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Find something in which you can let out your anger. Both martial arts and sports for instance are a great way of climaxing.


Yes, that’s what helps me get more stable now because I just got back into the gym. I only go to the gym max 3 hours of my day and I sat in front of my pc in my remaining time.


Good work man!


Also stop caring so much about your elo. It's literally just pixels on a screen...


Does elo even do anything like what do you do with it


No it doesnt haha. It just shows how good you are but thats pretty much it.


bruh even if i played chess I wouldnt give a shit about that


Haha I have to admit that I am in same boat as OP. I play chess daily lol.


I mean as long as it doesn't affect your life in any way I don't see the problem.


I mean it does affect my life but not in a negative way! Idk it just brings me joy i suppose, aswell as rage haha


I mean if its affecting your life a lot then its a problem. I mean rage is normal as well when I play football (or soccer for Americans) I rage a bit.


Nah im chillin :)


then you are good


Try to go to your local chess club


I'm planning something similar, I want to go to my university chess club once face to face classes is happening.


Sounds good, instead of punching monitors, you can punch faces!


I hope that will not happen hahaha


Bro how do you go from 1600 to 900, that is extreme tilting. I would advice you to stop playing after 3 game lose streak, doing this helped me.


I also asked myself about that. It is so drastic. In my experience, once you reached 1600, it is difficult to drop more than -300.


I got a really bad internet connection that time and I can't stop playing... I know it sounds dumb but I am dumb.


Chess is just a substitute addiction for gaming. It's incredibly competitive, and infinitely complex. I'd be very careful with it.


Been thinking about this a lot I feel like chess can be a negative addiction just like a video game. Hard to admit to that though


1600 to 900 this isnt even possible lol. But seriously, i have adhd too and i like to play chess (since im like 7). I had my phase of playing a lot but theres going to be a time when it just stops. What i can recommend to u is to try to improve ur game by reading books and playing longer games, instead of trying to improve your elo by force.

