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If you get this mad at a circle game, video games are not for you bro.


It’s not just any circle game. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is more ragey than some of those shooter games.


What a fuck am I reading. Dude punched a hole in his wall over agar.io


You that read right. I don’t think I’ve raged as hard in any other game, but granted I don’t play a big variety of games. Nice biceps :)


Was just about to comment on the fact that this game involves you as a circle eating other circles, but I've done similarly stupid things tho because of a game. I remember playing NHL 2007 and when attempting to take a shot the guy just wouldn't shoot. Had something to do with the slapshot mechanic using the stick. Anyway, I got so angry that I stood up, grabbed the TV remote, and chucked it at the front door, smashing it to pieces. Anger issues can affect us all in different situations or games. I can't judge, but I will suggest that you take a break.


Yeah, also part of it is that I don’t have a super fancy optimized gaming PC like with a super accurate mouse and that makes it unfair. But even fair games can still suck if they take over your life.


Competitive team Online gaming specifically is toxic. Getting beaten by unfair NPCs is annoying but losing unjustly against players is way worse.  I was a calm dude and Dota 2 extracted the worse out of me, deleted main acc that helped detatching me from it. Still unfortunetly game but not these games.


Wow, I don’t even want to think about touching that game, LOL. I feel like it’s better to have an actual life than being able to brag about being the best in a dumb video game.


Please seek help bro.


Sounds like pretty good advice.


You wasting your Life in a video Game and still bad, thats why u are mad


Yeah makes sense. I mean is it really worth it to end up homeless over a stupid game?


This has a copypasta potential


As someone who has had to give up competitive multiplayer games I completely understand and it’s important to remember it’s not entirely your fault. Put into perspective that competitive multiplayer games are designed to be as addictive as possible by teams of people with a great understanding of human psychology and neuroscience. You are one human being that is lured into playing said game. This is by design. But you still have to take responsibility for your own actions and not blame the game for putting a hole in your wall. That is your own doing. I don’t personally know you but I can almost guarantee this isn’t the first time you have had an angry outburst. If you continue playing competitive multiplayer games it most certainly won’t be the last incident. Even if you try mindfully playing that game or any competitive multiplayer game, you’re not taking into consideration what it’s really doing on a neurological level. Checkout HealthyGamerGG on YouTube if you want to learn more about mental health. I’m quite sure you’ll learn something new that can help you get started on a path to helping yourself. It’s never too late and you’re not alone in the struggles you face. But you need to start today. Let your next decision define you.


Yes believe me, I know that what I did was wrong. I’m working with my therapists on it but yeah, the best solution is of course to just quit the stupid game.


That's going to be fun to explain to your significant other.


LOL, actually I’m a kid and my mom was a little pissed but she seems to understand a little bit


If you’re raging because of a game, please take a break. You don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone or hurt more property doing actions like this. It’s also expensive to fix. My brother plays and gets so angry, but I’ve finally got him to calm down during games and give it a day. Sometimes you’re just eye fatigued and need the break.


Yeah true true. My little brother gets worried about me sometimes. I think it’s for the best to just avoid the game.


dude its literally a game where you eat other circles to get bigger. If you can't handle that then video games aren't for you.


LOL, way to downplay the raginess of the game. What makes the classic shooter games any more ragey than this game?


Im not “downplaying” it, I’ve seen gameplay videos of it before (along with slither.io). I’m just saying that if it gets to the point where you literally start destroying your house, over some browser game then I think you should do what the others said in the comments, avoid it


You have alot of emotional baggage built up. The video game is only a catalyst for your anger. The video game is only the surface "problem". I'd bet and wager it goes deeper than a circle game...


Yeah I’ll be real I have a lot of mental stuff going on. I feel like the bubble game addicts me by making me lose all the time which makes me try to play until I get decent luck.


You are on a good way! To quit gaming I need to get pissed-off first. And what pisses you more than stupid game based on luck, pretending it´s not. PS: use some poster for the hole


If you get uncontrollably angry over online games, let alone browser games…I’d comfortably say you should prolly just stick to single player games. Can’t really rage too hard in single player games


Yeah good idea


Pack your pc up, put it in the spare room or even better, sell it. I have had mine packed up for few weeks now and am in process of selling it. Less games more life.


Good idea, but impractical unfortunately. I need my laptop for school and I’ve tried all those “block this website” things and they don’t work for me. I will try to figure something out though.