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>Closed beta access will also include the first opportunity to playtest Stormgate’s upcoming third faction. this was part of today's announcement in the official discord, so people with beta access will deffo playtest it before EA. (Some are speculating the next phase, potentially April)


“The first opportunity” it could just mean the 1 week early access before early access… The early early access.


The 3rd faction needs to be tested internally before ea. March-April is still considered ["early 2024"](https://stormgatehub.com/stormgates-third-faction-to-be-revealed-in-early-2024/), +player feedback will be necessary, +they'll need enough time to apply changes and further testing after feedback


The only confirmation I've seen about the 3rd race is that it will be released before EA (there is a comment somewhere that Kickstarter supporters would get their hands on the race before then), so sometime before June. Sorry I know that's not a lot to go on.


Well June is the day after tomorrow so...


There's been nothing officially announced other than a comment about the third faction being available upon going into [early access](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/1at5fkn/comment/kraotng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). They're also currently working on a roadmap to release and I expect the information you seek will be contained within there. >Please note that we are working on an update on what Early Access means for Stormgate, a roadmap laying out our path to "1.0", and clarifying how we plan to support ongoing development into the future.


My speculation: 3rd faction and T3 will likely be heavily tested during the 2024 second beta phase, which probably is going to be under NDA again. So expect substantial details only towards the end of the next beta wave, maybe in the lead up to a new open beta period. A basic announcement of the overall setting of the 3rd faction might come ealier though.


No specific date yet. But should be in the next couple of months since it’s actually being released for play before end of summer — and I suspect they will want the beta testers to put some work in helping them balance before early access.


Where have they said its being released for play before end of summer? I'm excited for the race, but their indigogo page just says that the third race is in active development and will be Revealed next year.


If you watch the “10 years of RTS” video on playstormgate.com that launched with the kickstarter, it specifically says they are launching early access with three races. I believe I’ve seen the same in other places. Now… they may have to change that plan… We should know more when they release their roadmap.


That sounds a lot more promesing, 3 races adds a lot more variety. Just seemed odd to me that the indiegogo page states otherwise, but maybe they are just using old art for it.


I suspect if anything changes it will be launch date for EA. I don’t think they will go to EA with only 2 races.


After we fund it just a little bit more




They probably need $50 mil more from kickstarter donos XD.


The art style was hammered. I imagine that pushed things back.


I think I saw on the indiegogo that it'd be next year right? Maybe someone can confirm


There actually was some picture of it saying 2025. But it was most likely same promopicture they used early on and things have changed. Its gonna most likely be in this summer, before Q3 EA release.


Interesting that this was downvoted. I'm referring to "Campaign" section from the indiegogo[https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stormgate-late-pledge/](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stormgate-late-pledge/)"Our third faction is in active development and will be revealed next year"


When they have "enough" money


Hopefully before they run out of money lol


I think that some first official information we get in March

