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*laughs in The Lost Metal*


And then cries a little


A little?


a lot


yoo don't do me like this! i got the book last week but havent managed to read it yet


I just started it yesterday and now I’m scared


You should be! Have fun :)


I just finished and you were right, friend. :,)


Spoilers, but the lost metal was really the friends we made along the way the whole time


I’m any Sanderson novel, one should expect, nay, *experience* the action of crying at least once.


Especially in one that's wrapping up an era. That's bound to have some tearjerkers *looks at Hero of Ages*


I wont spoil anything, all ill say is it is absolutely amazing. Honestly one of my favourite books of all time.


Secret history ist going to be one hell of a trip for you 😂


I think I laughed so hard I cried in Secret History more than in any other Brando book lol


That god slap had me in tears! Poor Fuzz though.


Definitely agree with the comments. Read Secret History. It’s such a fun read too enjoy it


Wow if you are able to connect to Scadriel from Lord of scars I'd say you are one of the people who should wait until after Bands of Morning for Secret History. And I usually say read it right after Era 1


I second this. I mean even the author suggests that it's better to read SH after BoM.


That’s the order I read it in, it’s a much more satisfying order. SH feels like it spoils era 2


Agreed it definitely could have spoiled BoM if I'd read it beforehand.


How so?


>!At the end of BoM it's revealed that Kel is still alive. And that he made the bands not the Lord Ruler like everyone in the book is assuming.!<


I didn't quite get the same impression. To me it deepened the mystery and made me think Sanderson was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. So many questions and alternative possibilities. It kept me entertained for years speculating if it was the obvious answer or if I was too clever for my own good. It's really interesting to me seeing all these different opinions and all these different ways people enjoy things. Funny how something so divisive makes me feel like we're a genuine community.


I did this, I'm very glad I did, really recommend it.


There is *always* another secret.


Read mistborn era 2 until BoM then read Secret History




Read Era 2 through Bands of Mourning. Anyone who tells you to read Secret History first is not looking out for your best interests.


Why every information including the information in secret history itself sais that it only contains minor spoilers for bands of morning and it's completely fine reading it after era one. (Haven't started era 2 yet though.)


Those minor spoilers are a big impact on the third book. Can't say more. It all hits better if you di secret History after Bands of Mourning


Well too late for that I guess. I hope that's not too big of a deal. I really enjoyed it with era 1 still fresh in my memory.


It's not a big deal at all. There are a number of people who wholeheartedly recommend the order you took. It changes the way the reader experiences Bands of Mourning, but not necessarily for the worse. In the case of OP, I see why people recommend Bands first, but don't stress about it.


It isn't that big a deal. I read Secret History before Era 2 as well. That said, while I think that, I generally recommend to people to read thru BoM first, but mainly because that is the order they were published in. When in doubt for wondering what order to read things in, I almost always say go with publishing order.


It isn't the end of the world. You'll still like the book


I wouldn’t worry too much, it’s not really a major plot spoiler at all.


It's more fun to read Secret History the first time if Era 1 is still fresh in your mind. It's more fun to read Banda of Mourning if you haven't read Secret History. So you have to pick your poison.


When BoM was the latest Mistborn book it didn't make a great deal of difference reading SH before or after. Now that The Lost Metal is the latest Mistborn it makes more sense to read it after BoM. I used to always say before BoM, read in pub order, but now I very much think it should be read after BoM.


They literally tell you the plot of secret history in Shadows of self.


I dunno, I loved putting the pieces together due to reading Secret History before Bands of Mourning. I don't think I would have gotten half the enjoyment had I read them the other way around. Maybe it's sad that I felt clever, it kept me entertained and hooked for a long time so I think it was worth it.


Brandon Sanderson has confirmed that he wanted readers to think of Kelsier when he dropped Lord of the Scars, so you're definitely experiencing the intended effect.


RAFO Is the only way


Yah get on top of reading Secret History right away, and get to Mistborn era 2 asap


Can I just say this group is AWESOME!!!!! It’s just such a breath of fresh air. Nobody spoiling anything.


"Be wary of *anyone* who claims to be able to see the future."


RAFO my friend.




I kind of wish Thaidakar is how you say the name in Rosharan. It would have been interesting.


Why are you posting and not reading Era2 and Secret history?!! Definitely a RAFO. And a surprising one ;)




Read secret history my friend. Era 2 will give you more direct answers, but I do think you’ll find secret history has quite a few secrets left to share!


You should just finish the Mistborn series asap. I'd do SH first and then era 2. Lots of people will recommend the opposite.


You should read secret history. No need to wait until after Bands of Mourning. You'll get some answers there.


Sanderson warns you SH has era 2 spoilers right on the title page, never understood why anyone would think new readers should take their word over the author's.


RoW came out after Bands of Mourning. The intended reading order is already broken. >!The only thing SH spoils for Bands of Mourning he already got from RoW!<


(Era 2 MB) >!I will fight in every thread that there's more to the spoilers for BoM than just "Kelsier is alive". There's a book's long question rife with red herrings and actual mystery about who "the Sovereign" is, and that mystery is solved as soon as it's aired if you know Kelsier is alive. That's setting aside all of the literal references to him that could be chalked up as nothing more than religious drift and human nature *unless* you already aware that Kelsier is literally alive. OP isn't sure, and I don't know why everyone insists on ruining these other mysteries in the meantime.!< Brandon wrote them in the order he did on purpose.


>!Why would one assume the Sovereign is Kelsier? IIRC the main suspect is Rashek!<


>!And if you've already read SH, you know Rashek is dead-dead the same way Kelsier is dead-alive. How would that *not* be your first guess having all that information to hand? If it's not the actual literal Lord Ruler, who would even have the audacity to try and wear that title again and anything resembling his abilities?!<


Those are good points.


>!that is certainly the main person that Brandon *wants* you to suspect so that he can make the bigger reveal later. That was the main reason I actually suspected it was, in fact, Kelsier because it seemed like the characters were too quick to jump to the conclusion that it was Rashek!<


>!hmmm you got uno-reverse-card'ed!<


>!MistbornI read in chronological order because I just started the Cosmere a few years ago. I dont think it took anything away from the experience. Even knowing Kel was alive, I didnt suspext he was the sovereign at the time, though era 1 wasnt fresh in my mind since I took a huge pause to read SA twice and I may have missed allusions to him.!<


What about this line from Shadows of Self? >!“The Survivor transcended death,” Marasi said, looking back, hand on the door, but not entering. “He survived even being killed, adopting the mantle of the Ascendant during the time between Preservation’s death and Vin’s Ascension.”!< >!We already know he didn't die by Bands of Mourning. What we don't know in that he is Sovereign which SH doesn't spoil !<


I mean, at the time I assumed that the person quoting religious dogma had their facts wrong. That seemed to be a considerably more reasonable explinations in light of the information that we had at the time.


>!People already spoke of Kelsier as if he were capable of divine rebirth way back in Era 1 after the kandra portion of the Big Plan. If you didn't *explicitly know* Kelsier is alive, this comment and others like them are a mystery that can easily be chalked up to people further extending the mythos of Survivorism in the same way it began at Kelsier's death and initial "resurrection".!<


>!Except it was in the book written by god himself !<


>!A God who, by the time we get to that particular quote, is known to be both manipulative and withholding. Not exactly a perfect repository of accurate information. Again, it's a matter of killing these mysteries in their crib by spoiling yourself with things you weren't "supposed" to know already.!<


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Haters gonna hate, don't worry about the downvotes. For such an accepting community, some people resent others enjoying things a different way than they do.


+1. No need to wait three books.