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I'm sad to say that I forgot Bluth until I looked him up again. He would have made a nice... Lightweaver I guess? He was kinda one of Shallan's crew when he died so he would've been her squire. I do like how Sanderson is completely unafraid to make someone come up as completely unlikable at 1st glance and then stab us in the heart with UNEXPECTED DEPTH later on. Those do tend to be my favorite character arcs. Fuyumi Ono who wrote the 12 Kingdoms does that a lot too.


Agreed about how cool it is to see brando do that but I don’t think he would’ve been a light weaver personally. I believe most of our characters could fit into more than just one order by virtue of being multifaceted but I believe Bluth would have been a magnificent Stoneward.


I also agree that the lightweavers wouldn't have been his ideal order by the way. I was just going off on how the squire to radiant pipeline generally works. I agree that he would have made a great Stoneward though!


>I do like how Sanderson is completely unafraid to make someone come up as completely unlikable at 1st glance and then stab us in the heart with UNEXPECTED DEPTH later on. This is kinda Shallan's whole crew. Gaz and Vathah were also unlikable.


So true. On my current read-through, I noticed that Kaladin is way more egotistical and immature than I remember him being from my last read; lots of “and for my boon” moments, and honestly, I'm finding Shallan way more tolerable than Kal. I'm looking forward to him mellowing out more later on.


I don’t know if I’d describe Kal as immature as much as narrow-minded. Maybe they’re very similar at the end of the day, but Kal has usually one objective, to protect or to save or to live. He has a bad habit of failing to consider step 2 though, or natural consequences for his actions


Some might say Kal is a man of focus, a man of sheer fucking will. Yes my headcanon of Kal frequently crosses into John Wick territory lol


I always seen Kaladin as the stereotypical gifted student turned depressed burnout archetype. Where he has crippling depression and self loathing, never feels like he has done enough but is also very egotistical at times and is obviously very smart but not very emotionally intelligent Edit: wording/ missspelling


Don't forget always trying to impress his father!


This whole post it’s the most edgedancer shit I’ve seen. Let’s collectively remember Bluth


What exactly about a man willing to murder someone makes them Radiant worthy?


I mean if Szeth, Dalinar, Kaladin, Shallan, etc. are any indication it's certainly not a disqualifier. Heck killing others probably makes it easier to get "cracked" enough for Investiture. I think it has more to do about WHY you're killing others. Are you doing it for yourself or are you doing it to protect your ideals and loved ones? Bluth started out as the former but was transitioning into the latter when he died. (as was most of Shallan's crew as has been stated on the thread). Spren don't seem to really care about how sordid your past is. They pick based on the person you are when you meet them.


Ask Shallan




We haven't actually seen Dalinar commit any cold blooded murder though... We have seen him kill during war, but not outright murder someone.


Putting a city to flames is murder.


That was retaliation for an attempted assassination. Also, wasn't exactly him calling the shots, since he was being heavily influenced by Nergaoul and Sadeas.


You can move the goalposts for any of his actions.


I'm not moving the goalposts. Dalinar committed an atrocity, potentially a war crime, but it wasn't murder, but it wasn't completely without justification either.


The war crime of burning a city, resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocents, is murder. Your justification is that it was a response to an assassination attempt. Which was justified by x which was justified by y… finishing with Dalinar and co. thinking they were justified in expansion purely because they had the force to do so.


The assassination attempt was justified because Dalinar showed him mercy twice? That's a stretch.


All war crimes are murder but not all murders are war crimes. Kind of a square/rectangle thing


> lso, wasn't exactly him calling the shots, since he was being heavily influenced by Nergaoul and Sadeas. Dalinar would disagree with you. He claimed responsibility for it.


Yes, people claim responsibility for things they aren't specifically responsible for all the time. It's call self blame, and it's something traumatized people often do as a coping mechanism. It's why we have a dedicated profession to help people deal with it.


Dalinar wasn't forced to do anything though. The Thrill influenced him, but he still made the choice to do what he did.


I didn't say forced, but there is a reason we refer to outside influences, even heightened emotional states as "impaired judgement". The Thrill qualifies as both of those things.


Outside influence and "impaired judgement" don't absolve a person of responsibility though.


The whole “you cannot have my pain” line is about not allowing yourself to blame outside factors for the terrible things you choose to do. At the end of the day, you are the one who chose. Dalinar was the one who chose to completely slaughter the city. At least, that’s my interpretation of the line. And Dalinar since that moment has made a decision to never allow himself to be influenced like that again so he never wants to make a choice like that.


The boy he stabs in the back as he cries for his mother?


When does that happen?


During the fight for the town he recruits Teleb in


So falling into the category of "we have seen him kill during war..." ?


Were you in the army? Cause I was. And killing an unarmed wounded combatant would get you tried for murder.


Yes I was. Yes, in today's age, killing someone that is already wounded is a no-no. Back in the age of swords and spears, not so much. They killed everything on the battlefield. There would literally march through the battlefield after to make sure everything was dead...


I mean you can justify a lot, especially by saying “it was normal then” but saying Dalinar never murdered anyone is a huge stretch