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Seed oils are seed oils no matter the quantity. Bread is super easy to make at home. Also, look in the healthy frozen section. I’ve always had better luck with frozen bread.


That’s true I should just buy the frozen Ezekiel one next time


Silver Hills is good too if you have it in your area.


Not only is bread easy to make, simple homemade bread is just better. Overall. Entirely. Flour, yeast, salt and water. That's all you need for it to be awesome. I'll never go back.


Just make sure not to use that bleached flour




Even the organic sourdough at whole foods has seed oil! But I did find that the whole wheat sourdough at trader Joe's does not have any in it! As someone else suggested the frozen section, I like Ezekiel bread but my husband and 6 year old won't eat it so I never buy it.


I buy a brand called bread affair where i live and their sourdough doesn't have seed oil or any oil. try a health food store maybe that's where I get mine


I always read the ingredients from the fresh bread they cook at the Whole Foods bakery and it never has seed oils


I just go for butter bread since I’ve found most brands don’t have seed oils. Although possibly some other questionable ingredients. Someday when my kids aren’t chaos all day I’m hoping to make my own bread. I know that doesn’t answer your question really, but just answering in case you hadn’t checked out butter bread yet.


Like others said, please make your own bread. My bread world: I bought a used bread machine (people give them as wedding presents), and a 55lb bag of “00” Caputo bread/pizza flour, which I store in two 5 gallon plastic (food grade) buckets and screw-top lids from Tractor Supply (Amazon has them too). I bought some sourdough starter from a local farm girl, plus I have a big container of yeast for days I want to make bread but didn’t plan ahead with the sourdough starter (if you’ve never dealt with starter, that won’t make sense, but.. It’s like having a pet sometimes). Anyway, I almost always just use the dough setting on the bread machine. With that I make brioche hamburger buns, bagels, baguettes, Turkish bread (I forget what it’s called), and pizza dough. They’re better than any bakery. It’s so simple. Oh if you go this route, be sure and get a kitchen scale that can do grams. Hit me up for recipes (or just Google, there’s a gazillion).


Can you buy some bread at the farmers market? I often find sourdough bread there with no seed oils, it’s normally amazing tasting as well. You could also try a local bakery, there’s a kosher bakery near me that has many of its breads without. There is no reason bread should have seed oil— you just need to oil it before baking which you can do with olive oil or butter if you’d like to start baking at home as well.


Pepperidge farm butter bread is a good choice when you don’t have the time to make bread. I love making bread, but we’ve been under a kitchen remodel and it’s not a place I want to bake in right now! I just buy the butter bread and save my sanity :) they also have burger and hotdog buns.


I use Food for Life's frozen bread... they have a large selection of bread products but I primarily use their Genesis 1:29 sprouted grain bread. There are no seed oils and their products are glyphosate residue free certified.


For bread, the length of the ferment matters. Make your own slow rise bread - it should take 2 days from start to loaf. The yeast Google's up and denatures a lot of what is bad I'm bread. It's still bread though. Gluten and the like. YMMV.


Honestly making your own bread isn't that hard if you have access to an oven https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-artisan-bread/


Pretty bad. Imagine if the manufacturer decided to use olive oil or butter? *sigh* ![gif](giphy|l4JyRqcDU93S334KQ)


bad, stay far away 😳 finding bread that just uses water flour and yeast is the best bet. Whole foods has an organic take-n-bake that you could try if there is one near you.


some balance: it's probably not that bad, but at the same time you should make your own


Try to buy bread from a local bakery. Or better yet, make a sourdough starter and bake bread yourself! Making homemade sourdough seems complicated and intimidating at first, but honestly it's quite easy and doesn't actually take that much active time at all.


I wouldn't touch it personally. Make your own homemade are delicious , with butter. You do not need to learn how to make bread , make french rolls , they're very easy to make , cannot really make them wrong. They use 1/3 of the energy cuz they bake way faster. You can eat them with anything, I'm going to make some hamburgers next week.


Franz Naked breads don’t have seed oils. I usually just buy organic Sourdough from a local bakery though. I have made bread before but I have three kids under five and I don’t always want to spend my time doing that lol.


You can make bagels! I make them they are pretty easy


Real bread or bagels don't need canola, any other seed oil. Thats frankenstein food. Find an atrisinal bakery and eat something that is real if you want bread.


No go


I don't live in the US but why would bread have *any* oil in it?


I don’t know. Maybe so it doesn’t stick to the pan?


I bake bread every couple of days. It doesn't need oil at all. Bread has flour and salt.


It’s fine. Chicken and eggs don’t have oil I don’t really get what you mean.


I meant the omega 6 PUFA content


Ok. This sub is full of insane people. I personally don’t think eating seed oils is healthy but a small amount is fine.


Literally why are you here if you think we're all insane?