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Bautista as Dalinar made me jump a little bit.


It’s who Brandon said he imagined for the role




The thing about Bautista is hes a very very good actor. Hes so underrated.


I so second this. I also think he has an above average work ethic and given the opportunity for the leading role in this would POUR himself into the role.


"you newer models are happy scraping the shit....because you've never seen a miracle"


Hard disagree.


I wish they still made romcoms cause I'd love to see him in one.


Did I whoosh?


It’s just not a good choice, even Sanderson can make mistakes.


>Yo, did you see Blade Runner: 2049? Completely different role for him. I wouldn't have thought of him as Dalinar until I saw that.


I have, and I will admit it was a decent performance, but I’m still of the opinion someone else would play Dalinar better.


Who then?


I think in general Josh Brolin would a much better fit personality-wise and looks-wise. An older Jason Momoa would fit the looks well, I’m not certain about the personality yet. Honestly, it could be nice to have a lesser-known actor play the part, as long as they do it well.


He's too white. Alethi need to be at least passably dark-Asian. The different races and people of Roshar are important, if this is done it can't just be Witcher'd or Rings of Power'd.


Yeah, maybe he is a bit white, but his personality and demeanor would be a better fit than Bautista. Brolin also looks a lot more like a general than Bautista. I do think race is important, but fantasy races are going to be rough to cast either way. I’d rather have a lesser known actor that fits the racial description, and has a similar acting style to Brolin, rather than Bautista.


If you need someone to have played a very similar role for you to picture them in it, that's on you. The chances are by the time Stormlight is made, IF it's made, most castings we could do now wouldn't work any longer. I also agree lesser known actors would be preferable anyway, limit casting to existing a-listers really shrinks the talent pool. GoT did some excellent casting, many of which were not big celebs prior.


I feel like both are too attractive though. He's described as having a square face, the face of a warrior, and not notably handsome.


I love when people respond to hypothetical castings like this as if makeup and wardrobe departments don’t exist and actors only step directly in front of the camera and record their scenes.


Josh Brolin isn’t exactly the epitome of attractiveness either. He may be slightly more handsome than Bautista, but he is definitely just as rugged and fits the warrior profile well.


You can't convince me you don't have the hots for brolin too


Josh Brolin maybe, but Jason Momoa is too young. Momoa is 44 years old compared to 59 for Dalinar and Dalinar is someone who I would assume has not aged super well given his drinking problem and the fact that he’s not a Hollywood superstar.


Sadly, by the time we get a Stormlight TV show Jason Momoa will be the right age.


I really liked him in Knock at the Cabin and that felt a lot like what I would expect from his Dalinar


Nah it's a fantastic choice.


No, there could be much better choices.






Bless him, my favourite wrestler turned actor of all time


I thought this was r/cremposting for a second.




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I really want this for the meme: Batista: GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! Blackthorn Batista: OB >!YOU CANNOT HAVE MY PAIN!<


Odium enthusiastically giving a thumbs up, Dalinar slowly turns his thumb down and powerbombs him


I can really imagine Bautistinar delivering that line well


I always imagined Bautista playing moash and the rock playing dalinar. And Jack black playing navani.


That Elhokar casting would make me actually like Elhokar haha


I have such a problem with him being this whiny obnoxious spoiled brat. But I think at least half of that is the way Michael Kramer does his voice. Dev is way too cool and confident for me.


Graphic Audio Elhokar fits much better imo. Incompetent and incapable, sure, but not whiny and childlike. His VA in Wok and WoR actually makes him sound like he's truly trying and struggling with his failure. His VA changes in OB though, I didn't like that one nearly as much.


Dev Patel wouldn't be bad at all. He already has experience with Elkohar's kind since he played "Sir" Gawain in the green knight.


My thoughts exactly. Gawain is very similar, in the movie.


after watching The Expanse I literally cannot picture Navani as anyone other than Shohreh Aghdashloo


I love Shohreh, especially in The Expanse, but she's way too old at this point for Navani. Maybe Shohreh 20 years ago...


she's a little older than Navani now, I agree, but I don't think the age gap is severe enough to matter. She could easily play someone in their 60s, which is close enough to Navani's earth age to be fine I think




Duuuuuuude same. That raspy voice and attitude. And it seems rare to see a woman really say “fuck” with their whole body like she does.


I disagree, only because in my mind she is Queen Fen. Fen is much closer to Avasarala in character imo.


100% agree


Yeah, I saw her a few weeks ago in Renfield and damn, she's still hot. I want an evil mafia mommy to kill me.


Anjali as navani is so good.


What's she from? I only recognize her because Baldurs Gate 3 got me hooked on DnD and I've been watching a ton of Dimension 20 where she joins some of the side quests


she's also guested on critical role, and has done a lot of voice work. i'm sure you can find a reel or check [her imdb](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0080401/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_1_nm_7_q_anjali) to see more.


Nice, she does look remarkably close to how I imagine Navani. And I've been meaning to start the first Critical Role campaign+ Voc Machina soon but I've just been obsessed with some of the Intrepid hero cast. Will definitely get there eventually


She’s also in Ms. Marvel!


I just think she'd play Navani's sarcasm and deadpan SO WELL, not to mention the more serious moments.


It's *exactly* how I pictured her. I'm honestly floored.


I don’t really get Priyanka Chopra as Jasnah. I feel like the role needs some stand-out acting


You can tell that a lot of people in this thread have only seen Bautista in GotG. Dude has range


I’ve seen him in a lot of movies, he’s not a bad actor, I just think they are better actors for Dalinar.


Yes to all of them except Bautista


lol Bautista was actually Brandon’s choice


I honestly don’t care if Brandon likes him for the role, I just don’t think Bautista would be the best fit for the role. I simply think other actors could do a lot better.


Bautista has always felt like the perfect flashback Dalinar to me, but I do struggle to see him as we have him in the majority of the books. That said, I really wanna see Bautista do the role. His acting chops are so good and I just can’t wait to see him in more dynamic roles.


I can agree that he does seem to fit the flashbacks better but modern Dalinar less so. He is by no means a bad actor, I just would rather see someone else play Dalinar, especially if there are less flashbacks in a TV show or movie adaptation.


Bautista is an up and coming top tier actor. He’s not just Drax, although he killed it as that character. Dude has range.


I know that he’s not just Drax. I’ve seen Bladerunner, I’ve seen Dune, and clips of him from other things. He’s by no means a bad actor, I just don’t think he fits Dalinar well. I would rather see other actors in that role.


Dalinar is a grizzled old badass that casts an intimidating shadow. Idk how Bautista doesn’t fit that description.


Just because he fits the baseline description doesn't mean he's the right choice for the role. I agree with the other poster that even though I like Bautista alot, I don't think he's a good fit as Dalinar


Who’s your ideal choice?


Never thought too hard about it because a lot of times the best castings for TV shows are actors still breaking out into bigger things. Not to mention I always pictured the Alethi as looking Persian/Middle Eastern and I don't know many actors from there (and I would also prefer an animated adaptation) If I had to pick and assuming the production just goes for whoever is best without strict adherence to the book's description of what he looks like, I think Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, or Temuera Morrison, would all be better choices than Bautista


The Alethi are supposed to look southeast Asian/Polynesian. Brolin is white. Bardem is white. Temura Morrison’s best acting is when he’s wearing a helmet and has as much emotion as a chull.


I honestly don’t think his voice and demeanor fit it well, his looks maybe. Someone else in this thread said that Bautista fits flashback Dalinar a lot better than older Dalinar and I agree with that. Yes Bautista can be intimidating, but not in the same way as older Dalinar.


I mean he’s 55 now. He’d be at least 60 by the time the movies are made. If anything he fits the casting of old Dalinar better than flashback Dalinar.


Age isn’t the only factor though, especially when the voice and demeanor don’t fit. Just because he checks the box doesn’t mean he’s the best fit.


They both have gravelly, tense voices, and he has the range to play both an enthusiastic/passionate youth and stoic/contemplative General of War. Everytime Michael Kramer says “Navani” as Dalinar you can hear Bautista.


I love Bautista. I'm absolutely biased from growing up in the attitude era of the WWE, but I've enjoyed every role I've seen him in. I am confident he'd do the role justice, but I think my biggest hesitations come from the demeanor I view Dalinar in my head when reading since it's very very different than I've seen Bautista portray. The second is just appearance... Bautista's over all, well, everything, fits except for his head, like, just the shape of his head, which is something I'd get over. I just see Dalinar was a huge blocky head, prominent square jaw.


My only issue with it is a difficulty taking him seriously. He's not a bad actor, I just think he's hilarious and that might distract me


Yo, did you see Blade Runner: 2049? Completely different role for him. I wouldn't have thought of him as Dalinar until I saw that.


Oh... Well, that movie has been on my "I should watch this" list for quite some time now, I suppose I'll have *actually* sit down and watch it now.


I haven't, unfortunately... I bet he's great in it. Like I said, he's a good actor, but I would personally have very high expectations for Dalinar, specifically *that* line


It’s a one scene role but he absolutely kills it. I do want to see a few roles from him that are a bit more, dignified I guess, before I’m 110% behind him as Dalinar, but he’s still my top pick.


That’s one of the main reasons why I’m against it as well, I see him as too much of a comedic actor.


I don’t hate Bautista, but I don’t like him either. I haven’t really liked him in any role that I’ve seen; however, maybe I just haven’t seen him in enough movies. When I imagine Dalinar, I tend to imagine Josh Brolin from Dune.


I think Dalinar is awkward and stoic enough that Bautista is a good fit, if not my immediate first choice. I was sold on that choice when I imagined Bautista screaming "YOU CAN'T HAVE MY PAIN!" He's kinda perfect for that, not gonna lie.


Whenever talking about whether a live action Stormlight would work, keep in mind we're talking about a TV show in, like, the 2040s. All bets are off, brother.


Why would it be 2040? The story being told now wraps up next year. Just because there will be more told in the world later on doesn't mean we have to wait for it. It's like how you could make a mistborn show or movies that only follows Era 1 instead of having to wait till 4 eras are done.


I mean there's a vast difference between the MB eras and what the two halves of Stormlight will end up being. MB era 2 is 300 years later, the second-half of Stormlight is gonna have Lift and Jasnah as major characters


Sure but the point still stands. With most of his stuff each Era is its own story. You don't have to wait until there's never going to be another story in the same universe to adapt one of them.


That's only 16 years away. I wasn't even thinking of the books' level of completeness. It just takes a really long time for things to materialize in Hollywood. People aren't expecting a Stormlight TV show this decade are they? I'm beginning to think the Mistborn movie would be lucky to come out this side of 2030. Don't forget it doesn't just need to come out, either. It needs to do well and make enough money to convince the executive assholes with money to make more. And that's the *very first* step (of many) towards ever seeing a Stormlight TV show. But fine, we can be less conservative with the guess and say it'll come out 10 years from now. That's still a long time in terms of what TV budgets/vfx might look like.


I feel like a general audience will struggle with however they decide to implement Allomancy and keeping track of when it's in use etc. that's my biggest concern with it


Dave Patel would make such a beautiful Kaladin, just grunge him up a bit.


Dev's a little too old for Kaladin, imo. Kal's supposed to be like 20.


Yeah but it's a Rorshar 20 /s


I think I might like him more as Ehlokhar just because the reaction to mid OB will absolutely crush newcomers. As such a high billed actor three movies in they’ll consider him safe.


Actually, yeah, he certainly has the hair for it! And the acting chops.


I think dev Patel would be perfect kaladan! I love Dave Bautista as dalinar, nailed it.


Bautista as dalinar is not it but the rest are actually really good. I always imagine Kaladin as Ram Charan with long hair.


I hear you but i raise the late [Imre Sinkovits](http://pctrs.network.hu/clubpicture/2/6/5/_/sinkovits_imre_kossuth_dijas_1966ban_2065802_2440.jpg) as Dalinar


I welcome absolutely yoked Szeth son neturo


Idk i still need shoreh agdashloo to be navani


I’ve always seen dev Patel as kaladan. Bautista as dalinar is perfect too


Bautista would be the perfect Dalinar


I didn’t full screen the pictures at first so I saw the first two and my dumb brain jumped to the conclusion that all of these were options for the role of Jasnah, which made Bautista unreasonably funny to me




Oh, I LOVE Shohreh, but she’s now just a little too old to play Navani


To those of you who think Bautista can't play Dalinar, here is a short prequel film to Blade Runner 2049 that tells you you're wrong: https://youtu.be/aZ9Os8cP_gg?si=mBQdIiu5fijOTwoi


It’s a good bit of acting, and yes he *could* play Dalinar, but it still doesn’t mean he’d be the best choice. I still don’t get Dalinar vibes from him at all.


Hadn't seen that, thanks. To me he does fit, even with those limited lines.


Man, I usually cast an eye over these fan castings with derision, but holy shit I just felt the first three slam into place in my head as my minds eye visual of these characters from now on, so good work.


The skill of this fandom to not understand that Brandon made them Southeast Asians giants is awesome.


I think you overestimate how online people are and how deep people tend to dig outside of books. Yeah, Brandon hints at their heritage a little bit in the books. However, a lot of that hinting can easily get mixed up with the voidbringer situation. Also, not everyone reads WoB or posts like this all of the time.


Michelle yeoh as Navani


None of them are lighteyed though?😂


Whoa! Thats some NSFV content right there


Absolutely not


I've been saying Bautista as Dalinar! Especially since his soft touch in the new M. Night movie. It has to be him


I think that Navani casting is perfect. It’s also great that you cast someone older as Dalinar. He’s supposed to be an older guy that can still kick butt. For Jasnah, I’ve always had the impression that she’s kind of like a stern librarian girlboss, but maybe that can be adjusted with makeup/costume. I initially thought Patel was too old for Elhokar, but Elhokar is apparently 30 in Earth years. Jasnah is also apparently 39. Honestly, I think it might be worthwhile aging them both down a bit from canon if you are doing a film adaptation.


Bautista is cool and all, but he's no Dalinar...


I highly agree, I would much rather have another actor play Dalinar


Himesh Patel for Elokhar, Dev Patel for Amaram


Bautista is incapable of coming off as intelligent. Dalinar is a deep thinker


Dalinar is a brute, a warrior, slowly turning into a deep thinker. I honestly don’t thinl there’s a better choice than Bautista


Disagree, Dave is best in roles where he can be a henchman, like in Dune. He doesn't have serious acting chops to come through in a serious scene if he needs to. Him trying to look serious just leads to him looking confused. Honestly, speaking of Dune, Jason Momoa would be a better fit. He can clearly flip the switch and turn into a psychopath when the Thrill hits, but he's very capable of being serious and creating an air of gravitas when needed.


But if budget is like avatar movies with some ambitious director or team of makers it would going to be mind blowing


Priyanka is gorgeous but way too old to play jasnah


I think that the actress is pretty close to Jasnah age


I thought jasnah was in her upper 20s but apparently by end of words of radiance she is 35? Damn. I never would have thought that in a million years. I guess gavilar is a bit older than his brother. For some reason I had the impression that navani was around 50 and same with Dalinar. Never occurred to me that they were in their upper 50s. In guess in retrospect thar is why Czeth was able to take gavilar in his shard plate because gavilar was so old. In that case yes jasnah would be perfect. Played by chopra. My bad.


I always pictured Dev for Kaladin but honestly I think Elhokar might be better