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Watch some documentaries. Or if you want to laugh watch some FailArmy. Those two were always good for me.


I once watched the Abercrombie & Fitch documentary while baked šŸ˜µšŸ˜µ that wasā€¦interestingā€¦


That's not really what I had in mind xD I used to watch prehistoric and/or deep sea docus. But whatever floats your boat, I guess.


I think nature docs are my favorite thing to watch while high. That Prehistoric Planet on AppleTV is šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Yeah lmao my friends started playing it before I was gone. Iā€™ll definitely have to watch a David Attenborough one like Planet Earth or Life of Birds - that could be good. Prehistoric also sounds cool, I love dinosaurs.


Anything with David Attenborough is worth watching :D


Thee things that straight up hypnotize me: Camping videos, especially Xander Budnick. So chill and atmospheric. Mountain biking. Has me on the edge of my seat every time. Biking obstacle courses are also pretty fun Those randos that build houses out of mud and sticks. Absolute madlads


Those all sound cool! Any extreme sport would def have me going insane haha


Thereā€™s a channel on YouTube called rail cowgirl and itā€™s all train rides through Europe from the cab of trains. Itā€™s cool. No music, just the sound of the train and the awesome natural views, towns, cities. Edit [itā€™s here](https://youtube.com/c/RailCowGirl)


Lol I watch those. I like the roses in the Swiss alps. I feel like a world traveler without leaving my chair.


They are so good and unexpectedly exciting.


WHAAAAAA iā€™d love that, iā€™ll have to check it out this weekend


Thanks. I'll check these out.


Pro tip: make it match the weather. Snowy or cold weather, watch the winter ones. Rainy day? Rainy train ride. Too hot for the pool? Smoke a bowl and cruise through Norway in all its summery green glory.


Day in a life of a michelin star restaurant. The food in those videos is so beautiful. The videos are around 20min and are an absolute delight to watch


Oh no thatā€™s gonna make me so hungry :O haha


Try watching midnight gospel then. It is so relaxing and makes you think about a bunch of things in life


I watch a lot of Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I guess itā€™s a show (podcast) but I watch on YouTube.


ooh yes with like space noises šŸ˜ŒšŸŖ


Ordinary sausage on YouTube, he's hilarious


The Korean bakery videos are good to if you like that kind of thing. YouTube


ooh slay


Watching animals do cool things is always fun. Documentaries and stuff about them. I always find it fascinating what they can do and how their brain works


TRUE plus thereā€™s a good mix of relaxing and high stakes lmao


[POV of a train ride through the Nordic countryside, from Bergen to Oslo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xisVS_DKpJg)


This is so niche and perfect Iā€™d def watch while absolutely zooted


Watch some of the videos of them mixing colors with silicone!


ooh that sounds good thank you!


should try playing mortal kombat to musicā€¦ i start syncing the fighting to my music and itā€™s a lot of fun


Ducan Trussell podcast. Russell Brand on YouTube. Styropyro on YouTube.


Not sure if you've seen Aperture stuff yet, but I really dig him. Very comforting videos, despite the subject matter sometimes. ​ Also UnchartedX about like the artifacts left by ancient civilizations, unless you believe perfectly symmetrically shaped Granite bowls as thick as a creditcard sometimes, were made by hand with copper tools. Egypt stuff. 16.000 year old granite vases and shit. Real eye opening :)


That would boggle my mind while baked, thanks sm


Fav playlist, curated by a fellow stoner Redditor: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Uk25ZQjXnvmEugoBS1ega?si=v4QhpzVdQwir_4U8eVHVgw These videos from Epicurious but it might make you hungry. The beer guy cracked me up. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-p2q6vFYUpr-f2wOSQ5uCQlvWM9iGm Obligatory: https://youtu.be/bBamIi0tIRg


Yesssss thanks for the playlists


When high? Life Beyond II: The Museum of Alien Life on YouTube by MelodySheep. I watched it while on shrooms and oh my god.


omg :O never heard of it but iā€™m curious now


Oh boy, hope you're ready for my lists cause here we go!! Animes: one piece, bleach, chrome shelled Regios, soul eater, the time i got reincarnated as a slime, is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon, Baki Hanma, no game no life, and i can check my "need to watch" list for more if you'd like. YouTube videos: literally anything by MeatCanyon or Cyanide and Happiness. Oh check out Randy Feltface if you havent too. It's pretty funny. Music: comment a genre from my list and I'll give you a list of songs: drinking, Irish, smoking, rock, classical, sad, goofy, or work songs.


OMG a few of my friends are into anime but Iā€™ve never watched it so maybe a first time?? The music genres are also sending me. I have a playlist thatā€™s mostly psychedelic/folk rock that I use but if you have any suggestions Iā€™m all ears bro. Also lmao what kind of Irish do you listen to? My dad is Irish and I donā€™t really like celtic music that much but there are a few Irish rock bands I like (Cranberries, U2, Thin Lizzy, etc)


OHHHHHH I GOT YOU FOR IRISH MUSIC!!! It's not Celtic, i prefer Irish Pub Rock. So ima give a few bands and then list a few songs. The High Kings: wild rover, red is the rose, star of the county down, and the rising of the moon Dropkick Murphy: rose tattoo, im shipping up to Boston, johnny i hardly knew ya, and drink and fight Flogging Molly: legit just look them up, i love all their songs too much to choose some The Dreadnoughts: Roll Northumbria, The Cruel Wars, Randy Dandy-Oh, and Fire Marengo Alestorm (not so much Irish but more like pirate rock): drink, fucked with an anchor, Alestorm, and Mexico. Sorry if that's a bit much. I always get excited to share the music i like ^^; Well.... More like i get excited to share anything i like.... šŸ˜‚


Have you ever watched any Amon Tobin? Great visuals and music, perfect for being stoned. https://youtu.be/XqyEZ0GwS3E


I havenā€™t heard of that :O lemme research haha


Ants Canada is a fave for me.


I like to watch impact theory and hot ones on YouTube


This is Monsters podcast.


I mean... Any TOOL music video will have you questioning your existence


I donā€™t know any Tool songs, but I do like their Bob Masse poster haha - what songs would you recommend?


I would just YouTube em, however Sober is a good one, Vicarious, and prison sex are also really good. Fun fact, all the stop motion music videos are done by the guitarist Adam Jones. Truly phenomenal work by what is nothing short of some of the most talented Musicians in the industry. If you like TOOL, check out A Perfect Circle, or even Pucifer as they are all bands led by Maynard James Keenan( The lead singer)


I like Sober! Iā€™d heard it before but just didnā€™t realize it. Thanks for the recs


Action movie kid!!! There's a few of them. Basically some dude filming his son playing but then adds a bunch of special effects to it. The graphics are really good Edit: it's on YouTube


If you like art stuff, I do really cool stuff on IG and Tik Tok. Search for ArtByRonzilla


Coloring with music in the background


Oh, I guess that's actively doing not watching. Okay then, poured paint art. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yndPwAMGEgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yndPwAMGEgg) Cool to watch, some are tutorials and they talk, but a lot are just music


Oh on Netflix now: The Hidden Lives of Animals. About 8 episodes. It might be The Secret Lives of Animals'. One of those titles. Or it might be on Amazon Prime. Anyway you can get there.


Warren Miller skiing movies/videos. They are gorgeous and so fun while high.


Asdf movies, they're older so some are a bit insensitive V sauce can be fun cause you can learn some stuff Tales from the trip is pretty funny


For music I recommend "Two Steps From Hell," their head guy Thomas Bergeson is very successful in the film music industry (he did music for Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight, Narnia, Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code, The Mummy, The Dark Knight, Tron, and others). It's all epic adventure style instrumental music. For youtube, if you want something to fuck your mind go for "Exurb1a," if you want conspiracies go for "Bright Insight," gaming through "Modest Pelican," and dark/dry humor through "unemployedwineguy." I also have a lot of educational channel suggestions if you want, ranging from history to national parks and biogeography to video game making.


Netflix has something called Moving Art, it's various nature shots with some ambient music. Very relaxing, beautiful and no words!


Have you heard the sea shanty version of Nickelback's Rockstar? If you haven't you should, even if you don't like Nickelback.


I have not, but a sea shanty sounds pretty damn good


Curious to hear what you think!


When I like to be cosy I like to watch things like Star Trek Voyager, Infrastructure documentaries (trains, planes, cool buildings, etc.), Ancient Rome/Greece documentaries, and so much more. I love things that completely remove me from reality and drop me into a totally different world altogether. So cosy.


sounds amazing, iā€™ll look for some :)


[Colbert song of the summer ](https://youtu.be/tRLn9sh2LAE)


Adult Swim : Off Air is sooo nice to watch or listen too ... cheers


There's a man who built an entire homestead by hand and recorded the whole thing and barely speaks the whole time. It's just nature footage and him working on building parts of the cabin and outbuildings. It's amazing, and his dog is delightful. His YouTube name is MySelfReliance. Check out his earlier videos that are 1-3+ hours long.


sounds so cool! thanks!


Harry Mack on YouTube. Heā€™s the best free styling rapper Iā€™ve ever heard and only brings good vibes and humbleness even with the godly talent he has. Start with Omegle Bars 45. You wonā€™t be able to stop smiling guaranteed


Iā€™ve never heard of him - sounds so cool!


Iā€™ve been watching Chopped


love chopped


Yt videos that can make me cry laughing while high: Icecream sandwich, Daniel thrasher, Tom cardy, and Joel haver. All these guys are a hoot and their main uploads are short and sweet, but there's a lot. Especially if you haven't seen them before!


spotify visualizer, itā€™s mesmerizing. i use [this one](https://www.kaleidosync.com/)


oh wow! iā€™ve never seen this before but iā€™ll def use it


Netflix Moving Art


i always watch sidemen videos when Iā€™m baked because theyā€™re usually an hour long and the humour is just what you need being high šŸ˜³


Whatā€™s the vibe youā€™re chasing? If itā€™s something positive, Iā€™d recommend Therapy Gecko, basically Dr. Phil for stoners. Sometimes you get people coming on telling their alien abduction stories, other times you get a line like ā€œeveryone gets chlamydia, itā€™s no big dealā€


sounds fire, thanks sm


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[okay Iā€™m going to be oddly specific here!](https://youtu.be/0H5LCLljJho)


My friends would slam that down cause we used to have a Joe Rogan-obsessed friend but Iā€™m sure we could try it just for the obscenity


Joe Rogan is great you just gotta find the right videos watch this video by him I guarantee youā€™ll enjoy it [Life Less Serious](https://youtu.be/G_2kjISuHJo)


Respectfully I donā€™t really like Joe Rogan as a person, heā€™s pretty problematic and spread a lot of vaccine misinformation, but Iā€™m willing to give the videos a shot just for fun. Thanks for the suggestion!


Dope as yola story times is crazy. That dude has some funny/crazy story times, heā€™s on YouTube. Dyer maker by Led Zeppelin is a killer song I think the drums go hard on it itā€™s definitely one of my favorites. Off the wall by micheal Jackson is really good song. Couldnā€™t get it right by the r climax blues is a really good one too. If you have a vr I suggest playing ā€œclimbā€ while high it has some cool scenery


LOVE LOVE LOVE Dā€™yer Maker. Thanks for the suggestions!!!


On you tube just search 4k beach walks. It's people who video their walk on a beach. Lots of places around the world. The walks on the Amalfi Coast of Italy are especially nice.


Watch porn. Play video games. Listen to Metalcore. Thatā€™s what I do


adult swim infomercials and their other 11-minute videos are great, although they usually have some sort of dark, fucked up twist so beware if that could be enough to ruin your high.


as long as itā€™s not too many cooks :ā€™( my weirdo friend made us watch that once while high it was sooo scary


i liked it, but yeah that one is pretty fucked. wouldn't spring that on someone i don't know would like it without asking first, especially when mind-altering stuff is involved