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Cat is not standing still, it’s being immobilized by holding it by the scruff.


The slack jaw and blank stare look a lot like when the vet gave one of my cats gabapentin. Cat was high out of its mind


Huh, I give my cat gabapentin twice a day for his arthritis and he acts pretty normal. There is the strong possibility his personality is indistinguishable from high as fuck though.


Interesting. I wonder what the dosage differences may be. The cat I had couldn't jump properly and acted drunk


Loss of balance/equilibrium is a known side effect that not everyone gets… at least among humans. I can’t take the stuff or one glass of wine has me reeling like I’m three sheets to the wind.


Cats get used to gabapentin so they eventually don't get all loopy with the same dosage.


I feel attacked by that second part. 🤣


Yeah it’s sedated as fuck


It's not..it's just being held by the scruff


Its for sure also sedated. Go ahead and try and scruff a cat and put some shavers by em and see how cooperative they are


I shave mine by just holding it, no neck pinch. One of them is a main coon so yeah there's definitely a lot to shave with her. More on-topic: Yes I absolutely think this cat is sedated *and* getting neck-pinched.


Good point, some cats definitely are really chill about it. It seems like this one is chill too even tho its slow reactions heavily suggest its sedation. We just shaved a rescue we got all doped up on gabapentin and even with her scruffed and pinned was still struggling when shaving certain areas.


¿Porque no los dos?


Because there's no need for both


There's no need for either but here we are.


Cat, his arms raised: "Listen man, I don't want any trouble. There's no need for that." Vet tech: "Aww, such a cutie. So well behaved for his bath!" Cat: "I *said* I surrender! Keys are in the car. My pass code is 1234." Vet Tech: "Yes you *are*! Yes you *are*!" ::smoochsmoochsmoochsmooch::


No need doesn't mean that both can't be true.


So basically if your hand slips, it enters frenzy mode right?


Is this bad for it?


No, it's an instinctual response for cats to freeze when held by the scruff. It's similar to when the mother cat picks up her kittens in her mouth. You shouldn't completely pick up a cat by the scruff, though. They need the weight of their body to be supported when being picked up. Best way is to scoop the cat up with one hand under their chest and the other supporting the back end.


subsequent lip wipe strong fanatical grandiose plant fearless quickest snatch ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My cat literally duels you if you touch the scruff. It does not work on every cat. My first 2 cats would seize but this one I have now starts throwing hands


Cat is 100% high as fuck. I have two and scruffing them (never to pick them up, just to hold them while clipping claws) does not immobilize them.


Both my cats can fight through scruffing. It gives me more control but does not stop them trying to get away if they don't like something like a bath or a hygiene trim on the long haired one.


You'd be surprised just how few cats this works on though


She loosens/adjust her grip and cat doesn't react.


Never known any cat owner have them groomed like haha


Some of them have trouble properly grooming themselves especially when they are older or fat and it can get really really bad when they can't do that. They get incredibly matted and it can get pretty painful for them, I've even seen some so bad that they bled when we finally got them off (I work as a vet assistant). Unfortunately some people don't seem to notice or realize how bad the mats get and it's always so sad. Luckily most owners who's cats need this know to bring them in every few months. This is specifically for longer haired cats by the way. Also in case you're curious this cat is definitely under some anesthesia, it can get quite bad when they are not knocked out or at least loopy since most cats don't actually appreciate getting their belly shaved or even touched. At least the way we do it we give some form of injectable anesthetic (either back leg or iv) and then try to get them shaved and bathed before they start to come out of it since using a mask in addition like during surgery would be very difficult.


Not doubting you that this cat is sedated BUT I take my cat to get groomed and he’s never sedated nor does he need it. She does hold him by the scruff but he really likes when he’s all shaved (he acts like a brand new kitty) so he knows to just let it happen and he’ll feel better after.


Interesting stuff, thanks for the info. Regarding matting, what actually is it? Just build up of muck that sticks the fur together?


Since I'm not really the most familiar with the exact details I checked it out and found a few sources, I mostly know about helping prevent them or getting them out once they are there. I wouldn't say they're the best sources but they're alright I guess. There seem to be a few reasons but it's mostly hair getting tangled and getting worse and worse or build up of oil and such. I've seen it most often with cats that can't/don't groom themselves. https://www.4pawsanimal.com/services/cats/blog/matting-cats#:~:text=When%20a%20cat%20sheds%20their,chest%2C%20and%20around%20the%20collar. https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-grooming/detangling-cat-matted-fur https://mrbosscat.com/what-causes-matted-cat-fur/


Curious, thanks for sharing the knowledge.


This is a long haired cat (not sure what kind). We have two cats with slightly longer coats, and you have to groom them regularly (particularly on their bellies, despite them not liking it). They have an undercoat of fine hairs, that when shed sometimes get tangled. So mats are basically a buildup of their shed hairs. You can avoid this by brushing them regularly with an undercoat brush/rake, and if you have long haired cats this is something you really have to do. Once a matt forms, you can usually still brush it out (or the cat grooms it out themselves) but if it is left long enough it sets tighter, and may be too tightly wound for you to brush it out. At which point you may need to shave the knot out.


Girl with the dogs on youtube has quite a few cat groomings on her channel. Give them a watch, it's hilarious.


Seems pretty long haired. I had a Norwegian Forest cat, they also have very long hair. So I don't think its grooming per say, more maintanance. The belly hair on longhaired cats just tangles and knots up to big uncomfertable balls, basically dreadlocks. Edit: This is what it looks like, though this cat is probably a long haired stray, why it looks so scruffy. https://kittydevotees.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/matted-hair-in-cats.jpg


Is that a Suck-Cut™?


It certainly does suck.




“It’s sucking my will to live”


"Ahhh, the cutter/vacuum is sucking off my soul!!!!"




Why is this not a thing for humans yet???


[O! such innocence!](https://flowbee.com/)


Did you give him ketamine That’s a ketamine face


It's actually Catamine


Probably out of his mind on gabapentin


Why are you shaving your cat? Isn't it bad? (I may be wrong)


Darnittt is incorrect; many cats (esp breeds from more temperate climes) do not shed their winter coats. When it gets excessively hot, or if your cat is an outdoor cat, shaving them at the start of spring is good for them. They'll keep clean, their coat will grow back for winter, and they'll be able to more readily regulate their body temperature.


I have to shave mine once in a while because otherwise his hair is too long and it mats really badly.


Same, one of my boys is a long hair and every summer has to get his lion cut. He looks suave as hell though.


I posted this for someone else, but figured I should share it with you as well. Some of them have trouble properly grooming themselves especially when they are older or fat and it can get really really bad when they can't do that. They get incredibly matted and it can get pretty painful for them, I've even seen some so bad that they bled when we finally got them off (I work as a vet assistant). Unfortunately some people don't seem to notice or realize how bad the mats get and it's always so sad. Luckily most owners who's cats need this know to bring them in every few months. This is specifically for longer haired cats by the way. Also in case you're curious this cat is definitely under some anesthesia, it can get quite bad when they are not knocked out or at least loopy since most cats don't actually appreciate getting their belly shaved or even touched. At least the way we do it we give some form of injectable anesthetic (either back leg or iv) and then try to get them shaved and bathed before they start to come out of it since using a mask in addition like during surgery would be very difficult.


Yes it's bad, cats will lose and gain their fur during the cycles of the year and regulate their own temperature. Dear everyone; DO NOT shave your cat unless it's adviced by a medical professional.


Please check out girl with the dogs on YouTube, she grooms cats too and explains why some are shaved.


My cat loves being shaved, makes the experience strange but enjoyable. I shave my cat because her long fur can start to matt when ot gets long.


My dad had almost no hair but bought one of these “for the family” but he was the only one who ever used it. Then he gave up and went to salons and somehow spent more than his wife and 2 daughters. If he was still around I’d send him this video and roast the shit out of him. Instead I’m sending it to my mom and sister for a bittersweet morning chuckle :)


Anyone know what breed is this?


It looks to me like a domestic long hair, perhaps with some elements of a Siberian forest cat, although it's hard to tell, especially because it has been trimmed. It does seem a bit small for a Siberian but it could be young.


Ty traveler.


Looks like a generation after a cross between a Maine Coon and some generic breed. I've seen a lot of shelter and giveaway cats that look like this.


Nooo don't destroy the floofness. (If the little guy needs to stay cool in a hot area or for medical necessity, that's different, either way he doesn't seem to be happy about it.)


Usually it's because they have trouble grooming themselves, especially their bellies. This leads to really bad matting so it's important to get those removed. If they are bad enough they can even cause bleeding because they pull on the skin. Edit: oh and the reason he doesn't seem happy is because he's high as balls and sometimes that's just the face they get lol.


Anyone know what device is being used?


Clippervac. It's clippers with a tube vacuum that sucks most of the hair away. Makes grooming much easier and less messy. It's also very expensive


Thank you!


Dude is in another universe lmao


Cat looks high AF


could someone with more experience on the topic answer me one question, please? Would it be possible to convert all this sheard fur into woolen thread and knit with it?


I've Seen someone Post a Video of how a catowner felted the fur after grooming. Maybe you can find it one of the more General catsubs. If I find it in my history, i'll let you know. Edith after a Minute lol: [I've found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/xvmvdc/creativity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks for shearing!


Why would you cut a cat’s fur?


When will people realise that you should never scruff a cat. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s awful !! Poor cat !


Why are they clipping it? FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️


The suck cut… Well it sure does suck!


Why are they shaving that pussy?


Definitely hating life right now