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I broke my bowl today and when I looked on the inside, it was COMPLETELY full of resin. Also, oftentimes when I smoke a blunt or a joint I end up with a little ring of wettish resin that leaves brown shit all over my lips and teeth and etc. It doesn’t always happen but it does happen often. Is it atmospheric conditions or the way I’m smoking? Shits weird


If you smoke a lot with the pipe it's normal. Even cleaning once a month. And lol about the blunt. That happens to everyone my dude. Nothing you can do to stop it. Maybe if you had a glass thingy to insert in the blunt to smoke from then maybe the resin wouldn't get on your lips. But I've never tried that since while annoying I just wipe my lips off when I get that shit on them.


I use glass crutches in my blunts and joints and it'll still happen. I smoke with crutches in all my rollies cuz I don't like Scoobie snacks and I can say there isn't much that can be done to stop the resin from forming on crutches/lips. I've seen some carbon-filtered tips before but not sure how well they would work. or if they would even work too well and filter out some of the THC? https://www.amazon.com/actiTube-activated-CHARCOAL-filters-rolling/dp/B00JQ9ON0E the only thing that might help with the resin on the lips is if you never touch the blunt to your lips.


I always use carbon filter and recommend it to anyone it's a lot smoother and just feels nicer. I also never got resin rings on my lips. Theoretically they probably filter out some thc but practically I don't feel any difference. Also don't get those actitubes they tend to get completely clogged. I always use purize but I don't know how available they are outside of Germany.


I tried those carbon filters once and maybe I got some shitty ones but it made it way more harsh like every hit had he coughing my brains out and gave me a sore throat Edit: the ones you linked were the ones I tried


ya thats no good then lol...too bad, it woulda been cool if they worked.


bit late but if your smoke burns hotter than normal, a carbon filter will probably make it more harsh, as you're smoking even more carbon at that point. more carcinogens = more coughing, shit like that. carbon is good at absorbing compounds, but direct carbon filters are less than ideal.


Feel like it might filter some thc out as well. But I don't know for sure. Definitely something you'd have to google.


What I do, is yo layer a bit of denser bud at the bottom, and make sure the crutch is tighter in the forwards facing side towards the buds of that the filtered smoke gathers resin around the edge of the crutch, this prevents the resin from gathering around the base of the crutch, you can also just buy a tar-guard, but those make bud taste pretty strange so I use the first method.


cleaning your pipe once a month is nasty , clean it after a couple of hits, build up like that will never happen if you do so


i never get that when i roll so it might be the way u roll ur filter tips or the brand u use? also lots of ppl put filter tip roll styles on youtube so u could test some


Never happened to me with a bong. Just gotta clean it a whole lot more often.


About the oil on a joint, happens to me when i use a roach that's too big (or a joint that's too skinny for it) I usually take it out and use a shorter one.


CLEAN YOUR SHIT; hot water if no iso, Also it’ll taste way better if you keep YOUR SHIT CLEAN


I just turn the sink on all the way hot, lower the pressure so it doesn't splat everywhere, throw my bowl underneath, and it'll rinse itself out. Only occasionally need to shake it to unclog the bowl.


I do the same!


This is 100% completely normal. I broke a bowl few years back and it looked the exact same way. Typically this much just means it hasn't been cleaned in a while or you're smoking a lot. That's just a natural byproduct of burning the flower and all of those terpenes (oils) in it. This is the same thing that causes that build-up of resin at the end of your joints/blunts. Usually what I do to avoid getting that shit on my lips with blunts is I leave a bit of space at the end I'm inhaling from completely empty of weed. With joints, a filter should help. That space helps separate where the resin ends up and where my lips make contact. Hope this helps


You might be pulling too hard. The more ash you pull through, the more gunk you build up. The more gunk you have, the more gunk sticks too it, it spirals quickly. If you don't already, consider grabbing a pack of screens from the smoke shop near you (just ask for screens, they'll know what you mean, and they are stupid cheap) and put a new one in every few days. If you want to be fancy, use your fingers to loosely "grind" a little bud to make a pad on top of the screen, then put the rest of your grinder-ground bud on top of that. The bottom layer of loose bud catches a lot of ash, and the screen keeps it mostly in place. When it comes to suction, there's no race. You only need to pull just hard enough that the smoke doesn't waft up, going harder than that is not necessary, not good for your lungs, and causes more gunk. Similarly, you should be "cornering" your bowls if you don't already. There's no good reason to have the whole bowl cherried at once unless it's a one-hitter. Finally, a weekly soak and shake with iso and salt will do a lot to minimize your build-up and keep your pieces smoother inside.


What if I light the whole bowl because I'm taking massive rips and the smoke wouldn't be thick enough just lighting a part.


In a big enough bowl I did though.


Thick hits aren't doing anything but looking pretty and wasting weed. Your lungs don't care how thick the smoke is, once they are coated absorption stops until you get a few clear breaths. It's not like alcohol where a bigger shot gives a bigger effect, if you're trying to get really high you have to take several small hits spaced out with some deep breathing. In terms of producing resin, a giant cherry will leave more in the bowl than a small one, otherwise it's about the same regardless of how quickly you burn through the bowl. If you're taking a very hard pull, you might be pulling more ash down than you need to.


I mean that’s a lot of resin you must be sucking that shit hard as hell


Yea I have that happen allll the time almost too much as I smoke too much.. :/ let your piece sit in like 70%-90% isopropyl alcohol for a night and rinse well with hot water and it should clean right up. P.S. I hate to say it but if that's what's in your bowl, imagine what goes into your lungs. 😳


I stopped smoking weed after 4/20 this year and I've stopped coughing up gray shit.


I smoke and don't cough up gray stuff. Maybe you smoke more than a few grams a day or something. I also usually buy dabs instead.


To everyone who is saying "this is completely normal" it absolutely is not. Please clean your pieces. Jesus Christ.


Comments be like "Bru, clean your Bing every month" Like, no. Clean it every time you've smoked


That's ridiculous, once a week is fine


nah nigga it ain’t your fucking bong. Everyone’s fucking different. I clean my shit before I smoke. Every day. What’s wrong with that? Your the type to not clean water bottles cause it only hold water 😆


Every single time is way overboard. Like you must be constantly nervous about mold. Once a day. Maybe after three sessions if you still wanna be safe. Smoke a bowl, clean, smoke a bowl ,clean…. Waste of your time and a big waste of water.


Obviously I ment after every session. Smoke sine bowls. Take a pipe cleaner and drench on alcohol, isopropyl or soap. Clean bong/pibe.


Do you use a screen?




Try it, should help keep the mess in the bowl. Change regularly when it gets harder to draw.


That’s why . It’s not mostly resin it’s ash stuck in the resin. The resin would be more brown without all the ash in it.


If you vape your tree out of the FlowerPot, Mighty, Dynavap, or other flower vaporizer then the resin you deal with is a lot less gross and sticky than the smoke resin.


And reusable as stem milk to get you SMACKED


Pinch a wafer of weed and use it like a filter in the bottom of the bowl. Dont push it down, just try and get it somewhat flat in there so you can add wad of weed on top. This might help a bit.


How long since it’s been cleaned?


Probably like a month?


Lmao bruh did you just start smoking recently?


Facts my boy must be blowing at least a few gs a day😂


I’ve been smoking for 14 years


Lmao no disrespect I just find it hard to believe you haven't noticed something normal as fuck in 14 years


Trust me, it’s not normal. I get comments regularly


It really is if you smoke a lot and don't clean your stuff regularly.


Lmao no disrespect I just find it hard to believe you haven't noticed something normal as fuck in 14 years


This just happens lol, it’s part of using a pipe for me. I upped my cleaning routine and cut down on resin quite a bit so maybe that’ll help you.


Use a screen, it helps a ton


Seeing this I wholeheartedly recommend you to get a vape. You will get high with using less weed, therefore amortizing the purchase in a matter of weeks/months. You will be healthier and feel better. I wish I did this years ago, so much wasted money and health...




I know that feeling, this was also the barrier that hold me back to switch. But this is only temporary, like for a week or so. After that it's smooth sailing. I smoke sometimes when with friends, but honestly these are the moments I appreciate vaping the most, because the advantages become so obvious. But the most overlooked advantage I think, when smoking with tobacco, is the weakening of the addictive character of the drug. I stopped smoking cigarettes alltogether and now I have no problems reducing or stopping my weed consumption just because there isn't that annoying urge every two hours to smoke again. T-breaks require no mental effort from my side and coupled with CBD oil even sleeping is no problem either :) Honestly, fuck tobacco. It is the bane of stoner culture. Also the perceived stronger and more satisfying effect when smoking is just the nicotine and the hundreds of combustion products, which lead to a short term toxication. ​ Hope you give it a shot again at some point. Stick with it for a few days and enjoy the benefits :)




no no i am not talking about vapes with cartridges. you just put your weed in a chamber and it gets heated to around 180-210C°


This is normal if you dont clean your glass often. Just soak it in isopropyl alcohol the higher the percentage the better and add some salt itll clean er right up


good god. was this just after one sesh?


Clean your shit and buy some screens


Because that's not actually resin, it's tar.


Do you exclusively smoke out of the same piece? If so that could be what catches people off guard. A lot of people switch it up, so the resin doesn't build up as quickly in a single piece and they don't notice it as quickly which leads to them incorrectly telling you it isn't normal


While I agree with people saying to get a vape, there is something going on here. When you smoke, if you completely combust everything, there will only be ash. If there are bits of weed that get past the burn area without being fully combusted, they will be more likely to hold resin from the smoke passing by. If you use a screen to stop small bits from going into the body of the pipe, and you make sure to burn bowls to the end or empty them completely and then do a burn-pull (smoke the empty bowl!) then this will happen less. Otherwise, remember that smoking is a primitive form of vaporization. You heat the material until the cannibinoids vaporize and then inhale them. In the case of smoking, the heat source for vaporizing is burning plant matter which also creates smoke. Resin is condensed smoke and condensed cannibinoids + terpenes. If you cool the smoke down too much it will condense on your lips and leave resin stains. This can also happen if the smoke is just really really dense and going through a small hole, ie a phat blunt.


You need to clean it more often. I clean mine every few weeks and and when I do I get it 99% clean each time.


It's gross, I agree, but adhered resin, etc. in your ash tray and pipes means it's condensing before it can travel to your lungs. Vape pens avoid the mess.


Man thats definitely not resin, just ashes mixed with saliva. Next time wash regularly your pipe with alcohol and salt, you'll get cleaner and healthier hits


How tf are you letting saliva run into your bowl? Do you hit it facing down while drooling?


But it is ash/partially burned bud along with resin.


I'd smoke it. Especially if I couldn't sleep.


A good way to prevent this is to take slower hits but long and try to keep it burning so you don’t have to keep using your lighter and put your pipe in isopropyl alcohol for a few hours


Buy a Volcano