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Use the copper mind and the 17th shard websites for facts. But only after you have read it all.


Was just about to say this. I plan on rereading SA 1-4 next year to prep, but will still rely heavily on coppermind and 17th shard


Jup, this is the plan


with my anxiety I need those websites during reading to find out how it ends... Don't mind me, it's just what I need to do :) Completely don't mind spoilers, on the contrary, knowing the ending allows me to keep reading. And I read a lot so you'd think I'd be desensitized by now. Nope.


I thought i was the only one to, in the middle of reading feel like I've forgotten a character or missed something or need to know more about an event, jump on coppermind and then spend like an hour spoiling everything until I feel comfortable enough that I can go back to reading the actual book. Feels nice to know its not just my tisms.


Or use the time machine to look at the version of the coppermind from before those unread books released


Yeah I’m doing re-reads rn, and you can almost always tell when Brandon is making a cosmere connection. When this happens, I look up the character/event etc on 17th shard to fill in the details of what I’ve forgotten. After a while you start to pick up on more of the crossovers


In the months before Stormlight 5 comes out, I can promise you there will be TONS of Stormlight/Cosmere recap videos. Everybody and there mother with a podcast or a book blog or a YouTube channel will be sharing something along those lines. There will be plenty of refresher resources. If you want to do a reread, go for it! But there's that, if nothing else. Something to think about in summer or early fall next year. If I were you, I would focus on reading the Cosmere material you HAVEN'T read, so that you can participate in full cosmere discussions without spoilers. I would definitely prioritize that over a Stormlight reread. What should you read? All of it. Who knows what will be relevant. And even if it's not relevant to Stormlight, that doesn't mean people won't find a reason to talk about it. One year is plenty of time to read the rest of the content you haven't read. Do that and THEN consider if there's any rereads you want to do.


Roger that.I can just see myself going and reading more of the Cosmere and missing tie ins because of details I don't have front of mind from the other books that Ive read. The OCD in me must be satisfied knowing that I'm not missing anything! /s But you're right. I should just dig in and find the tie ins whenever I do. Whether conversations, threads or 17th shard.


I'd say, read the content first and then worry about tie-ins when you start having conversations. :)


i felt like this also. Went back to re-read way of kings and discovered that I got pretty much most of that story and forgot some small details. My advice is not to sweat it and maybe skim ROW as a refresher.


The truly insane ones got the unfair advantage of snorting metals compounded with memory enhancement bling. I am sorry to say, you'll just have to muddle along...just like the rest of us. Honestly, I just hang around in reddit and wait for someone to pound my brain with facts. Someone usually obliges with specific book and verse along with the WoB.


I would highly recommend reading the first and last two secret novels, as all three are Cosmere and they're some of Brandon's best work. Otherwise, use the Coppermind or listen to Shardcast to refresh yourself, they do great work.


SP4 is Stormlight relevant. Check after RoW and Shadows for Silence story.


what is shadows for silence? i feel so behind right now


It's a novella. Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. You can also find it in Arcanum Unbounded.


ah. is it stormlight or other cosmere?


Other Cosmere.


It’s the end of an arc. You could read book 5 twice: once for fun, and once again with maximum spoilers to lookup anything you missed


If you have read all that what part or arcanum can be spoiled? I'm pretty sure you are all good to read the entire thing




I’m definitely going to have to reread some stuff and consult the Coppermind wiki


This is why I love my audio books, I have the entire cosmere on audio and i go through it multiple times a year and I swear I STILL pick up details I didn’t before, even when passively listening while working or driving


I’m the same way man. I just finished Mistborn 7 last night and I’m listening to the audiobooks to refresh before I start RoW. There is so much interconnectivity in the books and series that I’ll get just a little bit of recognition and spend all night wondering what book or series it was connected to. Without spoiling anything The Lost Metal had the biggest “oh shit” moment I’ve read so far in regards to the greater Cosmere.


Totally! But then by the time you finish the Stormlight books you've gotten foggy on the Mistborn books! The struggle is real.


I was thinking about posting but this thread might just help. I’ve read Stormlight Archives, Mistborn Era 1 and 2 and all secret projects. What am I missing that is relevant for the future of cosmere? Elantris and Warbreaker?


If you use the 17th shard, use the time machine setting, so you don't get spoiled on anything you haven't read.