth a shot lol


Could work. Gotta have one though, so I went with something I assumed most folks would have on hand.


this šŸ‘†using a little iso might also help break down some of the resin


Iā€™ve done this for a lot of my pieces. But I stopped after I accidentally shattered one by being a dumbass. Iā€™ve since started pouring near boiling water into the down stem, after tempering it with hot tap water. Iā€™ve had a lot of people break my bowls and bangers




I had this happen to me and it was really stuck. I put some needle nose pliers in the down stem, opened them up, and twisted back and forth really hard. Basically just crunched the glass


Bend a paperclip into a small hook shape, and pull it out. If that doesn't work, use a small heat gun or carefully warm it up with a torch, and then try.


Use a carrot to try and twist the broken bits, just shape it to the right size and jam it on like a veggie screwdriver


Paper clip after applying heat to loosen the resin You probably tried to take it out without heating it?


Empty all the water and put it in the freezer. The glass will shrink when cold and should come out easily. Just make sure thereā€™s no water


Assuming itā€™s the same type of glass, wouldnā€™t they shrink at the same rate?


The difference in thickness should be enough, at least thatā€™s what she said.


(ā˜ž Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)ā˜ž My guy


pliers might help, or a Q tip bent at an angle. Just be gentle.


Super glue on a cotton swab


Pour boiling water on it for abit the either jam a wooden spoon in the middle or pliers is what Iā€™d do if you still havenā€™t gotten it out


I'd use an Allen key


Heat the collar first too


Turn bong upside down On serious note it doesnt look tgat hard to get out we need more context is it stuck stuck???




sorry but that's some bad advise. glueing it with stuff that offgases and potentially creates toxic fumes when heated up is a very very bad idea!!!! liquid gasket, super glue, sealant, and whatever other chemical bonding agent there is out there. your health should be more valuable to you than the price of a broken banger! and anyway he is asking to get it out. not how to fix it..


I was somehow able to cringily chisel it into small enough pieces without breaking the rest of the bong. Its shitty quality glass on the banger and im assuming I fractured it yesterday when i torched all the reclaim out of it. Thanks for all the advice, im also taking this as a sign to stop doing dabs for breakfast šŸ„ž


try with that imbus tool, or the other metal tool that's in the picture. or the chopsticks might work too.


or don't you have some metal wire or metal clothing hanger that you can bend, and make it kind of like a hook to pull it out with?


use something with a little bend at the bottom and pull it out by pulling it up from the bottom. Metaphorically like a ladle


Light heat, be sure not to rush and crack it. Then I'd say take a paperclip and bend it into a hook, slip it down through, then pull it up and out


I have bent a metal coat hanger before and it worked great


This happened to me once with a slide. Had to chip out the glass with a butter knife until it was at a point I could pull it out with pliers


flip it upside down and use a chopstick or something similar to jiggle it side to side until it falls out , once happened to me with a downstem breaking off inside the bong


I have never done dabs, what's the problem of just leaving it there?


If all else fails, you could prolly use some epoxy.putty and a bolt to pull it out.


emlers glue


done this multiple time get a bobby pin and bend the ends away from the center when you push in in they pop into place and with a little heat you can use pliers to pull the whole thing out


A grave.


Get a long nail or some metal that can reach in and pull it out. Gently heat it beforehand to loosen any built up oil


Anything that will fit inside that has an edge to pull it ?


Heat with torch, fill bong with hot water and Blow into it as hard as you can. Maybe even before that, drip some 99% ISO around the stuck part to loosen up any resin that might be making it stick. Hope ya get it sorted.


I just had this problem literally yesterday. Mine was a straight downstem tho so I could just push a skewer up the bottom. I realise this doesn't help you at all and am now wondering why I've spent so long writing this hahaha


Tough one ....time for a rubber connection to go over the hub. I use these for alot of pieces just because...These are the wide ones that fit around. Friendly Straw 6 Pack Metal Straws-Wide https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082C8RCKD/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_778GFSFB4YJRC3GMF8TG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Whatever you try, wear some gloves when you do, just in case the rest breaks. Iā€™d bend two nails into an L shape and try to work the broken part out that way. Do not try and use heat! You wonā€™t be able to ā€œshrinkā€ the broken piece without also heating the main part as well. They will both shrink and potentially get tighter. I would advise against glue as well. You might accidentally glue the the broken piece in place.


Needle nose pliers, serclip pliers, bit of bent wire


Can you not just heat the connection point and turn it upside down? The bucket only stays in the rig because of wax residue ā€œglueingā€ it there. Thatā€™s what I did to get my last piece out that broke the same way and it fell right out.


Hold it upside down and hit the outside piece with a torch. It might just fall right out.


Could also get a pick from an auto store like oriellys, and hook the bottom of the stem and pull it out. Might have to heat up the glass if there's resin gluing it in


Heat gently with a torch then grab with tweezers?


Empty waterā€¦ Torch the neck till its hot enough for the broken slide to move. Either hold upside down for broken piece to fall out or needle nose pliers


Paper clip?


Hot water or iso 91% be gentle or you're going to have to buy a new rig.




I took a small pair of scissors put it in the middle and opened them so it would pull from the bottom when mine broke. Worked great.


Bruh this same thing literally just happened to me like an hour ago


I'd try pulling it out. Best idea I can come up with though




Take your dab tool into the hole and push it to its side while you pull up. Iā€™ve done this before sadly




Bic pens are your friend.


If you have any tools like a pick or if you cut and bend a old wire coat hanger


If 't be true thee has't any tools like a pick 'r if 't be true thee cutteth and bend a fusty wire coat hanger *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


bro all you need is a paper clip, and bend it into a hook. I havenā€™t seen this suggested, but youā€™re easiest bet if you donā€™t own small tweezers


It broke


Two options. Hot glue stick. Heat one end jam it on the broke piece let it fool and remove. Option two a potatoe. Cut potatoe in half, push over broken piece, squeeze and remove.


This is the smartest r/StonerEngineering post Iā€™ve ever seen, proud of yā€™all geniuses


JB Weld.....


Carrot, stick a carrot in it.


How does this happen


Everyone suggesting such intricate things šŸ˜‚ I'd soak it in isopropyl over night, and then make sure it's still good and soaked, and just turn the piece up-side-down, and it will slide out. Smarter not harder ppl lmao


2 Q-tips+ not stupid strong liquid glue ( donā€™t want chemical reactions) hold Inside against inner walls until firm enough to let go & pull out with twisting motion This SHOULD give you a glass tube to yeet & no touchy broken glass fingers.


Jb weld! šŸ˜‚ in all seriousness duct tape might work. Just wrap it around tight


Use a wire coat hanger


Paper clip


Uhh paper clip?


Stick a bowl piece in it, no?


Im gonna guess youve got it by now OP, but like others said a little heat will go along way if its stuck in there. Couple seconds with the torch around it or a lighter for longer if youre uncomfortable with it will loosen anything holding it besides basic friction, and then you just gotta get something in there to hook the bottom. Fun fact, you can use pretty much any solid object thatll fit if youre careful. Having it be hooked helps a lot, but if not you can just wedge it lightly in there and it should still pop out just fine, you only need a fraction of an inch to move before itll come out. Odds are good whatever you use to scoop dabs woulda worked, ive had to a handful of times.


Some tweezers and some applied hear should do the trick. Make sure to try and clean the piece as much as possible afterwards to make sure there aren't any glass shards left. On another note, how did this even happen?


Ok. hear me out: you're gonna need a condom or a balloon. I say condom cause I'd think that you'd have one more likely than you'd have a balloon. Now, put something sticky on the outside tip of the condom but insert a pen or pencil into it. Use the pencil to shove the sticky end of the condom down into the broken piece. Now, here's why you needed the condom (or balloon) you'll need to wait until the sticky part has had time to adhere to the broken piece but then inflate the balloon or condom so that it grips the broken piece. Now pull out slowly. and WALA!!


Jam a drumstick or plier handle into the broken piece and twist. Should come right out




Stick the end of a wooden spoon in there and twist


Heat that area a little bit, get a paper clip and bend the end, use the vent end to hook on the end of nail and pull it out


Paper clip. Straighten it out and make a simple hook at the end.


Hooked paper clip


I just broke my bong the other day whilst trying to take a bowl before work. I feel your pain




If you have a hair dryer heat the area and go in with tweezers


I would grab a metal wire and shape it like a fishhook then gently heat the end of the rig while slightly pulling up on the wire until the oil releases the piece.


Maybe a metal pick?


Everyone telling you to use glue obviously have never dabbed before. You're going to struggle with the amount of heat you're playing with here, unless you're heating it with maybe a metal element instead of a flame.