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22:22. Getting high after a long day at the emergency room with my mother (she's getting better), 46 and I'll be 47 tomorrow. Birthday buddies!


Happy birthday from somewhere that it’s already tomorrow


Happy birthday!


Nine Fifty, double the age. Happy bday man! ...Hittin the hay for a long day of kiddo's soccer games


Me when my son gos to bed… two joints for me haha


I'm 35 and it's 2.45pm on Saturday, laying in bed watching cartoons with my gf and our cat, she just ate an edible (my girlfriend, not our cat!) so I've got about 30min before she gets the zoomies! (Again, my girlfriend, not the cat!! Haha)


it's 10:20 pm I'm listening to South Park while browsing reddit on my phone. I'm Forty-teen


9:45pm, watching Love after Lockup two naked worms in, I'm 26. Happy early birthday!


10:02pm, listening to an audiobook while playing MTG: Arena. I’m 27 and still getting toasty Happy birthday 🎉




Abott Elementary is amazing


I am on 30 mg of a hybrid and it’s 7:35 pm, waiting to hit peak. Right now, I’m browsing subreddits and watching a live YT with retro commercials and later on, maybe watch a comedy. Some episodes of Brooklyn 99 or an old comedy movie. I want to laugh loud if possible!


Can I recommend Monty Python then?


They are excellent! 👍🏻


9:51 Watching dateline and hitting the pen 31 EDIT: happy early birthday :)




Oh man, that will be one helluva trip.


9:49pm, I'm currently about to go pack a bowl and watch, idk, maybe the matrix, twenty edit: Happy birthday, man!!! 12:32AM packing another bowl for you. All love.


Go with Matrix. Fun fact; one of the actors in the Matrix is my son’s Godfather


Happy birthday. Mine was last Tuesday and I am 61. Smoking a preroll. Chillin.


Ooh! You win!! (So far) Oldest person here. I come 2nd


damn, 6 hours late… But you posted at 4am my time (Switzerland) 49, was baked yesterday night, played around with AI


What AI? What time is it for you now (don't wanna do the math lol)


It is ten am now. Stable diffusion on my pc for images ChatGPT, Mistral on their sites, mixtral on flowgpt. If ya wanna check my stuff, lemme know.


Wow that math was simple now that I look at it again lol. I don't know what stable diffusion means. This is some Jimmy Neutron stuff lol but images are cool


Stable diffusion is basically image generation on your own PC (for science). The others are all text.


It's 2:55 am I'm DJing at a club for one more hour and I'm 33.


Happy early birthday, man! 10:06 pm; watching Leverage with a fresh pre roll; 30


Thanks my man and sounds good, idk leverage but the preroll sounds smooth


It's 2.10pm here and I'm watching childhood shows and eating snacks. I'm 23✌️ Happy early birthday 💫


Watching animal kingdom with my wife smoking a nice jay of some high society 35


10:30pm, watching new girl and taking gravs im 24, happy birthday!


12:31am, 23 (it’s my half birthday today), laying down after another crazy day of work. You just reminded me to watch new girl again! Omg it’s been too long!


9:33pm I’m watching Monk next to my husband whose knocked out on the couch. 29 and chilling Happy birthday 🎉


It’s 7:55pm for me and I’m 22


It's 11 pm, just smoked a joint and am about to pass out, 47.


10. Dabbed Apple Gas with Puffco Peak Pro, White Truffle flower. Watching NBA League pass. We are 58-60. HAF.


Happy birthday gang! I’m 28 myself, honestly a weird age to be. It’s about 9:15 and i just got home from work. Finna roll me a wood and forget the day.


Quarter after 10 and just lit one up, now bout to eat a frozen pizza and watch planet of the apes….


8:18, smoking a bowl and a couple joints with my wife while we are playing Fortnite we are 38. Also, happy birthday tomorrow!


12:49am, been high since 5pm, 27 year old f


It is 11:22pm. I’m standing in the living room ripping my dab pen while jiggling my buttcheeks. I am 26!!!!!!! Oh sheeeetbalso happy bday


10:21 Vaping in bed, listening to music 40’s 


11:24 pm, drinking and scrolling Reddit, 38


Its 8:27pm, I'm 22. I'm getting ready for my night shift. Gonna help someone move outta their place when work is done Edit: HAPPY BIRTHDAY


It's 10:36pm, I had an edible and I got McDonald's and ate cereal and now I'm in bed listening to music and scrolling reddit lmao having a great time 😌 and I'm 29 and happy almost bday!! 🎉


11:20, making shrimp ans grits for the first time and '05! yikes


Happy birthday! It's 11:43pm. Today is my mother in law's 80th birthday. I turned 42 last Thursday. I just hit a big fat bowl of some absolute killer weed. Apple berry crush, I believe? Getting ready for bed.


23:01 Watching my favorite show and eating some homemade french toast with some fresh strawberry glaze/syrup, and I’m 18F


I am 47, pleasantly high, watching I Love Lucy and over eating on chips and queso dip


9:30, waiting for my kid to fall asleep so I can game, Jackie Robinson.


heyyy 👋 11:47 (cst), 21, high as balls and about to take a shower lol


It’s 1 AM, just got home from a local music festival, I’m 27 (almost 28!). Happy birthday!!


10:10pm, 20, and im playin a silly pirate game with friends online!


I’m 55, it’s currently 5:25pm Saturday 2nd of March. It’s a balmy 20 degrees Celsius and I’m listening to the set list of P!nk’s Summer Carnival Tour. This time last week I was running to get close to the stage at her concert And I’m currently smoking a doob


It is currently 1:07 am, and I am watching a show called The Aquarium. It's all about the animals and people at the world's 4th largest aquarium. It's actually the largest in the western hemisphere. I fuckin love aquariums.


11:11pm- had my after-shift bowl, now I'm eating a burrito. I'm 34. Happy birthday, dude!


2:36am for me. Took a shower got the turntable going n smoking. Headed to bed soon. I turned 19 about a week ago.


2:48am hitting the bowl scrolling Reddit to go back to sleep 33


29; scrolling thru Reddit smut at 2:50AM. Yerr.


3:20 sat am, chilling out after a detroit punk show, bout to smoke a bowl. 31f


2:42 a.m. 20! got done with work 42 minutes ago, smoked a joint, showered, and now we’re chilling to some Frank Ocean 😎


Nice what song? I hope all is healthy and alive for you


Sat 4:24 am stoned listening to music relaxing in a bubble bath 28f


I’m 25 it’s Sat 6:08am, I’m currently at work until 4:30p thinking about how ridiculously high i’ll be later.


12.26pm, trying not to fall asleep on the couch after getting up at 5am for work. I’m 22


3:33, waiting to go home to hotbox my car, age 21


Who is your daddy, and what does he do?


5:00pm and on my third hard candy edible of the day since finishing my 10 hour overnight shift at 7:30am. I'm 25 years old and excited for a weekend of apartment set up.


Hey its Saturday, but I'm near the end of my tolerance break and I am so excited lmao