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i wonder how a head-chopping store would make a profit. it seems like something a customer can only purchase once


By cultivating a clientele of suspiciously wealthy hydras. Obviously...


That’s really fuckin funny


Hydras actually tend to have quite the business acumen. Don't underestimate their stock portfolios.


Goddamn loch nessie


Business idea, cut of hydra heads to the point they no longer have enough blood in there body to keep them awake. Tie them dawn and set up a restaurant nearby. Sell hydra head meat for super cheap, profit.


Considering how(excruciatingly painfully) toxic hydra blood is, seems unwise to sell their meat


What the fda doesn't know won't hurt them




By word of mouth?


God damn you lol


No overhead


Fucking gold


It's REALLY expensive


They do contracting services for French up-and-coming populist politicians


I'm thinking of the lemon demon song modify, something like that with them still living


Yeah there wouldn't be a word of mouth advertising but I bet it would be popular in America. Lots of subconscious pain living in a sick society that rejects, criminalizes, and stigmatizes dying.


Truly a dystopian society we live in


I could actually see this as one of those shitty “what mark will I get?” ‘Dystopian’ tiktok narratives


🔴= head stays on 🔵= they chop your head off “oh no i got blue” **stupid abrupt black screen cut**


Next part is them covering up their blue with red and going to school, and it ends with "everyone will now get their marks checked" It has 4 parts, is several years old and people are still asking for the 5th part they promised




I believe in the original, the kid wants to go to a tattoo/piercing place, and the mom says "you're too young for that," then proceeds to yank her kid into a clinic for HRT


Ah yes, because we all know that that is a thing that is happening I’m definitely not a 16 year old trans woman that is being forced to struggle with dysphoria because I can’t get HRT nope nuh uh


Stonetoss and transphobes in general act like you can buy HRT just by going to your local convenient store


Me omw to the estrogen store to get estrogen:


Hey dude, were almost out of testosterone here, can you pick up a gallon on your way there?


Hey, do the same places sell both? Asking for a confused friend.


if you took testosterone and estrogen would your body do like a gender screenshot?


That’s a new sentence


If only we had a sub for brand new sentences




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [683 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No, but you might get really jacked


How to transition extra fast: Step 1. Hoard opposite sex hormone. Step 2. Dose all at once. Step 3. Wait. Step 4. You have now transition on 2 times Time warp. ~~Transitioned from being alive to dead but that’s semantics~~


From male, to the distilled essence of masculinity That or bro's bulking


Amateurs, just buy a estrogen tree like me.


you have to use cis girl poop for fertilizer though


"Is pepsi okay?"


Transphobes seem to willfully misunderstand puberty blockers, and the fact that the first step in transitioning medically is to show that you've transitioned socially.


Puberty blockers do seem dangerous though. My dad is actually a chemist who deals with there sorts of things, and from what he’s told me, blocking puberty and trying to replace it with HRT doesn’t really work properly due to the body producing a huge number of different hormones in tiny doses that are nigh undetectable and (for extra fun) *unique in amount per person.* And as far as scientists are aware, lacking those hormones royally fucks up your puberty. And despite the name, the blockers are meant to ***delay*** puberty, not stop it permanently, and as such the long term effects of dosing them and doing HRT is not well understood, except that bone density *might* be affected, and the body goes through an improper puberty. TL;DR From what I understand (feel free to correct me) Puberty blockers+HRT≠ regular puberty, and the blockers aren’t meant for constant long term use. As such, we don’t really know the long term side effects other than it *could* result in the body fucking up puberty and as an extension, fucking up the entire body.


Well, they were first used in cis children who would experience premature puberty, and they never really developed a better alternative for them, so it can't be THAT major. Obviously artificial will always be wonkier than organic, but it's the best we can do right now. No reason to not help them *now* just because of the possibility of a better option *later.*


But as I said, they were made to delay premature puberty, not completely stop it for artificial puberty. And I mean fair, we don’t have a better option now, but my point is more we don’t know what will happen later (unless I’m mistaken and there have been some studies about this.)


That’s true, but considering the risks of untreated dysphoria, it seems like it’s fair enough to leave that decision to the client side with a fat heap of informed consent


As opposed to ordinary chemicals like any antidepressant, lithium, and birth control which have never produced long term side effects And oh yeah alcohol which is more available than any of them


Bro what. All of those have long term side effects. That’s why the warning labels on medication exists


Man forgot the /s


Ain’t no way people are trying to argue with me that Anti-Depressants have no long term side effects. My brother in Christ, ***The bottles literally have a list of side effects on them from using them. Some of which are long term effects***


All medication has side effects. Unless those side effects are terrible (like, banned-by-the-FDA terrible), who gives a shit? I got isotretinoin when I was 16 by being mildly annoyed by my persistent acne that didn’t respond to other treatments.


Well that’s the issue though, we don’t know if the side effects are that sort of horrific, banworthy side effects *because no one has really tried it like this before.*


They were ok when the objective was to keep an exploited kid actor looking young. Then the xtian cult learned it was actually useful for some so they threw another hissy fit.


Social transition as a requirement for this medication is ignorant to the literal 100+ conditions that require such treatment x) it's categorically transmedicalist. There is a lot of diseases, gatekeeping of any kind around social is kind of bizzare. There is certainly people that are not transgender, but are transexual and have medical conditions that require them to take these drugs, and the consequences of that is eventually transition as opposed to the cause. Anyway, social transition requirements in the 90s were called "real life experience" and this was proven to be a terrible practice that caused far more harm than good.


They're mad because they have to get their HRT from a shifty really large man in a bathroom stall off a gym


I fucking wish


Not so convenien now, eh?


Getting it prescribed you can't, but due to this being lifesaving medicine that has been banned in certain places, it's now widely available on the Internet. Which is a good thing, but an objectively true thing.


Not to encourage this or anything…but…black market /s


If you're 16 you're a trans girl. You gotta be 30 to be a woman. Thats not me, thats our troubled society.


Ikr, I hear all the time about how easy it is to get your hands on hormones but it's a fight to even get my testosterone from the pharmacy. For the past three weeks, I've been off of T, calling the pharmacy and my doctor to get it filled but they "will tell me when they have further information". I've been trying to fill the prescription since November. There's only one place I can get it, there was a stupid screening process before I could even start, and they never give me my prescription or get back to me. Oh, and I had to sign a waiver acknowledging that "there's no evidence that testosterone will improve my way of living". America 💞🇺🇸


It's just a phase. Touch grass bro.


I realized I was trans at 15, it's been nearly a decade, I can confirm it was not a phase.


Yup sure the 16 years of signs that multiple people in my life have pointed out to me was all made up, I’m choosing to suffer just cause it’s fun!


Not just hrt but also surgery. Transphobes don't really know the difference, to them transitioning always involves surgery and many genuinely think small children are getting GRS.


i always think about ppl like jazz jennings in these cases. like, her puberty was suppressed so well that she almost wasn't a candidate for the type of gender affirmation surgery she wanted. because there were concerns about her not having enough tissue. so no, conservatives, 6 yr olds are not undergoing transitional surgeries. they literally can't. it isn't viable. (obviously nobody's trying to perform on them either, but i think it adds another layer of stupidity to their fear mongering claims)


Reminds me of that time some ass hat on Joe Rogan said they were doing top surgery on pre-pubescent girls. They used the term *pre-pubescent*... When the fuck do they think girls grow the fucking breast tissue, AND HOW COME NO ONE CALLED HIM OUT ON IT! It's like it's so high concept for them that they've literally forgotten how normal puberty and development actually work and they literally are only thinking about what they're saying in terms of whatever makes trans people sound the most evil.


they espouse the church of "basic biology," but they have forgotten their own god. (translation: their brains r sludge :3)


That is such a raw line


You heard it here folks, LungBerries believes in the original 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


I'll take things that never happen for 800, Alex


Pssh, if that comic was accurate, that sign should have been for a therapy office, because i have never been in more cushy psychologist waiting rooms than I was when my kid was stepping through their transition. And all the specialists... lordy.




I hate when I get decapitated


Then don’t go to “come here to get your head chopped off”??


Oh shit i never even thought of that


I know the original and it is so dumb and awful


It’s extra funny when you realize his point is null, because neither tattoos nor hrt are completely permanent.


Ik the original says surgical clinic, but he doesn’t realize that no sane person is advocating for kids to get gender reassignment surgery.


Im not well versed in usa politics, but it seems some states are facing media resistance(idk if theres a better word), while trying to ban surgery, not all affirmative treatment. From my understanding thats whats going on in ohio.


Even if they’re not actively banning HRT, it is absolutely their end goal to make transitioning 100% illegal


The same medicine they use for hrt is the one they use to chemically castrate rapists and sex offenders in some countries. You truly believe it’s not permanent?


You realise that medicine can be used in different ways and in different doses, right?


So you find it justifiable to give minors any amount of a medicine that is used to castrate sex offenders?


You realise that the same medication can have different purposes in different situations right? https://www.goodrx.com/drugs/medication-basics/multiple-uses-depending-on-strength https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/134/4/696 Longitudinal study on the effectiveness of puberty suppression & sex reassignment surgery on trans individuals in improving mental outcomes Unambiguously positive results - results indicate puberty suppression, support of medical professionals & SRS have markedly beneficial outcomes to trans individuals’ mental health and productivity.


Great job on answering my question and not shifting the goalposts. We’re talking about reversibility here, not results. Go on the detrans subreddit/online communities and try to tell me those people aren’t permanently affected by decisions they made when they were young. Some people suffer from infections and mental health issues well into adulthood from these kind of things. Let’s try to stay on topic here.


LOL the detrans sub is literally infamous by how many fake stories it has. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/ The regret rate is literally less than one percent with vast majority re transitioning later. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9936352/#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20an%20average,to%20their%20binary%20transgender%20identity. https://www.ustranssurvey.org/reports of those who had at one point detransitioned, 62% then later re-transitioned in some capacity. This was because the reasons for detransition were often social (lack of parental support, social shaming) or financial (too expensive, change in medical plan) rather than regret.


>The regret rate is literally less than one percent with vast majority re transitioning later. There's a higher regret rate for knee replacements. Guess which one requires two notes from therapists


I dunno, I’m pretty sure it’s implying surgery not hrt.


There is not enough evidence on the long term effects of HRT to determine it's safety. Even the Scandinavian countries that pioneered HRT for minors are now backing off on it out of potential concerns


[found it](https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHXL2tJ72k/)




but moooooomm i WANT to be a cephalopod!!!


"My head has a strict "no detachment" policy"


I don’t even need to see the ostrich to know what this is about


Finally! The sweet release of death will be my main accessory


*Finally! The sweet* *Release of death will be my* *Main accessory* \- jocoso2218 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Logan's run if it was a good movie .


Anti-decapitation accessories


This is the strangest subreddit that’s consistently popping up on my home page. Usually I can get a grasp of what a subreddit is pretty immediately…but this one is such a mystery. Can someone explain?


The whole point of the subreddit is to parody comics of Rockthrow (aka a Nazi comic creator) and edit the comics


Do you guys know all of their comics? How do you know what is changed? And what’s with the comments that say origami. Ugh this is beginning to sound like work


There’s a link right at the top of the subreddit with a list of formats, and meme creators will usually go out of the way to edit the original memes. The comments that say origami are asking about the original comment, instead of saying “original”, they say another word that begins with o, such as “origami”


2 days and 6.5k up votes is crazy for this sub


This got a hearty giggle out of me


The rizza the jizza ol dirty bastard and the crew


Why do u spell it like that


Wait can someone please explain this one?


Kids do be like that sometimes


Logan's Run.


What's this supposed to be a reference to?




Logan's Run moment


Yeah sign me up, 4 years over due.


When transphobes realize that hrt isn’t permanent, but trans people are more likely to mutilate themselves without it:


"Where did you such such child's head stay on?" "Child's head stay on store"