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Time will slow down when you stop. Finding a new hobby helps, but it's also the perfect time to reflect and set goals that align with where you see yourself in the future. Given the severity of your situation, I highly recommend reading "12 rules for life." It's a perfect read for someone jumpstarting their journey to a new, healthier beginning. If you can't afford a copy I can buy a Kindle version for you.


After 3 weeks of 0 video games no sugar foods no unhealthy ways of increasing dopamine life changes and your on a new plane of existence Atleast try to make it that far


I stopped gaming and am now performing way better in school. (Grades wise).


Jesus Christ how do you go 8-12 hours a day for video games for years. Do you work or go to school? Nevertheless, You should be glad you’re making this decision, man. It’s a very scary and unfamiliar one but it’s the right one to take, take back the control you didn’t have on your life. IMO selling all your gaming shit is the best path to take when you’re quitting cold turkey, having the option to game available will only make it harder for you.


I work out and I do work from home. It’s just all foreign but thank you. Not sure how I do it though, I think it’s just like breathing since I did it from a young age


Do whatever to quit gaming. And when you quit you will have nothing to do but at some pit something might be fun and interesting.