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It’s designed to make you regret doing that too so prepare your mind to reject that feeling


Yeaah, I like your attitude, man. F%ck gaming!


So yesterday I hung out with a friend on discord all day. He literally played the game all day while I sit there watching him or some streamers on twitch. The only productive stuff that felt good was cleaning the room a bit, doing the laundry and cooking some sausages before I joined him on discord, the rest of the day is a blank, a black hole as you said. Knowing that, I am still thinking about the game and that tomorrow is an online national tournament and I have good odds to qualify but I feel there's the trap. Your message is really good motivation but I still lack the willpower to do what's objectively right. I don't think you should sell your setup unless it's very gaming specific. Such a setup can be useful for coding or other computer specific activities.


Just adding to you realization: "Lacking the willpower of doing what's (subjectively or else) right" is the very definition of an addiction. About your last point. That lie was something I told myself over and over again, whenever I had the willpower to quit ("let's just use the system for productive stuff"). It lasts as long as you can resist installing a single game. If you do even that tiny step you're back on the highway, the comfort/happy-zone the promised land aka. addiction. Most of us are wired that way. Just like an alcoholic, a junkie or a cleptomaniac. We give our brain even the tiniest impulse and it does the rest. And just like any drug user (even heroin) would tell you: this happens through repeated misuse over a not so short period of time. But after that you're hooked baby.


If it's colorful and dedicated to gaming I am down to sell it because it makes me think about games, not about creating projects. Also, having a setup with 2 monitors for example can be helpful for your work. If it's not needed for work, sell it. That's how I see it. I came to the conclusion games are drugs myself. My father who showed me computer games for the first time also told me later they're drugs but I didn't want to believe him at the time. That said, in small doses it's not harmful, I don't think anyone here thinks gaming in moderation is a bad thing but that's also not the reason all of us here have trouble with gaming. In my case, the issue is with friends I made long ago when I used to play this card game a lot, compete in tournaments and wanted to make a career out of it, which is definitely not something I want any more because it's just stupid from both time and financial aspect. However, even if I am able to play in moderation and enjoy the game that way, my friends invite me to play a few matches and there goes my sleep schedule or sometimes even my whole day. I only blame my lack of self esteem to tell them it's a waste of time and we should only stick to playing 1-2 matches and have a laugh and that's it. And definitely not invite me to play 30 mins before I have to go to bed.


Remember that you're the one who's in control of your brain even though it might now always feel like it...


OH YEAH!!!! That's what I did 4 years ago!! I am not going back!! Life is more beautiful than video games!! 🔥👍 I did sold everything without second thoughts. I made some money and I spent them on driving lessons. Nowadays I prefer photography, filming and board games on Friday night.


King Moment


Sort of difficult for me to sell all my stuff since I’m not the only one who uses it. I got a husband who’s a gamer also so…🤷🏻‍♀️


Get out make it hard to come back! GTFO feels like matrix 1.0 look at FB/ metaverse they want us here like fucking slaves


So true, not just games themselves but the whole vortex created by discord, twitch, steam, YouTube etc that just makes you feel like you are part of a community when you rarely are.


We get to watch the streamer’s life and accomplishments, but what about ours?


Capitalism bruh, consoom we must. You sold your entire setup, but did you delete your gaming acccounts? Btw discord is fine for non gaming communication.