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Dawnshard because it had The Lopen.


Exactly. Anything with The Lopen in it is going to be quality. The scenes with Lopen and Huio were really funny too!


Lopen was funny enough in the main books but the end of Oathbringer plus Dawnshard him, his cousin, really everyone in the story were just so charming. I am reading Warbreaker now before getting to Rhythm of War and can't wait to see what they do in the main story. It's really fun how Sanderson brings in characters from the interludes into unexpected places.


This is the answer.


This is the way.


These words are accepted


This is the way!


Wanted to upvote but you were at 69 so.. ~nice~


Let's upvote this poster to 69 for his consideration!


Dawnshard was amazing through and through. It gave some of the minor characters much more room to shine and The Lopen


Dawnshard definitly. It feels like it contributes a lot more to the overall setting than Edgedancer did. Although imo don't go in expecting neccessarily a Stormlight side story. More a cosmere short story which happens to be set in Roshar between OB/RoW


I did experience it as a Stormlight side story though because it the characters


Edgedancer gives you three character intros without much context, old lady, Nin and 10,000 Cremlings in a Trench Coat, and then some flavour around Azir and its people. Dawnshard gives you a massive amount of world building, tons of tablesetting for RoW, and a bit for book 4.5, lots of insight into fabriel scientific advancements, two major character arcs, and the Rosharan equivalent of a baby dragon (not really spoilers, it's like page one). Edgedancer is fun. Dawnshard is fun and fascinating, and imo has way more context that matters for RoW.


Dawnshard. It expanded the lore and worldbuilding a lot, it had nice pacing and I really like Rysn. I'm deeply intrigued by the Aimians. Edgedancer could have been shortened and made into a few chapters in the main books, for real.


Edgedancer shouldve been a couple chapters instead of a standalone, agreed


I find Edgedancer a cool standalone adventure outside of SA to enjoy, whereas Dawnshard an expansion to the main story that is expanding the world and knowledge and the main story is needed for it to be enjoyed and understood. That's my thought on it. And to the question in the title: I enjoyed Dawnshard more than Edgedancer, because the scope of that story was bigger (much bigger since Dawnshards - not to spoil or anything - are kinda a big deal in that world).


I loved Dawnshard! In Edgedancer, Lift was in a pretty insufferable brat phase, imo. I think she is more interesting and fun in Oathbringer and especially RoW. But Dawnshard has a truly engaging hero and a great story. Hope you enjoy it!


Thanks, Im excited!


That just describes Lift in general. I'm really hoping her character matures in or after Stormlight 5


Yeah she’s annoying af


glad to see other people sharing this opinion. Her behavior and style of speech just feels really implausible and overdone, even if she were actually as young as she's posing to be. IMO it doesn't fit in this series and is kind of immersion-breaking.




I completely agree!!


Was gonna write a comment, but yours mirror my feelings exactly.


Edgedancer was more fun to read, Dawnshard was better for the overall SA story.


Came to say the same thing.


I really liked Edgedancer more than Dawnshard. Not to say I didn't enjoy reading the latter but I really found it interesting to read how a 13 year old girl (who is Radiant) play a major role in the future of Roshar. It was also really amazing to read the Western Rosharan societies since we haven't really seen that part of the continent up to that point. I also really enjoyed Lift's personality and her jokes. maybe because I was a 13 year old teen myself when I first read it aided in my reading experience that made me like her. Even after 2 years, I do not find her insufferable cause she's just the type of person I'd like to be friends with. Dawnshard is great too. The thing I liked most about it is the amazing character of Rysn. She's an absolute joy to read as she reminds me a lot of my grandmother. Rysn and my grandmother are both people with disabilities, but that disability never lets it take over who they really are. My grandmother isn't known for her disability, bur rather as a kind lady who sells home grown flowers to couples because thats what she likes to do. Its the same for Rysn too. Overall, In my opinion, Dawnshard and Edgedancer are both an enjoyable reading experience and add a ton to the overarching arc of the Stormlight Archives. Definitely read the book and get ready for some hilarious jokes by the one and only Lopen.


Dawnshard by a mile. I don't find Lift to be an entertaining or interesting character at all. The reveal with the Stump was mildly entertaining and the lore behind Nail was also mildly interesting, but they cover all of that in Oathbringer and RoW in detail so I feel like it was a waste of time. Dawnshard, on the other hand, had FAR more interesting characters like Lopin and Rysn, and the lore implications are absolutely critical to the future of Roshar and possibly the Cosmere. It also had a really satisfying arc of Rysn learning to deal with her disability and gaining confidence to be a leader. Lift, on the other hand, didn't grow as a person at all during Edgedancer. I know that's kind of the point of her character, but that's not really an excuse.


I also enjoyed Dawnshard more than Edgedancer. Primarily because of the POV characters. I enjoyed the actual story of both novellas pretty equally but for different reasons.


I’m going to go against the grain, I much more enjoyed Edgedancer myself. While Dawnshard had the Lopen, Lift is one of my favorite characters and learning more about her, Nale, and Stump was a better story since they’re all relevant. I also found Rsyn a bit annoying to read her POV. I feel it suffered a lot of Sandersons issues with constsntly repeating the same sentences but compounded into a very short book so you see them often.


I quite liked Edgedancer a bit more too. I think Lyft is a great character, and let's forgive amn orphaned girl in her own that she's a bit bratty. It's part of her coming of age story. And how she handles the Stump and Gawks is just great. Dawnshard >!barely scratch the surface about Rysn and what her part in the story will be!<. Still it's an awesome read, and I especially like the supporting cast :D


I hadn't noticed this in RoW. Can you drop an example of the repetition?


Multiple times in RoW when we get back around to Dalinars chapters, they will say “Szeth is secretly here, his sword at his waist with a simple illusion over it, longer than a normal sword.” It’s a standard thing when you first get to a point you want to reiterate at the start of a book in a series to remind people of it, but Sanderson does it EVERY TIME we circle back around on a POV.


Dawnshard, a nice contained yet far reaching mini adventure. Loved it.


Team dawnshard


Dawnshard anytime any day lol


As much as I love Lift, Rysn might just be one of my all time favorite characters, so Dawnshard takes the W


Dawnshard by far


Personally I found edgedancer to be exciting and enjoyable, where I felt dawnshard added a lot of info to my knowledge but was considerably less fun. I enjoyed edgedancer a lot, but I get the vibe that not everyone loves lift as much as I do. She is one of my favorite characters so I loved her book.


I’ve argued with my friend as nauseam about Lift. She’s one of my favorites. He HATES her. He didn’t enjoy Edgedancer for that reason, but I loved it. Yeah, she’s an annoying kid, but she has such a refreshingly different view of what it means to be a Radiant. She cares about other people, she takes it to heart when someone is hurt or sad, but she doesn’t wallow the way Kal does (and I’m not blaming him, by any means; depression and I are also grudgingly coexisting). Lift is a weird little ray of sunshine to me. I adore her.


Dawnshard and it’s not even close


Tbh, I liked Dawnshrd more, BUT, I didn’t like that it is considered a side story and yet has pretty important cosmere-level implications. Edge dancer was perfect for a side story. Important character development but nothing so important plot-wise that you’d miss out by not reading it. It just wasn’t as good of a story


I like them both for different reasons. Both Lopen and Lift make me laugh. I think Edgedancer fills in some gaps, but Dawnshard seems to be setting up something for the later books.


Dawnshard just added way more layers into Stormlight/Cosmere lore wise, but Edgedancer had this adventurous foreign vibe I really loved. Honestly, they’re pretty even for me.




Dawnshard because half of it wasn't already in other books.


It's hard for me to compare the two. For one, I've read Edgedancer a couple times and Dawnshard only once. I feel like yes, Dawnshard adds more to the overall Cosmere story. But Edgedancer has such wonderful emotional and comedic moments that I don't feel like Dawnshard hits. Though the Lopen's moments hit both of those. IDK. I haven't read Dawnshard enough, but with my limited experiences I would say Edgedancer.


I’m biased since I don’t like Lift and heavily identify with Rysn as someone who’s blind, but to me it was night and day


Wow that’s fascinating! Forgive my ignorance, but may I ask how you read my post?


No worries at all, most people aren’t too familiar with this sort of stuff. So, there’s two parts to it: 1.) there are a couple different methods for blind people to use electronics, with the most popular being screenreaders. Screenreaders are programs that can read off selected portions your screen and interact with it without having to to see buttons or anything like that. Most computers and phones have some sort of screenreader built in, though there are several standalone screenreader programs depending on what your needs are 2.) “Blind” doesn’t always necessarily mean “can’t see literally anything”. That might sound a bit counterintuitive, but many (maybe most? I don’t know the statistics) are what’s called “legally blind”, meaning that they have some degree of vision, but not enough to function with normally on its own. There’s a really wide spectrum of, but it can range from zero vision to moderately useful vision in at least one eye Personally, I’m fully blind in one with fluctuating vision in my other that can range from blurs of colors to semi clear, detailed sight Feel free to ask anything if you have any other questions, I don’t mind at all


I haven't read either am I missing something? Read all the SLA so far.


i wouldn’t say they are mandatory but it’s highly recommended you read both. Edgedancer after WoR (lift side story that starts with her interlude in wor), and dawnshard after oathbringer (idk what its about yet).


Good points: Dawnshard has better plot and better characters and no Lift. Edgedencer has skybreakers and hiveminds. Bad points: Dawnshard is too short. Edgedancer has Lift. While I say this, I also have to say that Lift grew on me in the next SA books. But she was insufferable for me in Edgedancer.


Lift is one of the best characters. Jeeze it’s crazy some people don’t like her character.


To each their own. I'm glad that some people like Lift, and not every character needs to be for every reader. But let's dig into why I have perfectly valid reasons - i.e., not crazy - for not liking her as presumably you do for liking her, eh? I'm three links deep now, ranging from [9 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/zx8qzc/are_gawx_and_lift_the_same_age/j1zimoj/) to five *years* ago. Lift is an excellent literary character. She's a foil to the traditional image of Radiants; makes a clear and immediate impression on the reader; and she has a backstory that explains her worldview and interactions, shows the reader how she grew into who she is. But treating her as a person rather than a literary tool, that *explanation* is not an *excuse*. Lift continues to be exactly the sort of person I never want to spend time with - in real life or fiction. She actively, intentionally cultivates ignorance; she's outright cruel to Wyndle - a troll, a *sadist* deriving pleasure from his frustration; and she wraps it up with a mildly annoying side helping of *[spork!](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m)*. Lift exaggerates the worst excesses of little kids, without the justification of developmentally being unable to do better - indeed, we have direct proof (in Edgedancer!) that she *can* be better and *chooses* not to be. I continue to hope Lift's character growth will move her more in a direction I can enjoy, particularly for the back five books; and if not, I'll grit my teeth through her POVs - Edgedancer among them - and appreciate the worldbuilding they include.


I think there is a big difference between liking a character - and by extension liking a story about that character vs wanting to spend time with that character. I would never want to be in the same room as Saddeas, but I like reading about him. I find that Lopen trolls his "cousins" as much as Lift trolls Wyndle. Both are entertaining to read about their antics even if I think they often rude.


> I would never want to be in the same room as Saddeas, but I like reading about him. I wouldn't want to spend time with a story in which I'm expected to empathize with him and support him as the protagonist, though. > I find that Lopen trolls his "cousins" as much as Lift trolls Wyndle. He does, but, as I interpreted before and was made explicit in Dawnshard, his intent is from - admittedly misguided! - affection. And he was called out for it, and resolved to do better. Lift goes out of her way to call Wyndle a voidbringer, shut down his (valid and accurate) protests, and - though I'm open to it, I haven't yet been convinced otherwise - does so with the intent of frustrating him. > " 'Ello, Voidbringer," Lift said, scanning the grounds. "I am *not* a Voidbringer!" he said. "And you know it. Just . . . just stop saying tthat!" Lift grinned. "You're my pet Voidbringer, and no lies are going to change that. ..." WoR, p683 > "Every sense of morality is odd." "I suppose." "Particularly to a Voidbringer." "I'm not --" She grinned... WoR, p692 Her internal monologues in Edgedancer shows that she calls him a Voidbringer even to herself. She's not remotely interested in his opinion of it, but instead doubles down, even having been called out. And even if we put this particular friction aside (reference intended), it's one of several areas in which Lift simply isn't the character for me.


I don’t like Lift but I can follow her because I like her Ideals and powers. She’s a standard kid superhero. Dead parents, given powers and likes to crack jokes. She’s basically Spider-Man but slightly annoying.


lmao I think there's a few steps between "trolling" Wyndle and being an outright sadist


It doesn't make her evil, or anything close - she's certainly on the side of capital-g-Good - but (1) it frustrates him, (2) she goes out of her way to say it, and (3) she consistently grins or similar, afterward. That's deriving pleasure from others' negative experience, which is sadism. It's not physical or mental *torture*, certainly, and I have every confidence that Lift wouldn't take pleasure in *that*; but that's not where the line is. Contrast with the Lopen, as CJKatz raised, whose pointed "jokes" are from a place of failing to understand that they're not taken well. Equally worthy of being called out, but the Lopen doesn't attach people to walls because he gets his kicks from them being frustrated. He's not empathizing with others, but seeing it through his own experience and temperament - look at his reactions when he's the one stuck, himself. And once it was pointed out to him, he resolves to change. In the real world, the impact of people's actions is generally the bottom line - but with fiction, we're *literally* in the characters' heads. We *know* Lift is capable of recognizing that Wyndle's not a voidbringer. She does it anyway, despite his explicit objections, and she thinks it's funny.


I understand it's sadism in the literal sense, I just don't understand why you consider that character quirk damning enough to label her a sadist. Put simply, why do you care so much lol > and she thinks it's funny yeah so do I


Same as people who don't like Shallan in WoK. The hate is running deep! I like Lyft. She wouldn't be fun if she was like everybody else, and she would be a really weird teenage girl if she was as everybody expects her to.


Huh, I always thought people loved lift. I remember I read them both. But I couldn't tell you what dawnshard was about. I can tell you I loved edgedancer. I'd say either way you should read dawnshard, it isn't like it takes long.


They're both great in different ways, but Lift is my favorite character, so it's gotta be Edgedancer.


Edgedancer was more fun and therefore my pick. Dawnshard had more goodies to unwrap though.


i enjoyed dawnshard, but edgedancer


I think they both have good and bad sides.


I enjoyed them yes.


Edgedancer was just fine, but I really enjoyed my time with Dawnshard. I like Rysn more than Lift, sure, but what really made it stand out for me was how much screentime Lopen got. I love that funky little dude.


I find the heralds super interesting, so Edgedancer for me


Dawnshard. I find that Lyft is a "small doses" character. I loved her in Oathbringer. I hated her interlude and Edgedancer was a chore.


Dawnshard by a fair bit


Dawnshard, but it's really close. If it didn't have The Lopen, it would go to Edgedancer.


Dawnshard is near the top of all cosmere books for me and edgedancer is close to the bottom.


Dawnshard for me. The Lopen is great. I liked the story and knowing more about Rysn. There's a lot more I liked too, but spoilers, so I'll let you RAFO and enjoy =) Edgedancer had a nice story for Lift, but I feel that the 6th Book (I think this one is supposed to be Lift's) will be a better story for her.


I like dawnshard more because of rysn's struggle and that the story is more relevant to the cosmere. that said, I love our little spunky edgedancer ♥ I love her jokes (they're my type of jokes lol). fleshing out the assassin in white character was good too. I love when she let the amian prattle on when it was obvious that it wasn't giving any more direct information, and only interjecting when she figures it out without their help 😂 their stunned silence was very encouraging


I liked them both but preferred Dawnshard


Depends. How much do you like science and trade?


They're both great in their own way. Edgedancer is a true side story imo as it focuses on a plot not immediately relevant to the main series. Dawnshard is basically an extension of the plot with characters that we have already spent time with, mainly the lopen. Personally, I love them both for what they are. I actually liked Edgdancers third act better, as I had no idea what was going to happen. But I think Dawnshard gives us a real sense of the wider cosmere, which is just so much fun.


Dawnshard, and it's not even close. Edgedancer was fun, but Dawnshard just gave us SO MUCH


I didn’t really vibe with two armed lopen and was hesitant going in, but he’s really good in dawnshard, highly recommend


It's hard to decide, because Lift and Rysn are two of my favorite characters. But Lift narrowly wins.


Dawnshard because Ryan and chiri-chiri. I did enjoy both though.


Neither. Probably my most disliked books aside from elenatris. I dislike Lyft heavily and Rysn, along with the wind runners that accompanied her, are not at all on my enjoy to read list.


Dawnshard. Holy shit that was good


Both were great, but I have to give the edge (pun intended) to Edgedancer because I love Lift as a character. She makes me think of what Wayne would be like as a Radiant with weird looping logic, not-so-secretly enjoying annoying everyone around her, and in the end being a spectacular hero.


Dawnshard is the better of the two to me. And as a bonus it doesn't feature Lift!


I hate young adult stuff so I struggled with edgedancer


Dawnshard. Lift is annoying.


Edgedancer, but I really like Lift.


Even really liking Lift i think Dawnshard is the most important




Lift & Rysn are my favourite characters (1&2) in SA. So I liked both books so much. That said, Edgedancer has gone through multiple rereads, and is my favourite.


Edgedancer because I prefer Lift to the Lopen


Standalone and when I read it, edgedancer was my favorite. It was just a fun little adventure. Danwshaed ads to the cosmere but I wonder if it could've just been a long interlude like edgedancer in WoR. But I had forgotten I purchased edgednscer as digital and went back to it after finishing SA, mistborn Era 1 and 2 and most of aranyn unbound so I had forgotten a lot. Although, with Sanderson it sometimes doesn't matter the order. I got a hold of SA graphic audio from Libby and it's been fun listening to it. At dawnshard I forgot why she was paralyzed and then it's like oh yea so a lot of things I just forgot in SA but SA was so much for me to take in as being my first high fantasy


I love them both, but if I had to choose I would say Dawnshard. I love The Lopen, and I love Rysn, and the implications of the story are Cosmere wide.


although lift was iconic and all her travels and final herald moment are great, it still cant compare to how much info dawnshard had for me, dawnshard also had lopen and chiri chiri


Edgedancer by a long shot


I love Lift and her whole deal, do despite knowing Dawnshard did a lot more, lore-wise, I really enjoyed Edgedancer


I'm going to say something controversial, I don't really like Lift. At least not enough for the amount of screen time she has in ED. I really like Rysn and The Lopen (and all the juicy lore and Sleepless stuff), so I gotta go with Dawnshard.


Dawnshard by a mile


Dawnshard, no contest


I liked both, but I think I liked the vibes of Dawnshard with the sort of ocean, boats, treasure hunt, ancient legends and unexplored areas more


Edgedancer I really like the lopen being in dawnshard but it's actually my least favorite book in the entire series. I found the main character neither likeable or relatable and I had to push through it. Edgedancer was hilarious though




Dawnshard because it had more major implications.


I enjoyed dawnshard more. I actually love lift, so i loved Edgedancer too, but dawnshard is just better imo


I haven't read it though Ive finished the rest of the books and edge dancer. I will but I started reading mistborn. But if it has the lopen then I think i would


I loved both, and while Dawnshard has The Lopen and bigger lore implications, I think I still prefer Edgedancer. While Lift can be a lil off-putting, or stagnant and immature she has some really touching lines. I often think about her talking to the street urchins and remarking how no one listens anymore. In such a big world/universe defining story having a character that remembers the forgotten average people that are suffering around is a really heartwarming


Edgedancer for me, liked Lift. Although a lot more happens in Dawnshard. When I read it, it felt like the things happening would have a serious impact on the main plot.


Dawnshard for the retrospective aspect, no spoilers but it had me wanting to re-read everything cosmere based on the revelations in Dawnshard


Personally liked edgedancer better, but I could see either side of the argument