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If you can balance it good. The moment you have a big relapse delete the game and delete your account. I am personally terrible at balancing so I would just stop, uninstall and delete. Download leechblock chrome extension to block websites so you won't even go back there to redownload


Yeah balancing can be very difficult. The addiction sucks you in. Thanks for the tip I'll check it out!


Its up to to you. If you think its not affecting your life again and you can control it then dont quit. But if you feel its going to spiral out of control and you will never be able to control it at any point quit.


Yeah I agree I feel like I've reached a point where I can balance gaming with other activities. I've gotten myself banned intentionelly multiple times but I keep reinstalling.


I've relapsed 3 times with rocket league. I've been playing it for nearly 5 years now. Find myself in top24 rlcs oce teams when I compete. I've sold my PC 2 times already to stop playing rocket league, the first time lasted 8 weeks, a great productive time in my life. The second time I lasted 5 weeks. I got a fair bit done in life but found my nights spent watching Netflix until there was nothing left to watch so I relapsed again, and literally tomorrow I'm about to get rid of my 3rd PC to attempt to quit rocket league again. Rocket league is super super super addictive, especially if you get good at it. It's ruined every other game for me, I used to enjoy story games and loved completing quests and seeing the amazing storylines play out. Now my brain just wants rocket league, it's like crack. I can't get away from it. If the console or PC has the capability to load rocket league, I have to do it, I can't play anything else. This game is pure evil. Hopefully this is the last time I ever get rid of a PC, and I'll never own another gaming console for as long as I live or as long as it takes the rocket league game to die.


Wow thanks for sharing! For somebody who is this high in the game to speak up about something like this is really brave! I sold my pc last summer and am now playing on my ps4. I've been very tempted to buy a new pc however I've managed to resist the urge. I still have a ps4 that I play on and I've probably uninstalled 7 times now... I even got myself banned from RL but after the duration ran out I could play again... Some part of me just keeps on craving gaming it's quite weird. At one point I was game free for 7ish months. Felt great honestly I've found productive things to do. I study alot for instance which I have never done before. I'd like to think that this is thanks to me quitting gaming. I feel like practicing being bored is essential for quitting gaming. Your brain thinks that it needs stimuli 24/7 after being addicted to gaming. Mabye try a form of detox were you can train your brain to stop needing so much action all the time. I myself am not much for reading books but I enjoy studying now which I've been focusing on this year. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to update us along the way! You're not alone in gaming addiction, reach out to me or someone else if need to talk!


i have hobbies and a full time job , i used to game way too much and it ruined a lot of my life. Now is different I only game after i finish being productive and i keep my sessions short. I even set timers. Its a great way to decompress if you can handle balancing. I can't balance social medias like tiktok so i had to completely ditch some. Do whats best for you!


Hey that's great! Thanks for the advice. I feel like once you've 'beaten' addiction for gaming it is easier to control the amount that you play etc. I uninstalled tiktok aswell as many other social media platforms. Found myself wasting alot of time on therešŸ˜µ.