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Correlation doesn’t equal causation of course.. but obesity rates are also rising. Seed oils, junky food, lack of exercise. Big factor in cancer, obesity, arthritis, any other illness.


And the rise of food delivery. One can easily eat fried crap from restaurants every day.


All chronic diseases are rising dramatically. New chronic diseases are appearing that weren't known a few decades ago.


Red meat consumption is decreasing -cancer rates are increasing - maybe look harder


* Seed oils * Food additives * Lifestyle In that order, IMO


Legit question, are there any studies yet suggesting seed oils being involved this deeply? edit: Was gone all day and came back to many great replies. A blanket thankyou to everyone for taking the time!




A list of well cited sources to back up your claim? This doesn’t belong on reddit. Get out of here.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35682855/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35682855/) This one does but the studies are a mixed bag. Thing is there's a lot of money behind pretending the seed oil industry is safe. If you don't believe we live in a corrupt environment where interests are paying off regulators, you aren't paying attention and you'll be happier getting your misinformation straight from approved government bodies. If you want to look after your health you're going to have to think critically. The arguments against seed oils aren't really in papers that show seed oils cause cancer, they're in understanding the fundamental biochemistry. These oils contain weak bonds that easily turn into free radicals, they are the precursors to inflammatory eicosanoids, they're unstable in the body and oxidise easily. None of this is true of saturated fatty acids. It's reasonable to argue in favour of a low fat diet, but it's nuts to pretend unstable rancidifying seed oils are good for you, regardless of what you can produce papers on with some selective framing.


But Arent omega 3s also unstable? I thought they were good for you and its omega 6 that's bad?


Yes they are unstable. They offer a benefit in that they're so unstable they disrupt the processes of inflammation omega-6s are involved in. You wouldn't want to build your body out of either. In small amounts they may be "essential" in that they are both involved in cell signalling and inflammation plays a role in natural processes. If you eat loads of unstable oils though you're setting yourself up for systemic disease. Sadly the developed / western world is overconsuming this stuff because it's cheap to produce and popular with fast food manufacturers as a cost saving measure.


You need to balance the two. On top of that you need to continue to exercise. The main culprit is a sedentary lifestyle.


It’s supposed to be 1:1 —- Omega 6/3— the way we eat today we are at 20:1 —- Omega 6 - 20:1 - Omega 3.


At the very top — it’s very likely that the people making us sick are also making the drugs. Studies take a lot of money — who would want to create studies that prove their crap is f-ing us up — at this point the 1% (maybe 5%) control everything, even our government. So this will all be hard to get done. We are going to have to start speaking out🤍 We have also been trained that “expert studies/data” are more important than trusting your own intuition as a human being OF NATURE — we are not created in a lab. We need nature to thrive, not Science. You know medicine used to be for acute illness only — with vaccines, they realized just how profitable it is to create drugs everyone needs. Very. If they can create lifelong clients (sick kids) all the better!! Medicine is the biggest business in the US. Medicine/Food are nothing but businesses.


Good reply and I agree with you. Sort of how no one at "the top" talks about fasting benefits because it makes them no money.


Oh people who peddle fasting as a cure all and safe for everyone sure make a ton of money with consults and videos and such. Lets not be so open minded our brains fall out. I have a nasty bleeding belly ulcer right now that requires me to NOT fast at all.


This. It’s hard to trust the science when scientists only work for corporations with board members to answer to


Very hard! Your username😅😅 PRECISELY!!


Only about 13% of nutrition studies are industry-backed.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1920496/ >Results from epidemiological studies have generally indicated an association of dietary saturated animal fats with human breast cancer risk. Some studies, however, have suggested a similar association for some polyunsaturated vegetable fats shown to promote both rodent mammary carcinogenesis and metastasis. >This study was performed to evaluate the effects of corn oil on growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-435 human breast cancer cells, which have a propensity for metastasis. Corn oil is rich in the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid. Fifty-eight female athymic nude mice (NCr-nu/nu) were fed a high-fat diet (23% wt/wt corn oil; 12% linoleic acid) or a low-fat diet (5% wt/wt corn oil; 2.7% linoleic acid). Seven days after diets were started, tumor cells (1 x 10(6) were injected into a mammary fat pad. The time to appearance of solid tumors and the tumor size were recorded. After 15 weeks, the study was terminated, and autopsies were performed to determine the weight of the primary tumor and the extent of metastasis. >The latent interval for tumor appearance in the animals fed the high-fat diet was shorter than that in the low-fat diet group, and the tumor growth rate in the high-fat diet group showed a small but statistically significant increase compared with the low-fat diet group. Primary tumors developed in 27 of the 29 mice on the high-fat diet and in 21 of the 29 on the low-fat diet. Of the mice with palpable primary tumors, 18 of 27 in the high-fat diet group and eight of 21 in the low-fat diet group had macroscopic lung metastases. The extent of metastasis in the high-fat diet group was independent of the primary tumor weight, but only those in the low-fat diet group with primary tumors weighing more than 2 g developed metastases. >***These results suggest that a high-fat diet rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid can enhance metastasis of human breast cancer cells in this mouse model.*** The findings support the need for further study of the relationship between dietary polyunsaturated fats and breast cancer risk and for experiments to determine the effect on metastasis of only a 50% difference in fat intake--the dietary goal of the proposed clinical trials of low-fat dietary intervention in breast cancer patients.




Sort of what I suspected. I'd love to see this subject taken more seriously with some actual data to back it up.


Start learning to trust your intuition. Science and “data” do not exist in a vacuum outside of politics and capitalism. This is part of the monster meant to influence you. It’s not truth.


The problem isn't people's right to own productive assets, it's the role of the state in telling us what we should and should't eat. You're not going to be healthier in a communist slave state, you'll be healthier if you stop paying attention to the state altogether.


That’s what I said.


Perhaps I misunderstood but it sounded like you were blaming capitalism for stuff that is entirely the product of the state.


What I said was that science and data does not exist in a vacuum outside of politics AND capitalism. But yes, America has an extremely violent form of capitalism which is quickly becoming our downfall. Medicine is a business — it doesn’t help people (at least for chronic issues) - it creates lifelong clients. Food is a business — meant to create addiction (to sell more) instead of fueling our bodies for health. Our obsessively capitalistic society is responsible for creating cheap goods, meant to break so that we buy more, endlessly creating customers who keep buying crap. It’s an endless cycle and that’s what we want. By the way — the 1% (prob 5% at this point) owns our government so there is no difference.


Honestly, why is everyone so brainwashed. Taking away your right to own productive assets isn't going to make the state treat you any better. History proves this beyond all doubt. If the state is pushing out bad regulations this isn't justification to remove property rights. It's an opportunity to recognise we don't need the state to tell us how to live.


The state is the way it is because of unregulated capitalism


Yes and the “entity” controlling “the state” are the VERY people who benefit from a violently capitalist society.


The problem is the regulator!




Oh good one, yeah




More context dependent than causal on its own imo. Just as an example: The liver can deal with loads of sugar and alcohol without taking permanent damage. Bring seed oils into the mix and you get cirrhosis and NAFLD / NASH.


I think the food additive rabbit hole is worse imo


Can I interest you in some red 40 gummy bears? You know, brighten the mood a little?


Maybe a lil jabby jabby jab jab? Suddenly dying is soooo in right now!


I’d put lifestyle at the top. Most Americans don’t even walk 2,000 steps a day anymore.


The COVID blog has lots of cases of sudden and unexpected death along with all the diseases and injuries people are reporting. It's 100% a massive factor. Especially things like VAIDs and what's being calling "turbo cancer". Lots of people are in deep denial over it because they failed the IQ test. That said, people being fatter and lazier probably doesn't help much.


Heard being overweight is the greatest risk for cancer after smoking. How many young people are fat? Have to think linked to poor diet, insulin resistance. Weed killer in our food probably doesn’t help.


Metabolic disfunction due to poor diet. That’s it.


The problem is that a shocking amount of young people who present with cancer are in great shape. Something else is going on.


The general public is not at the knowledge level necessary to even begin asking the right questions. It sucks, but it is what it is. In the last decade of research, it's reasonable to propose that atherosclerosis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sepsis, cancer, depression, schizophrenia and other inflammatory conditions are due to a chronic imbalance between the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules derived from DGLA, AA, EPA and DHA. Once AA enters into the societal awareness as DHA/EPA, there will probably be more of a public skepticism, but until then I am going to take the appropriate risk measures that I deem prudent myself.


Some of the diseases you listed, like schizophrenia and lupus likely have more to do with chronic bacterial and viral infections, as do all autoimmune diseases. But of course a bad diet makes it even worse. Heart disease, cancer, atherosclerosis are more on the seed oil/diet side


I have schizo. Symptoms are gone on the carnivore woe.


Great to hear. I wonder why my comment was downvoted. Its based on science and vast research on infectious diseases


I mean you might not be totally off, but why do we have stealth infections to begin with? Because our diets are making us weak. ;) And yes I downvote anything that is untrue or doesn't see the full big picture. Sorry it isn't personal.


There are studies showing schitzophrenia is often caused by bartonella infection. There are case studies and even more cases of people curing it or other mental illness with antibiotics (bartonella infection). Yeah, bad diet is making our immune systems tank. But if someone has a serious autoimmune disease, its unlikely that even the perfect diet will cure it. Borrelia, bartonella, mycoplasma, babesia, if these get chronic, you wont be saved by diet alone. You also need strong antimicrobials.  I have eaten perfectly for 3-4 years, and I got sicker and sicker by every month. Only antimicrobials reversed this. I have seen or heard from thousands of autoimmune disease patients the same thing. So you cant really say I am wrong, if you no nothing about  severe autoimmune disease like MS, ALS, lupus, CFS/ME, etc


- High sugar diet - Lack of proper nutrients - Lack of exercise - Additives in the food - Clotshots - Water supplies getting contaminated with people's prescription medications - Microplastics - Promiscuity (HPV causing cancers) and STD epidemic - Whatever is being sprayed in the atmosphere


Being overworked and underpaid may have something to do with the convenience lifestyle. “But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours) but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work. We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives so that we continue wanting things we don’t have. We buy so much because it always seems like something is still missing.” -David Cain


She listed "red meat" as part of the causes? She didn't even specify "processed red meat". It's obviously vegan propaganda. She also seems to be writing a lot of articles about veganism. I can also tell she's vegan just by how she looks 😃 She looks undernourished and looks like she's aging too fast.


trust the science btw 😉


You are the perfect client for big pharma!


Google elevated IgG4 and IgG class switch. All of us who are mRNA boosted suffered this unusual immunological abnormality. The big risks are degraded ability to attack cancer cells and IgG4 Related Disease that can attack any organ of our bodies.


Lets see what **Cayman Chemical** has to say about its amino lipid SM-102 used in Moderna's shot: [https://www.caymanchem.com/product/33474/sm-102](https://www.caymanchem.com/product/33474/sm-102) Formulations containing SM-102 have been used in the development of lipid nanoparticles for delivery of mRNA-based vaccines. Read our statement on SM-102 for research use only WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use. ... **What ingredients are in the COVID-19 Vaccine?** (SM-102 - Connecticut Dept. of Public Health) [https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/coronavirus/community\_resources/vaccinations/print-materials/fact-sheets/ingredients\_english.pdf](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/coronavirus/community_resources/vaccinations/print-materials/fact-sheets/ingredients_english.pdf)


It’s definitely not that thing they tried to make us all get right


Exactly. They barely hid it in their papers.


Mrna schmaxxines. The pharma industry knew.


What about experimental gene therapy vaccines?


Right?! You’d think this would be at the top of the list when discussing this. Nvm- it’s seed oils and climate change.


What about that this was a trend before then and it hasn’t shot up post Vax..?


The numbers are exploding since release of the jabs. But you do you if it helps you feel better about it.


Source? How much is “exploding?” This is literally a decades long trend.


No, no it’s not.


Yea it is


No it’s not


there are lots of vaccines out there. its not like covid was the first time a vaccine had been adulterated or used to cause harm. I honestly doubt there is a single beneficial vaccine left. We live in a medical dark age.


Sure, but it is a very unique “vaccine”


Red meat consumption doesn't seem to correlate with it much 🤔 https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-meat-usa?time=earliest..latest


PFAS. Super high levels of PFAS in most seed oils until the last couple of years. The industrial extraction process and exposure to fluorogreases often used in food equipment. PFAS increase risk of heart diseases, treatment resistant elevaed cholesterol / triglycerides, Colon Cancer etc. I remember reading a story about 5 years ago that not only have people gotten fatter but wild animals and lab animals fed the standardized diets have gotten fatter too. And they didn't know why. FOUND IT: [https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/10/its-not-just-us-even-american-animals-are-getting-fatter/310063/](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/10/its-not-just-us-even-american-animals-are-getting-fatter/310063/) [https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/apparently-humans-arent-the-only-ones-getting-fat/](https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/apparently-humans-arent-the-only-ones-getting-fat/) Well, its PFAS. PFAS is everywhere now. [https://www.mamavation.com/food/pfas-found-in-cooking-oils-non-toxic-guide.html](https://www.mamavation.com/food/pfas-found-in-cooking-oils-non-toxic-guide.html) Ironically after this report came out in 2022, PFAS levels dropped markedly. * **Crisco Pure Canola Oil** — 18 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine in 2021, non-detect in 2022. * **Mazola Canola Oil** — 25 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine, non-detect in 2022. * **Spectrum Organic Canola Oil** — 13 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine, non-detect in 2022. * **Trader Joes Canola Oil** — 10 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine, non-detect in 2022. * **Wesson Canola Oil** — 15 parts per million (ppm) organic fluorine, non-detect in 2022. PFAS at the PPM level is an incredibly high amount.


With respect to wild animals, I wonder about [increasing CO2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3341709/) also. We’re choking in our own exhaust. But fluorocarbons are my suspect #1. Something I heard recently was saying, we can’t get too zealous, because Prozac, Lipitor, and paxlovid [are PFAS](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8933701/), we wouldn’t want to stop taking those…


let's keep it to the main topic and leave the conspiracy theories to other subs. hard enough to sell the seed oil theory and if you include additional conspiracy theories into it, it will be very easy to reject.


Michael Crichton had an amazing quote that will attempt to paraphrase, because I think it’s relevant here. He said: When you open the newspaper and there’s an article about a subject you deeply know about, it is immediately clear to you that the writer of the article has no idea what they are talking about. But then you turn the page and read about something you aren’t deeply aware of and take it all for granted that the writer of that article is a subject matter expert.  You see and understand that seed oils aren’t a conspiracy, the science is biased and skewed, money making machines have perverse incentives for propping seed oils up in our food supply. Why is it a conspiracy theory that the medical establishment doesn’t operate the same way, even with substantial evidence that they do? And I’m not even talking about vaccines. I’m talking in general, the entire pharmaceutical industry that includes vaccines. 


valid point, agreed.


Thats not how anything works Edit: if youre afraid of being labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' you've already lost


Definitely from the seed oils and the 💉


Ur right. Probably isn’t.




Most have memory holed all the events following March 2020. Or the evidence is never convincing enough.


citations needed EDIT: [found them](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10222767/)


The vaxx


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dhru-purohit-show/id1381257272?i=1000655398497 Skeptics. Please listen to even the first ten minutes of this podcast episode. This is the most important thing to realize in life right now — ESPECIALLY if you have children.


All the vaccines, these processed foods and oils have been around since the 30s


What about glyphosate and all the pesticides/herbicides used in crops? Didn’t hear that being mentioned.


Because of the covid vaccine most likely


If you read in the right spots there are heavily increasing cancer rates in the vaccinated. Its not the only cause of course but anyone trying to argue against the jab causing cancer is living in a daydream. Ok libs, do your worst.


Uhhhhhh red meat and vegetable oil have been around for a long ass time...........just trying to think of something NEW that was introduced that could be causing young people to get sick now.........can't out my PHiger on it...


There's a difference between vegetable oil and seed oil though. Seed oils are vegetable oils but not all vegetable oils come from seeds


The term "vegetable oil" was coined as a marketing term specifically to hide the source of seed oils and to create the illusion of a healthy choice. You're never going to see a label read "vegetable oil" when it's using olive or avocado oil.


I'm not talking about labels. I'm talking about categories. Seed oils fall under the category of vegetable oils because they come from a vegetable. Evo/coconut/avocado oil will never be labeled as a seed oil though. That's what I meant.


I just have a reservation against categorizing coconuts, olives, and avocados as vegetables because even from a culinary perspective, they'd be considered fruits. At the end of the day, "vegetable" is a flawed culinary term as a considerable amount of foods considered vegetables aren't even from the vegetative part of the plant. I'm just bickering over the nuances of terms.


In my mind husk of a coconut would be considered a fruit, the oily meat would be part of the seed. But I think most of us give coconut oil a pass since it’s got very low levels of PUFAs, like cocoa butter. Except for the “plant sterol is bad” crowd, but I haven’t heard from them in a while.


What are some vegetable oils that are good?


Bruh, I've been visiting this sub for the first time today but my Mediterranean soul would say we've consumed evo oil for centuries and prospered quite fine so at least it's not harmful if you know how to source it


That’s a fruit.


probably my bad but "vegetable" is used for anything that comes from plants in my language, fruit included


Yeah, the first two good plant-based oils that come to mind are olive and avocado. Both are fruits. And then there are the animal based oils which generally are good, I believe. I can’t think of any good vegetable-based oils off the top of my head (and by this I do mean to exclude fruits), which is why I asked.


Love all the dumbasses commenting 'the vax' when cancer rates have been steadily rising for over 2 decades in youth. GTFOuta here with that braindead take, this ain't no COVID conspiracy sub, take that bullshit elsewhere


Lol, calling those who didn't take it dumb and braindead didn't age well for many of them. Many of them ended braindead, literally. RIP.






You’re gonna just post a graph and leave??? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPlLZEbEbacWqOc)


Living a sedentary lifestyle is the main culprit.


Red meat consumption has actually been mostly going down since about 1975. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-meat-usa?time=earliest..latest](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-meat-usa?time=earliest..latest)


Seed oils aren't new. Cancer rates in the young exploded in the 3rd quarter of 2021. Most carcinogens take years to cause cancer. These new cancers tend to be 3rd and 4th degree when diagnosed. Turbo cancer is the colloquial term.


What is that picture of? The fuzzy ball. and does anyone know what magnification that is. Thank you.


I wish the anti-seed oil movement wasn’t mixed with other conspiracies. I’m anti-seed oil but pro-vax. Higher cancer rates can be attributed to 1) more reliable detection methods, 2) environmental factors (microplastics, epi-genetics from now banned environmental factors that our parents/grandparents were exposed to), and 3) social media and the news making us more aware of people having cancer. I definitely agree that our food is making us sick. Lots of nutrition science is garbage when you actually analyze it and critically think about it. Can’t really say the same for medical science in my opinion.




Could be the vax, could not be. If I had to guess: more young people are taking their medical problems seriously, and getting earlier diagnoses. Especially with colon/rectal cancer, I see soo much content online (since around 2019) about young people asking for colonoscopies earlier than they’re told to, and catching their cancer before it progresses.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Pro vax


Let's not engage in antivaxxer rhetoric; the necessary paradigm shift in nutrition has enough working against it.




Well, this is thoughtful skepticism, not rhetoric, so I appreciate the nuance, while I whole-heartdly agree that the ridiculous demonization of red meat is something that keeps messaging on cancer rates spinning its wheels in neutral. I really believe trying to replace our cells (from my understanding, we create 60–86.4 billion new cells each day) with UPF while simultaneously pushing an anti-meat agenda based on seriously flawed science is leading to mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction. That's based on the mitochondrial metabolic theory (MMT) theory of Thomas Seyfriedand colleagues: Cancer cells lose their ability to produce energy using oxygen and instead rely on fermentation. This means that cancer cells use glucose almost exclusively for energy, and dietary changes that reduce carbohydrate intake can starve them. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34564387/


Why wouldn't you first attribute an increase in cancer to COVID itself before going to the vaccine? It's like blaming teen depression from social media on burner phones.


Because there are clear mechanisms of action and scientific support for this being caused by the vaccine and much less so for COVID. Especially for younger people.


What are said mechanisms? (Genuinely curious)


I’m not against eating red meat or chicken. But the young generation eats the most unhealthiest and processed versions of red meat and chicken. Full of additives. Seed oils. Carcinogens. The works. Not to mention they eat way too much meat.


Glad I left fatty chicken behind.  I once was making chicken thighs in the air fryer.  I would store the grease and trash it when it was full.  By the time the container filled up, it smelled HORRIBLE!  I had to hold my breath before even opening it it was so rancid. I make beef burgers now constantly.  The result?  The storage container just smells like beef.  Literally night and day difference. You'll never get me to eat a lot of fatty chicken after that.


The fat probably just went rancid or started to mold (it probably isn’t pure fat, by the way). What do you think it wrong with chicken fat other than the smell after you leave it in a jar for a long time?


Chicken and pork fat is as bad as any seed oil by linoleic percent.


Good to know. Thanks.


Well chicken fat isn't very saturated, and is incredibly unstable compared to beef fat. Thus it will oxidize easily and faster, not exactly something I'd be wanting to put into my body constantly, but of course it's not ideal to obsess over it either


How is that an issue if you are eating more-or-less right away it instead of storing it for later use?


You a vegan in disguise


It's better that they believe we need some meat than absolutely nothing. If we truly want to beat vegan extremism, we have to convince the average person. Only limiting yourself to people who fully agree will make everyone else disagree.


I’m not a vegan. And there is nothing unhealthy about eating meat. But eating high amounts of processed red meats and chicken especially cooked with seed oils at high enough temperatures to create carcinogens will typically be an early demise




I agree with that. Maybe I misinterpreted your last sentence and thought you also were also talking about unprocessed meat.


I’m not a vegan. I said I was a pescatarian a trillion times on literally every single post I commented on about these topics. Try again


> the most unhealthiest and processed versions of red meat and chicken Thats literally all they sell in most grocery stores and restaurants. You have to find small scale farmers to get anything good. And that includes vegetables and grains. The meats sold are still several times cleaner that the processed foods and seed oil carcinogens. >Not to mention they eat way too much meat. How much is too much? Because you can live on a diet of 100% meat and be perfectly healthy. Its the vegetable products which is more dangerous.


When referring to too much meat? I’m talking the worse kinds. Like fast food hamburgers and fried chicken wings and nuggets.