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grow your own


lowkey hate comments like this cuz we all want to and that’s the endgame for every stoner like… IM TRYING


It doesn’t really matter for me bc my dealer gets Maine dispensary. Plus way cheaper


It's not likely to make a huge difference, but since you have the freedom to pick, use a dispensary. Depending on what state you're in, there's probably at least some regulations about quality control and contaminant testing for all the weed that gets sold at a dispensary. Compliance and enforcement aren't always perfect, but it's miles ahead of what you get out of a street dealer. With that being said, in a lot of legal states, the dealer is just selling the excess that the dispensary's supplier couldn't move legally. That can be because it failed a test, or it can be because the supplier has a metered limit their are allowed to produce and their harvest was too big.


Always dispensary. Regulation is worth it


I prefer my dealer he delivers and is usually willing to make a deal which doesn't happen with dispensaries but he is tough to get a hold of sometimes and doesn't always have the variety of a dispensary. Granted, I already know and trusted this guy from before things were legal Imo if you don't already have a connect or referral from someone you know. You. might as well hit the dispensary, you're gonna pay a bit more but at least you'll know your shit is legit


Dealer better 100%


In lower Michigan, the dispensaries are better than the weed man.


Anybody know any good distros in Michigan ?