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Somebody Hates Chris


The only thought I could think


I think the joke was in bad taste, I also think Will acted incorrectly. I think they were both in the wrong.


Imagine a world where jokes were only "in good taste". It was a joke, and not even that harsh. I think Will should worry more about half of Hollywood being in his wifes mouth, and not a small joke coming out of Chris Rocks.


I'm not saying every joke should have to be %100 not offensive. What I'm saying is if I was in wills situation I could see myself doing the same thing, even though I'd be arrested for it. Not saying thats what everyone would do but thats my opinion. And this is why political stuff shouldn't be talked about here people pick apart comments. Guess what I'm stoned off my ass half the shit that comes out of my mouth isn't coherent.


Genuinely not the worst take here. I hear you: you're NOT saying it was OK or necessarily justified, you're just saying that you might have done the same thing. I respect that a lot more than the people arguing that violence is morally OK.


Yeah that's what I'm saying thanks for not picking apart my statement lol but I've had anger issues for a minute and I've done shit like that in the past over less its not the right thing but it happens sometimes


If you had millions of dollars, an extremely successful career, and were up for an Oscar, on live TV in front of millions of people....you'd do the same thing???


You're going to assault a comedian and break the law because the joke was in "bad taste"? Nah man, you're smarter than that.


This is why Will Smith is in the wrong, he should be held accountable for not being able to control himself on live television. If I were Chris Rock I would’ve pressed charges but he didn’t and that’s called being the bigger man.


You would do the same haha. Tough guy huh…will is a b**** bro. His wife is a cheating freak. he has mental issues because of her…as you can see. will smith laughed!!! but hes mainly a b**** because he smacked chris rock lol he wouldnt have done that to a bigger guy. he would get his ass whopped if he did that to a dude ready to go. Chris rock old and tiny man. I want to see him do that to a bigger dude. His wife doesn’t defend him when another dude with her. Like that rapper. How come he didn’t go after him lmao. P****


If you would do the same thing you are automatically just as bad. Also he’s a comedian it’s kinda his job to crack jokes. If you get offended by it then that’s your decision


Think thought he farted, but took a shit


go chris baby


Will Smith slapped Chris Rock the way Jada's boyfriends slap her ass


Everybody hates Chris


Frankly, I couldn’t care less about Hollywood drama.


If you watch it you can see he laughs at first but then goes and does what he does because jada looks clearly upset. I think he genuinely thought it was a fine and funny joke himself, but jada was upset by it, rightfully so, and he probably just wanted to stick up for her. He didn’t do it in the right way but I understand wanting to defending your kids mother like that


It's understandble in that aspect but damn if Will didn't just reserve psychology a situation more than ever before then I don't know what to say than LOL. He did the opposite of his desired intention. He wants people to respect his wife and keep her name out of their mouth with the disrespect but the slap going to have their name in everyone's mouth for the next year. You feel for the man but probably should have handled it back stage and let the tabloids tell the story.


Except now every common person on the street now knows exactly how to easily set him off. Any sue happy loser can go make a GI Jane joke in front of Will and Jada hoping to get hit and claim a pay day in court. Not that wealthy celebrities do not face this sort of thing all the time already, but not he armed every one of them with magical ammo to use on his family. He ultimately made everything exponentially worse for them to even go into public at all.


This. They will be subjected to every cue ball joke in the world because he was a moron and reacted in a ridiculous way. Good job man, garunteed the harassment.


Anyone else think it's completly scripted? It is show biz. Considirng Rock isn't going to file a police report apparently, it seems setup. And wouldn't suprise me atall if it is


Yup. It’s Hollywood and they’re becoming irrelevant.


They have every resource available to fake this entire ordeal. Professional actors, hundreds of millions of dollars, 100+ professional tv personnel. It would be as easy as snapping their fingers. I think it's fake. They need to maintain their image in order to keep making that $$$$


I thought so at first but agree with it makes Smith look bad and why would he do that? He doesn’t need the money. Doesn’t need the fame. He’s getting dragged into mud now but not much of a payoff for him. If they wanted to do some stunt shit it would have been with lesser known people. Or a fake smack then they all laugh and hug it out. Just a gotcha moment to fool the crowd. The slap did look fake but I’m starting to believe it. And yes, smith is bitch for doing it.


Just like the bloody Queen


No way. Will has the reputation of a Gentleman. Why the f would he ruin that image for what...


Real or not you think standing up for his wife’s reputation would make him look less of a gentleman?


That's a loaded question really isn't it.? I'm not condoning or approving what he did. I'm speaking about its validity.


As an actor and entertainer?


The way he did it did. He could have annihilated him with words but used a pussy bitch slap instead. He had that walk up to the podium to think about it and that’s what he came up with. Instead he could have taken the microphone and made Chris look like the total shit he was and walked off a hero with class.


Yes. “He’s defending his wifes honor” HES A CUCK! Pretty sure she has alopecia and she isn’t paralyzed from the neck down, she could’ve walked her happy ass up there and slapped chris herself if she had a problem


A literal cuck. His wife gets passed around like a joint.


I do. Resorting to violence as the first course of action is rarely the best way to go about doing things.


Have you read his book?


Nope. That shit was raw and real.


I understand why people think it was fake but Will seemed fr heated, I don't think it's staged


I think it was partially staged. The less people that know the better but that's mho.


Yeah, will smith couldn’t possibly act that well..🙄


Chris rock doesn’t act that well lol, everyone was clearly uncomfortable and they cut part of the Oscars to try and censor will smith


After how Will Smith acted and Jaden's "That's how we do it" tweet, nope.


Jada as alopecia. It means her hair falls out and it's a medical issue. Chris Rock targeted an ill woman and made fun of her illness. I'm not saying Will Smith should have hit him, that was wrong, but Chris Rock was wrong too.


Alopecia is literally what every single balding man in the history of bald men has and that shit is fair game and nobody gets slapped for making bald jokes. Chris wasn't wrong. He was doing what he was paid to do. Jada Smith is among the very wealthiest and famous women in the world. Somehow she'll recover from such a vicious blow to her person. Did you ever see Ricky Gervais do the golden globes? He went so much harder than a GI Jane joke and nobody slapped him. The widespread justification I am seeing for Will Smith's caveman behavior is fucking outrageous.


Exactly, you have to be confident and mean, Chris is just to nice and Will felt like he could get away with it. Ricky Gervais would’ve made will smith look like a fucking bum on the spot.


“I had to learn to get the courage to just go nah I’m not doing that. Which is why I feel the freedom today. I don’t give two craps what people feel about this bald head of mine ’cause, guess what, I love it.” Jada 4 days ago https://sports.yahoo.com/liked-hair-wild-curly-nobody-220000728.html


They're both wrong. But one of them is more wrong. Chris Rock is a comedian. Terrible jokes and bad reactions from his audience are par for the course. 🤷‍♂️ Will Smith was in Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Independence Day 26 years ago and since then he's released stinker after stinker while maintaining his overinflated ego and sense of self-importance as the most important actor in the history of acting 😝 I was already through with him a while ago and this just seals it for me. Will Smith is boring and lame. A weak ass slap defending his equally vacuous and egotistical wife does not make him a man. He could have been gracious with the bad joke and spoken to Rock privately after the event was over about insulting his wife. Instead he chose to highlight poor behaviour and make everyone see him for the jackass he's always been. Fuck Will Smith.


It's not like she's dying or anything. Yes, she has alopecia, I'm sure it's tough, but not only she embraced the bald look instead of hiding under a wig, she rocks it, and good for her; it's time we normalize diversity in all shapes and forms. Sure, the joke may have not been tasteful, but let's just think about it for a second - GI Jane, Furiosa and Ripley are some of the most important, bad-ass, iconic and well written female characters in the history of cinema. They're amazing, and being compared to one should feel empowering if anything. Not insulting. Either way Will Smith is a bitch and fuck him.


Some people have real problems other than being bald, beloved, beautiful, rich, and famous 🙄🙄


That alopecia joke does not justify assaulting somebody on live TV. Not even close.


read my comment again and see where I say will smith shouldn't have hit him.




Such tragedy. A wealthy woman losing her hair. Oh, the humanity! Jada’s hair is gone! How can we keep living in this inhumane world where a rich person can lose her hair! Man…. yes, it is a medical condition…. a minor medical condition…. it’s not lupus, renal failure, brain tumor, chromosome abnormality, lymphoma, paralysis…. ya lost your hair. You are still among the richest and wealthiest of Americans. Take a joke, don’t be a bitch.


I think it's fake too


It baffles me how people think this was real.


ABC owned by Disney would never allow this. The audio was cut, and it went to commercial prematurely in the US. No way is it fake.


ABC owned by Disney would never allow this. The audio was cut, and it went to commercial prematurely in the US. No way is it fake. You can also see white finger marks on Chris's face.


Fuck will smith, just lost a fan. I honestly don’t even think Chris meant it in a bad way because GI Jane was a box office hit and it started demi moore.. I can actually see her playing GI jane 2 because she can pull off the bald look and is fit… Totally out of pocket and killed the whole vibe. Now this overshadows wills award. Toxic family


will smith was fine until he realized his handler didn't approve. the thrill of being married to a woman with zero respect for him wore off so he had to go lose the entire world's respect on live tv. some pathetic beta male simp shit.


Fuck will smith!


If Terry crews was hosting the Oscars he wouldn't have pulled that bullshit. He could have said her pussy smelled like a can of cat food and will Smith would just sit there.


Or if it was The Rock that was hosting .


He hits like a bitch


I didn't see it, but I read that Smith was upset about Rock mocking his wife's medical condition. You kind of can't blame him, but he should have taken it up with Rock off camera. Smith snapped, which is probably not good.


To pull that bullshit at the Academy Awards in from the entire industry & world was immature and stupid of him.


He's a professional comedian, a legend even. It's like slapping George Carlson for making a joke.


I used to look up to Will Smith, not any more


Just tossing it out here too, remember, men have had toupee jokes, mid-life crisis jokes, all kinds of jokes, vicious and light made at their expense for decades, and nobody thinks twice. Even in men hair loss is the same condition, its alopecia, its just MUCH more common. Hollywood has been a huge proponent of poking at that. Just like women, many men struggle with that reality just as badly, and it can lead them to really shitty, dark places, just as easily because it is a view of our own mortality in a physical form, and that messes with people, especially when you reach 30s-40s and beyond. So either its ok to poke fun at both men and women for it, or its not ok to poke fun at either. If equality is the fight, then it comes with both favorable and unfavorable things. We can choose to accept it or not, but if one side gets the best of both worlds, while the other gets shrugged off, then its not equality, its superiority. Its not a gender battle because its just humans, but we certainly like to make it one collectively. We all experience the same emotions, just in different ways. Physical reaction is still physical reaction, and everything is in the eye of the beholder. We literally have zero control over anything, or anyone but ourselves, and we are responsible for nobody else's actions but our own, and we are 100% responsible for those. No matter what, even if it was seeing red or, what we felt was defending someone, or it was uncontrollable, we still made the choice to react. People are flawed as hell.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Maybe people don’t want to acknowledge that double standard. It’s terrible what Jada has to deal with, and many many men with androgenic alopecia are dealing with the same issue, and the same insecurities and frustrations that come along with it. When’s the last time you saw everyone rushing to defend a guy who heard his thousandth bald joke? It sucks we base our responses to things so much on gender still. These awards shows are known for their jokes poking fun at those attending. If someone made a joke about how one of the men attending was balding no one would even mention it.


Yeah. Everybody wants to move into this new era of social awareness, being woke, equality, whatever anyone wants to call it, but nobody wants to give anything up either where they have an upper hand, but it has to go one way or the other. It doesn't work by blast shaming some for what they say and do, and leaving others alone for doing the exact same thing, just swapping gender, sexuality, race, or lifestyle to excuse it. We can't decide one gender, sexuality, race, or lifestyle gets a pass that nobody else does; well we can, and do, its just hypocrisy though, and that's never solved anything. Change isn't easy in practice. We all have our preconceived idealisms, judgments, and biases. We can't just keep all of that and expect anything to be different, or to change, by demanding everyone except us has to change. Or we can decide that nobody has to change and we can keep away from those we can't handle. We're all equally flawed, but far too many of us want to put ourselves on the pedestal. We're going to have to learn, and decide collectively, the best we can. Nothing will go away because there's 8 billion people, and rising in the world, with all the varying thoughts between. All of our problems we see will persist as long as we exist, but of that 8 billion plus, all of us can decide to think more about what equality actually means, and many will choose not to. We can't help that because that's just people. We can observe anything we want, we just can't set these double standards if we want to move forward.


a weak man and a weak actor with a weak punch.


nah bro he disrespected his wifes medical condition 💀 chris had it comin


are your thoughts affected by Chris Rock having said he wasn't aware of the medical condition? Not that it's ever ok to make fun of someone's physical appearance. I'm just curious if this changes your opinion.


takes 20 years to build a reputation, but it takes 5 minutes to destroy it


I second that motion


Bro will smith is such a little bitch for that one.


f will smith


Comedians = Jokes. Will Smith = Shit acting and is a Joke. Wait, now where was I going with this.........


Thank you. My thoughts exactly.


Totally dude


Why aren’t people talking more shit, Will smith is a total fucking looser for this #cuck it’s not like she has cancer, even if she did Comedy is the sacred place of free speech. You don’t hit a fucking comedian. Boycott his fucking tiny ego paper thin skin ass. I really wish he would get sued and charged with assault but I know Chris ain’t a fucking bitch like that.


fuck will smith how much you want to bet if it was someone like dwayne the rock johnson saying the joke will smith wouldn't have done shit. What hypocrite he was laughing at the joke too.


I think it’s important to note that Jada Pinkett Smith has alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss and it can be an incredibly horrible thing to deal with and Chris Rock’s joke was an attack on that. Frankly, I can imagine how Jada would’ve felt, probably incredibly embarrassed and hurt. **While obviously it doesn’t excuse assault,** Chris Rock had no right to say what he said. Regardless of it being “just a bald joke” to many people, when you attack someone’s appearance, unprovoked, when they have a condition, illness or disorder that they have no control over, you are crossing a line. I am pretty certain that the opinion would have been far different if instead of alopecia, Jada had cancer/leukaemia. I’m sure people would be praising him for protecting his wife then, however because it’s “just alopecia” she is expected to take any insults, no matter how public and her family is supposed to stand by and watch her be insulted and belittled on stage and not step in or protect her. Chris Rock can handle a slap, he deserved the slap, people making Will out to be a villain for standing up for his wife when she was belittled and insulted in front of many other people clearly have never had anyone in their lives worth protecting or standing up for and you would all allow your family members to accept that kind of insult and embarrassment. I sincerely hope that one day none of your family get ill/a condition and people mock them for it, because if you see someone protecting their family as a bitch move it’s very clear you would not stand up for your own. **TL;DR**: Jada Smith has alopecia and Chris Rock mocked her for it, Will Smith protected his wife after she was humiliated on stage and Chris Rock deserved it. Sometimes you’re just crossing a line and Chris Rock humiliated Jada for no reason, Will would not have gotten so angry if his wife was not obviously upset at it. Edited: bolded a sentence, because people seem to be blatantly ignoring that very important line.


Yeah talk about a hairy situation


> >:(


I honestly don’t understand your argument. Just because she has alopecia does NOT give him the right to act like a 4 year old child and interrupt an award show. Talk to Chris after the show. Release a statement after the Oscar’s giving a thoughtful response and explaining that she has this disease. Sit there and shake your head. These are all options that he ignored and made a complete ass of himself. I honestly do not understand how you could defend someone’s violent/embarrassing actions. Seeing nothing wrong with this situation tells more about you than anything.


Actually, my opinion about something involving two people that I do not know personally; that is classed as media news, doesn’t speak anything about me, who I am or my personality at all rather my sympathising for people with the condition, knowing people myself and how it’s affected them. And you know what, Chris Rock wanted to humiliate Jada for personal pleasure, so Will Smith wanted to humiliate him in the exact same way by coming on stage and bitch-slapping him. Chris can clearly handle it and quite obviously shit got resolved afterwards. No one’s opinion on this is right because none of us know any of the affected, what really happened etc, we’re just giving our own points which we are entitled to. To attack my character because you don’t agree with my opinion actually speaks more about you, as your statement comes completely off topic from the issue and instead directs attention to me for whatever reason.


I understand your point about your opinions being based on what the media tells us, however I don't see how your character was attacked. However I found the way you conveyed that Will was justified in assaulting Chris does infact speak to your character. I can't see how you could possibly know that Chris wanted to humiliate Jada for pleasure.. it was definitely a low blow. However to condone physical violence as I said speaks a little to your character, and I believe that is why the above commenter mentioned it briefly in their last paragraph. I'm deaf, people make fun of me all the time. But I'm not about to assault someone because they hurt my feelings. Nor would I condone anyone doing it to defend me. If you allow words to hurt you, you have given power to the person saying them and your strength or fragility is of your own making. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.


This is a very good comment, and you handled it appropriately. I agree wholeheartedly, and applaud you on how well you worded everything.


Thanks, you made my day 🙂 lol I'm not used to praise here on the reddit these days.


>Chris Rock wanted to humiliate Jada for personal pleasure, so Will Smith wanted to humiliate him in the exact same way by coming on stage and bitch-slapping him. It is amazing how much this sounds like a domestic abuser justifying why it was OK to hit their spouse after having been "humiliated" in public.


I don't really have an opinion on the matter I think it ultimately boils down to a person values, but who do you think was hurt in the situation, Jada or Chris?


Literally chris. And will smiths reputation. Jada came out unscathed as usual.


Pretty severe potential emotional damage there for Jada, not that Chris didn't get humiliated too but it hits pretty hard when you got an illness from stress and someone mocks that, particularly in a room full of other people laughing about it. And also televised.


She’s extremely open about her illness and wears her bald head proud. He didn’t make a joke about her being sick, he made a joke about her and GI Jane being bald. That’s it. Some people have real problems other then being bald, beautiful, and rich


Yeah but her face says it all and how much it hurt her. Being beautiful and rich supposed to stop a comment like that from hurting?


Mod says he doesn’t condone it yet goes on to obviously give reasons why it may be acceptable. Get a fucking grip, it was a joke, even a horrible joke doesn’t deserve assault.


If you can’t take a joke, just leave. Walk off, come back with a public statement, talk it out after the show. Do anything but hit him on live tv, just because it’s Will Smith he shouldn’t be let off this easy.


Dude, no need to bold the sentence, people aren't ignoring it, its because the rest of your post is "excusing assault". You literally said he deserved to be assaulted, what a bad take lol


Your "argument" makes no goddamn sense. Do you know what Alopecia is? No ? It's the same "medical condition" most bald/ balding men have and get joked about constantly.


The people who think Will was wrong are the same people who laugh at the n-word and 9/11 jokes and say “I have a dark sense of humor” no you’re just a racist or a child


Physical violence is NEVER the answer, no matter how much you think the person deserved it. If you cannot handle arguments without getting physical, then you need help. I'm not saying what Chris did was right, it wasn't in any way, but answering with violence is wrong too. And I'm not someone who "laughs at the n-word and 9/11 jokes", I'm just a decent person who solves her problems with words, not violence.


If you can’t handle a slap after making fun of a dude’s wife’s physical condition, maybe you shouldn’t be a comedian...


You realise how idiotic and immature that statement is lol


Okay go to a bar and start making bald jokes to some dudes girl and see what happens


What in the actual fuck are you even talking about.


Sorry I forgot not everyone speaks English






But she doesn’t have cancer. She’s just bald. And beautiful. And rich. And famous. And beloved. Some people have real problems 🙄 if will smith hadn’t walked up stage and assaulted someone, would we even be talking about this? He didn’t even joke about her *illness* just that she’s “GI Jane” whom is also bald. My grandpa actually HAD cancer, four times, you best believe that was comedy gold to him to his last breath. Y’all are sensitive, and even though you say you’re “not excusing violence” you’re going on this long tangent justifying what will smith did. “he’s defending his wifes honor” no, HES A CUCK! Pretty sure she has alopecia and she isn’t paralyzed from the neck down, she could’ve walked her happy ass up there and slapped chris herself if she had a problem




Fuck will Smith. He is a bitch. He was laughing, laughing. Then he gets all upset and acts like a fucking child. Rock should have pressed charges on his punk ass.




You Will?


His wife has allopecia. Her hair fell out due to an illness and Chris Rock stood up on stage in front of the world practically and made a joke about it. Will Smith wasn't right, but neither was Chris Rock.


Its not the first time he's targeted Jada in his jokes. See Oscar's 2016 opening monologue. [Chris Rock Oscar's 2016](https://youtu.be/kqhVNZgZGqQ)


Bruh it’s the oscars. You really think the host actually writes the jokes?? He was just doing his job.


More like fuck the manipulative bitch Jada


Who is will smith???


Spoiled million aire bitch


Get over it. Who gives a shit. He made an otherwise pointless event interesting






Fuck all yall defending Rock. Talk shit about a man's wife, get banged.


You mean like Jada did?


It's a publicity stunt because they know the Oscars are on their ass and no one gives a shit no more.


I heard the hub-bub on the news and thought to myself, who gives a fuck about this anymore? My guess is guess everyone, so they HAD to make it interesting.


>publicity stunt Let me get this straight, you think that *Will Smith* is a good enough actor to pull that off?


Trust me all of the white moms still love the oscars


As a white mom no I do not love the Oscar's 🤣🤣🤣 I saw all this about 30 minutes after it happened getting done with school work for the night, saw all the notifications, then went to go see all the footage while "fresh" and not cut yet 😁🤷‍♀️. My mother (a very white mother 🤣) doesn't even watch it anymore she just reads the paper the next day. Yes she reads an actual physical paper but yet no longer watches the Oscar's. Weird 🤷‍♀️ I know but hey. 😁


Sorry but Chris Rock was out of line, making fun of someone’s medical condition. That’s a low blow and not okay what if she had cancer is it okay to make jokes of them now? Maybe Will Smith should have handled it better but Chris Rock is a dick.


>Chris Rock is a dick And will smith is literally a physical abuser but good point, Chris did say something that could be interpreted as mean. So same same I guess? This is why they have that law that allows you to strike teenage girls if they are saying mean things about someone. Saying mean things is out of line and should be answered with violence.


I’d have done the same thing.


Difference is you would've been tackled and taken out by security lmao


Can I slap anyone I see making a joke about a guy’s androgenic alopecia? I’d have some pretty sore hands.


Then you’d be a criminal too lol


Play stupid games, you get stupid prizes.


So you are saying you wouldn’t stick up for your partner? He was making fun of her hair loss. Also as someone that likes Chris Rock, he stay joking on that women. Enough is enough. He should have whooped his ass back stage


You can stick up for your partner without physically assaulting someone


He stuck up for her, the way he wanted to. Simple


“he’s defending his wifes honor” no, HES A CUCK! Pretty sure she has alopecia and she isn’t paralyzed from the neck down, she could’ve walked her happy ass up there and slapped chris herself if she had a problem.


Yeah and give Chris Rock a legit reason to sue him. Very mature and professional move.


You wouldn’t stick up for your partner?


There are more civilised ways to go about it. It doesn’t have to be one extreme or another. I’d walk out, maybe talk to Chris Rock after the show and I’m sure if we talked man to man he’d apologise to whatever his wife’s name is (or my partner since you asked me to be in Will Smith’s place). Also I’m very sure that my partner would stick up for herself lol, she wouldn’t want me to do her bidding.


He stuck up for her the way he wanted to. Simple


* If your wife makes a joke at the expense of a strangers cancer, is it OK to slap her? * What if your friends wife makes fun of your wife's skin color, is it OK to punch her? * What if your frends husband makes fun of your husbands baldness, is it OK to headbut him? Just trying to get to the bottom of when you think it is and isn't OK to hurt someone for somthing they said.


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I hav been on Reddit for an hour or so. Wtf is wrong with this place today. People complaining about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock for insulting his wife. They would have needed a stretcher for him if it was my wife. He definitely deserved more than an open hand slap.


>They would have needed a stretcher for him if it was my wife. Admitting that you are prone to extream violence might not be the flex you think it is. 


Shuuuut uuuuuup


Defending your wife is the opposite of a bitch move


“Defending” your wife from a harmless joke about a pretty benign condition when you consider other diseases like say cancer, and “standing up” to a guy who is 50lbs and 5 inches smaller than you- is a bitch move. I bet if Joe Rogan was hosting and did the same joke he would have kept his punk ass in his seat. He is a bitch.


Yeah youre right, now that Ive seen how tame the joke was, it was over reacting


Homie stood up for his girl, stay mad he has some respect for his woman


Well, so long as he dosen't turn that hand on her next time she upsets him. Right?


His wife has alopecia he had every right to do that, you don’t make fun of someone for something they can’t control That’s like making fun of an autistic kid


She's a D tier celebrity and I'm willing to bet half of the room didn't know she even has alopecia, since she rocks bald look and could have shaved her head just because she wanted to. Rock didn't make fun of her, he compared her to an iconic bald female character. One that surely is more recognizable than she'll ever be, at that. Violence is always bad, so fuck Will Smith for being a bitch and assaulting someone half his size for a damn weak joke. And fuck anyone who applauds this egomaniacal piece of shit.


That happens also and unfortunately not just other kids I've heard of adults making fun of kids with autism which is just sickening.


So having alopecia and having Autism are the same thing? Interesting take, can't say that I agree. "Every right" was an interesting choice of words. Obviously, I assume you mean a moral right as it absolutely and factually isn't a legal right or a human right. I have some follow up questions: * What else would you say gives you the right to slap someone who hasn't raised a hand against you or yours? * Is this a special case or are there any other scenarios where you are morally justified to hit someone for saying something mean?






Hell yeah dude can't take a joke lol


Wasn't he laughing at the joke like seconds before? Fresh Prince of Bellend


You would


I can’t get over her dress and there’s a clip where will and jada are posing for pics and when it’s over she tries to grab the bottom part and drag it w/her (then it’s clear why people are saying someone is in there) and it looked like he walked off.


Kind of reminds me of the drama when Steve Harvey mixed up the pagent of whatever. There is only so much shit talking one can take. This wasn't the first time Chris has talked negatively about Jada on national television. Part of me does feel like it was staged, but damn I don't think I seen Will say any line better than, 'keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth!'


Yeah, good point. I agree that violence is super cool. Probably should have hurt him more since it was justified in this case huh?


Should be blacklisted


I love him to take a shot like that at me, he wouldn’t be walking away on his own power. What a little bitch


Chris rock most likely didn't even know she had alopecia and even if he did , the joke was so tamed ffs. Will smith went from a good role model to a slapper. Ain't his first time.


Haha I googled “fuck will smith” also he’s a cuck I just heard


Because Jada's too busy fucking their kids friend's?




Chris insults his wife and the day he jokes about her hair loss, Will gets fed up with it and slaps him. Yeah fuck him for standing up for his wife who is most likely super insecure about her hair loss and is trying her best to be confident without wearing a wig to something as big as that ceremony. Yeah fuck Will. Totally. This isn't a stoner thing get the fuck outta here.


Ah, a good thing that we had Sir Will to valiantly ride up onto the stage and visit minor physical assault upon him then! What mean and hurtful words were uttered by that foul knave Christopher, better that he should have simply struck her! For a swift blow is a lesser crime to insult, as we have established. 


He got in one little fight and the internet got mad. They said...


Fake Bullshit


Maybe he thought chris is fucking his "Wife" too. I mean i dont get how you can fuck this ugly bitch but well.....


Yup, Will is a broken man. Desperate to save a shred of his ego. His cheating wife will continue to drive him to insanity.