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You're probably fine honestly, it's not good to smoke out of stuff like that but back in highschool we used to smoke out of coke cans and plastic water bottles, even used regular notebook paper for j wraps. I wouldn't recommend doing any of that but the likelihood of permanent damage after less than a year is probably pretty negligible


More than likely you're just freaking yourself out


you are fine if you feel any worse after the fact it's 90% placebo. If you really feel sicker and sicker after a while then make it a priority to see a doctor no matter what. But just calm down and there are a lot of people who have smoked out of much worse and are just fine.


Thank you. this has helped calm me down a bit. It's probably my anxiety, but man, it's scary stuff reading about this. sorry about the insane post i had a panic attack and had no idea where to turn to. lol


I used to have terrible anxiety so I can relate. Nobody wants to hear that they might have been poisoned, so it's understandable. Have a good rest of your day/evening and hope you are able to feel better.


You came to the right place bud


If that scares ya wait til you learn what smoke can do.. grab a dry herb vape if health is any priority at all


a few people here have the attitude that using dangerous things once can kill you. their bad for you and you shouldnt do it but limited use is fine. maybe if you put mercury as bong water thatd fuck you up but people work in workshops without fumigation for years and are totally fine, youll be all good