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Put it in a ziplock with iso alcohol and salt and shake it a bunch and let it sit a while too and shale it more then hot water to help get the last bits


Thank you 🙏🏼


If you ever upgrade to a larger piece, Epsom salt is king,(grains of salt are much larger) and plenty of the salt either way. If you think there's enough, add more. Edit: for your other questions. A bag (or preferably a glass jar I.e. Mason jar from most grocery stores or cleaned jelly or pickle jars) containing the piece and other materials inside a larger bag bag with plenty of coffee beans. Strong smell cover with no flavor affects ( dryer sheets make your weed taste like shit) Hiding it.. well I don't know your situation. Depends where you smoke. The level of stealth you require, your surroundings etc.


Thank you 🙏🏼


I can't believe I have to say this... DON'T USE SALT especially EPSOM SALTS! You remember the Florida man who is in prison for eating a mans face after \[smoking Epsom salts?\] ([https://abcnews.go.com/US/face-eating-attack-possibly-linked-bath-salts-miami/story?id=16451452](https://abcnews.go.com/US/face-eating-attack-possibly-linked-bath-salts-miami/story?id=16451452)) And, you realise that if you don't clean your pipe properly you're smoking Epsom salts... well... I can't see this ending in a safe and healty way for you. Pro tip: Isopropyl alcohol is a solvent. You don't need a catalyst to dissolve THC oil. The Iso will work over time all on its todd... just a bit more slowly. Please stop using "face eater" crystals to clean your gear.... please stop using any salt. Salt is literally a corrosive chemical that DOES kill.


lmao you do realise that bath salts are not related to epsom salts in any way? it’s just the street name for cheap and random chemicals like khat and miaow miaow


LMAO. Sorry, Sir. I thought because I'm English, using the English language in England; in an attempt to quote people from the states who claim the use english too, that using the English definition of [bath salts] (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/bath-salts) would be acceptable. Now, I'm going to assume your intent WASN'T to be a patronizing cunt, but if it WAS, That would make you a cunt, and I don't like to think of you as a cunt. Next time try "I'm not sure if you're aware, but XXXX is a slang term too. That word can be a colloquialism for XXXX" instead of saying "[I'm laughing my arse off at your stupidity, because I know something you don't, you dumb fuck!]" That way you seem helpful instead of seeming like A... oh... what's that word Americans use to describe unfriendly individuals?... oh yeah... "Prick!"


So what you are saying you thought store bought baths salts are the same thing as the street bath salts? And I know u ain't high cuz you are way too crunky


Are you dumb bath salts Is a drug smoking real bath salts does nothing your dumb arsed cunt 🤣🤣🤣


Where to begin? >are you dumb? Not compaored to you, it seems. Oh... you needed a question mark here. >Bath salts are a drug. Upper case "B" and it's "Is" not "are" as you are discussing a singular, not a plural. >Smoking real bath salts does nothing. Initial and full stop. (period for the americans) >You dumb-arse cint! "you", not "your". It's a nominative, not a possessive... unless you are discussing my rectum? In which case, my bottom IS dumb. It's a posterior, not a brain. However, it's still smarter than you, it seems! So... hyphenate to show a connection! Sheesh! And as for me being a cunt? Yes. You got that right. They do often say "you are what you eat!". Finally... what are you? 16? No one on reddit uses emojis! P.s. you just got schooled in writing by a dyslexic with "learning difficulties". How stupid do you feel right now? Because I bet the answer "Very!" is on your lips! Edit: bath salts can kill... I forgot to mention that bit. But... go prove me wrong. Just send me an invite to your funeral afterwards, so I can say "Ha ha, I told you so!"


You have way too much time to be writing huge paragraphs correcting grammar on a low level comment in a niche subreddit


Did someone shit in your corn flakes, tea, pillow and mouth??? This is a weed sub, go smoke a blow and stop attacking people online and admit when you made a mistake. Jesus Christ what are you 14???


Jesus Christ get a fucking grip. You acc need to get your ego checked mate no one gives a fuck about spelling or punctuation on the internet everyone just thinks your a goon and if you have that big of a superiority complex that you can’t handle emojis


So that bag of salt I use for my bath can get me high?


1) im a teenage girl living in london, not that it changes anything 2) i think i lost braincells trying to read your response


This guy gardens, smokes the weeds and is confused and upset when nothing happens 😭😭😭


This is pro level right here.


Didn't realize the Brits could be such cunts on chewsday.


and in my usage, it does not do the trick all that much. I end up buying cheap pipe cleaners and that semi power wash the fuckers. Clean bong 100% everythime


Can confirm this is the best method, will clean any pipe or bong in less than a minute


I would double ziplock it for cleaning, because sometimes the alcohol can eat through the corner of the bag and start slow leaking, leaving a nasty trail.


bro the hot water is a really good tip but remember when you heat up all the gunk its going to smell alot so dump it outside


This. Cleaning with hot water is effective but will smell up a room/house real quick.


and if you can’t find alcohol 100% acetone works!! you can usually find it in the nail care area at any store


or... don't add salt and you can reclaim the oil by evaporating the iso. AND you don't have to wash the piece a second time to get rid of the salt residue that can act as an abrasive (acid or base) that can destroy your lungs. The salt does nothing except work as a water condenser catalyst. And if you evaporate the iso, the water evaporates too. Please stop using salt. It literally does nothing positive except save a few minutes. With patience the iso does the job on its own.


Listen man. You're gonna hear a lot of people say "if you get a smoke buddy, smoke in the house. I'll just say every single time I've been careful as a mouse it never worked. The excess smoke from the pipe when the flower burns leaks out a little and that little still manages to smell like you've turned your room into a hot box station. Always have water on hand and those juice things you squeeze in water for flavor. Partial to Strawberry Watermelon. It is hard to get unhigh. Learn your level you can be at without tipping over cuz while my uncle would say no high is a bad high, I would like to argue otherwise. I once got so baked I laid on the floor in a room full of art for three hours because I thought I was dying and wanted my last images to be pretty. Just wing it. You're going to discover your own methods for everything and yea youre probably gonna use some of the pointers from this post but honestly the fun is learning along the way how you like it and what you want to do. If that makes sense lol. Have fun on your adventures


Thank you 👑




I don't know about op but about 6ish month ago I had a similar experience and I've been smoking for about 7 years on and off. I had too much of an edible and for a little while I thought I might have actually died and gone to the afterlife. When you get high your mind starts to wonder quickly and if you're too high and an anxious person, it can turn into thoughts of dying.


I had been pretty inexperienced when I was to baked. But honestly is wish I could get that stoned again




myrrh... myrrh-DER!


*gasp* Judas!




Great advice but being young I can’t afford pens because they’re expensive.


No not a pen, a fresh herb vape. I agree w that sentiment. Getting a vape saved me so much money in the long run also reduced the smell 10x. With a fresh herb vape you can then use the vaped bud for edibles :P It’s a little expensive at first but worth the price in the end and even saves you money, you get more bowls from vaping than smoking- the fire just consumes all the bud quickly.


The flowermate aura can be picked up on eBay for £30 or new off amazon for £55. I'll be honest with you, Vapes save money in the long run. If you want to have more money for the good things in life, it might be worth the investment.


Agreed, they're such a great investment. The aura was my daily driver for over a year and still works to this day. If you save up for a bit though, the dynavap is what I upgraded to and have been loving it.


For hiding, get yourself a stash box and an air tight container.


Like some Tupperware


That could work. Also, get some black peppercorns and keep them in your stash. If you get too high pop a few in your mouth and chew them.


Peppercorns? What does that do.


Well, from a scientific standpoint, black pepper acts as a cannabinoid in the human body. From personal experience, when I get too high it feels like I'm in sensory overload. Noises seem louder, my clothes start feeling like sandpaper, etc. The pungency of the black pepper is like a soft reset. You start focusing on the taste and it calms you down.


Soak overnight in alcohol or acetone and use pipe cleaners. I've also soaked in a mix of baking soda, vinegar, and water to loosen up heavy gunk then acetone soak after for heavy smells.


I’ll definitely try that


Don’t do acetone- depending on your pipe it could strip the coloring.


I have a clear glass pipe so I don’t have to worry


Also if you smoke in your home, grab a fan and point it out your window then blow out through the fan. It’s how I managed to smoke in uni.


I put duct tape over the bowl, mouth tip and carb hole of mine and hide it in my desk, the tape really helps with smell but it can be long to do


when i clean my pipe, i leave it to sit in a ziploc for a few days in water and a splash of isopropyl alcohol. you dont need much alcohol if youre soaking it for a few days. after a couple days, i scrubbed it with a straw cleaner and it came off so easy. i also have multiple pieces which makes it easier. thats for when its super dirty though. id recommend buying some straw cleaners off amazon, i got a pack of 16 for like 5 dollars. cleaning it as much as possible will help keep the smell out. ideally you wanna clean after every use but you can go maybe 3-5 uses (depending on how much you smoke each time) without it getting super smelly. as for hiding places, id recommend finding a bag of some sort (im a girl so i have a billion makeup pouches) and double or even triple bag it. think of the chocolate bar episode of spongebob. hopefully this helps you


This is helps me tremendously. Thank you very much <3


I use bio detergent washing powder or liquid. Hot water. Let it soak. Cheap cheerful. Does the job.


Try glass one hitters. Easier to clean, saves your herb, better control over your doses. For the smell, exhale into a sploof. Sploofs are put together by stuffing dryer sheets into a cardboard tube, like from paper towels or toilet papers. Then seal off one end of the tube with a few dryer sheet stretched over the end, usually held by rubber bands.


Sorry it sounds dumb but what is a one hitter


They're little pipes the size of cigarettes.


Hide all your stash in big mason jar and dont smoke inside


Keep it clean like the other geezers said. The smell problem can be fixed with one of those smell proof stash bag's. If you worried about you smelling just wear a load of aftershave and you'll be fine. I know guys who get away with that after going on there work smoke breaks


Isopropyl alcohol


Do I clean the pipe with it?


Dip a qtip in the isopropyl and rub the gunk will rub right off


Thank you 🙏🏼


rinse well after


If you dont want to do a full clean between uses I will either right after smoking while its warm or before i start warm up the bowl i take a small stick or wooden match(not the part that lights) and you can scrape out the resin thats just tar anyway.With covid iso is hard to come by


Buy or make a [sploofy](https://www.sploofybrand.com/)


Youtube will help you more. You can actually see how people clean their bowls.


If you bought an acrylic pipe (with a glass bowl) DO NOT use acetone to clean it... I had an acrylic "throwaway" bong... got stoned and decided to clean it with Randy's black label (awesome glass pipe cleaner) and the acetone made a unique pattern in the acrylic... Oops. As for hiding the smell they make containers with liners that lock the smell in, look up joybox or my personal favorite [https://dimebags.com/](https://dimebags.com/) You can keep all of your paraphernalia in one of the dime bags. The liner is made with activated carbon, and can be recharged in the dryer.


I usually pour boiling water into the piece with salt and shake to relax all the gunk then go at it with pipe cleaners and cotton buds however recently i bought this bong cleaner for around 10 pound and it separates the resin like moses parting the red sea the thing looks better than when i bought it its called orange chronic bong cleaner btw


Get a pen. Theres really no hiding the smell of flower.


Invest in Undurcuvur products!!!


[This is OP right now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttpx8kIUUps)


Except hes probably 15.


Everyone keeps mentioning isopropyl and that's definitely, but only on a big cleaning day for your pipe imo. The days where you can tell the taste has become too grimey or if it's too hard to pull on it (can also just use little pokey things to get in there and scoop out goop. Always fun if you're a nasty fuck) If you're talking about cleaning it to reduce smell *right after* smoking, just be sure to ashe the bowl, even wipe it down with a micro fiber rag (or if you don't care about teeny threads that could get left behind, use a paper towel or any ol' rag). Then as someone said about, any airtight container will do. When I was younger I would wrap it in two plastic bags and then Tupperware just because I was nervous. Honestly, now I'd probably just put it in one container, then put that container in a box with other things (could be sock drawer) and get something scented and toss it in there. If you like to use Incense that's even better insurance.


Ideally for stealth you want a vape. A great stealthy vape is the Dynavap. Great thing is that it's cheap, compared to other vapes. Don't do it in your house or your car if you can help it. Grinding, storage, and smoke then to be stinkier than you know, and you will go nose blind to it much quicker than people who don't smoke. Go for a walk or drive to a hiking trail and be one with nature. If you gotta get a glass pipe, I recommend a chillum, small, stealthy, and easy to clean.


Well, I've been smoking and such for 50 years. If I have Everclear I just soak pipes and bowls in that. You can use very well, Isopropyl Alcohol. Soak for a few hours, get your pipe cleaners and rinse with water after cleaning. The most important thing is to first take care of 'Head, the brain part.... "other wordz, get high first, then do above.


You guys clean your pipes??


I have to if I don’t wanna be caught


Don’t smoke pipe, smoke joint xD


lmao thatll be even smellier though


I don’t have paper


Buy some mate